
Chapter 5 - Date

Alex POV

Me and Wanda were at a restaurant in New York as we were enjoying some Italian food, This Chicken Alfredo was delicious really.

Wanda: So, how did you find out about your powers?

Alex: I woke up on a hill, no memories of anything except my name and my powers.

Wanda: Oh, I'm so sorry.

Alex: It's fine, I have accepted my new life really as a mutant.

Wanda: That's good, so what do you wanna ask me?

Alex: Yes, why is your brother so annoying?

Wanda: That's easy, he does what he can to impress our father.

Alex: Well that's boring really but I can't say anything cause I don't know my father but that's not what's bugging me.

Wanda: I can see that.

Alex: Well I can't really be bothered by something I don't remember.

Wanda: So what are you doing tomorrow?

Alex: Nothing, schools out on the weekends.

Wanda: Well would you like to go shopping with me?

Alex: Alright but it sounds like a second date.

Wanda: That's cause it is.

Alex: Alright then, I'll go.

Wanda: Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 3.

Alex: Alright, I should head back to get ready for the questions the girls have for me about the date.

Wanda: Alright, I'll see you tomorrow?

Alex: Right.

As I made it back to the school the girls were waiting for me at the door.

Alex: Yes?
