
The Guan's.

The Guan's mansion in Naples, Italy


Perched on the cliffs overlooking the azure waters of the Bay of Naples, the mansion stood as a striking fusion of East and West, a harmonious blend of Chinese elegance and Italian grandeur.

Its terracotta exterior, reminiscent of traditional Italian villas, was adorned with ornate wooden balconies and intricate wrought-iron railings, while pagoda-inspired rooftops added a touch of exotic flair. 

But inside the house, the eerie atmosphere permeated throughout the entire house, unsettling everyone inside.

The news of Miss Lin's disappearance has disseminated throughout the house, and among the workers .

No one could tell if it was true or just a rumor.

Mrs Guan's P.O.V

I really don't know how the workers got to know about Lin, but I'll be addressing them later today. Because clearly Lin's father had requested we keep it a secret for now , it should just be between the family members.

I just stepped out of the shower, a little bit refreshed.

After the horrible news got to me, although we are quite assured that we would find her.

The feeling hits different as a mom, the fear of loosing my child was like an ever-present shadow lurking at the edges of consciousness.

We all feared that this was going to happen someday.

I picked up my phone, looking at the last text message she sent me, I could feel the tears well up in my eyes, a storm of emotions brewed beneath the surface, threatening to overflow at any moment.

"How did they know she was in Tokyo?"

Even with the secret surveillance she had around, she was still kidnapped.

Of course her dad wasn't going to let her go on her own, she was still under surveillance in Tokyo.

But she didn't know about that and for four years and nothing went wrong, till now.

There was so many questions, and I hope we get answer to as soon as possible.

I dried my body, and head to my closet. I decided to put on my favorite blue gown. This gown wasn't just some kind of garment , it was a master piece of craftsmanship , giving off elegance and aura of glamour in it's soft ,silky embrace .

Now dressed I headed down stairs to our personal chamber.

But before leaving my room, I called the head of all staffs and his assistant to meet me in our chamber.


Shyin P.O.V

Nobody really knew what went wrong.

Her security cameras were tampered with. The last voice mail she sent by 1:25am was "Hey bro, so I think someone is inside my house, am not really sure tho, but something got broken downstairs, I'll go check it out anyways, it might just be my imagination."

She sounded frightened but also had the confidence that she was hallucinating.

So she was abducted some minutes after 1:25am.

When I woke up the next morning, and saw the voice mail, I decided to call her asap but then it went straight to her voicemail and that's odd.

Lin never misses my calls ,I can say that confidently. I share a unique bond with my sister , so I alerted my mum and her security in Tokyo.

And that's when they discover, someone actually broke into her house, and Lin was no where to be found.

Then it was concluded that Lin was missing, with no trace whatsoever.

My dad had already announced to all the Guan brothers to come to Naples urgently. Because Lin's case is seems linked to someone from our organization.

Havana, Cuba

Lin's P.O.V

Still confused , I looked frantically around.The room was looking more comfortable than the last room, I was kept in..

"Waitt...the body bag!"

Now everything seems to flood back to me.

"I was kidnapped!"

I looked towards the door and that feeling of escaping rushed back to me , and i hurtled toward the door, desperation fueling each step as I lunged to grasp the handle and make my escape.

My heart sank as my hand reached for the door handle, only to find it stubbornly unmoving.

Disappointment washed over me like a wave, as I realized my escape was thwarted by the simple click of a lock.

I slowly walked back to the bed, now observing the room , the room was devoid of any form of comfort or hope, its walls cold and unforgiving.

Sparse furnishings offered no solace, only serving to accentuate the sense of confinement.

The air in this room was thick with tension, and every corner seemed to whisper tales of despair and anguish. I noticed the swedish wallpaper on the right corner of the room, a minimalist design with clean lines and soft colours, this was the only thing that looked comforting.

I slowly find myself walking towards the corner, touching the wallpaper, wondering why such a beautiful design would end up in a room like this.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you."

A voice startled me from behind

Turing around, was a man looking like he is in his early forties, but got this eyes that screams "i'm older than you think" exudes an aura of authority and discretion, with a stoic demeanor that belies his years of loyalty and service. 

"Why am I here?"

Was the first question that blurted out of my mouth.

"Oh young Miss Lin."

Hr said clicking his teeth.

" if you're to ask me that, I must say I really don't have an answer to your question."

He noted with affirmation, walking towards a shelf.

"Anyways I must say, you're quite lucky, you are receiving some kind of special treatment, no hostage had ever received" 

I turned and gave him that very confused look.

" Been locked up in a room, is the special treatment you're talking about?"

I asked. Sounding irritated.

"Actually, you have the freedom to move around the house."

He said giving a slight smile.

"Dinner would be ready soon , Miss Lin, see you downstairs. "

He said, and elegantly walked out, leaving the room door open, and me staring blankly as I tried to put all the pieces together.


Naples, Italy.

Guan's personal chamber

The family gathered in the dimly lit private chamber, the air heavy with tension and worry.

Mr Guan sat at the head of the table, his face etched with lines of concern. Beside him, his wife clutched a handkerchief tightly, although she was looking really good,and pretty.

Her eyes red-rimmed from tears shed concerning her missing daughter.

Their eldest son, Luca, leaned forward, his voice low but firm as he discussed the latest leads from their network of contacts.

Across him, Shyin, Jumpyo, and Angelo all quiet, but one could see they all sat with a mix of anguish and determination on their faces, determined to do whatever it takes to bring their only sister home.

As they debated strategies and shared updates, emotions ran high, but the family's unity remained unshaken.

They were bound by blood and loyalty, all determined to leave no stone unturned until their beloved daughter and sister is safely brought back home.
