
(C) Relationship Therapy (1)

A few days later everyone celebrated Angels Freedom from Valentino and the contract he had over his soul, Now Angel was working as a gay pornstar down in Lust for both Mine and Ozzie's production companies.

Because of his fame in Pride he quickly became famous in Lust along with the rest of the rings as well, but he didn't let it all go to his head as he still stayed at the hotel when he was off work as he really did want to be redeemed some day at least.

While everyone was doing there things I was relaxing in my office down in Envy as the the ocean side view from my office was to die for as I was just smoking a cigar before someone entered my office.

"Luna, Evelyn, what brings you to my humble abode?" I say as I turn to look at them while I kept smoking.

"Adam was spotted on Earth a few days ago." Luna says before throwing onto my desk several pictures showing off that he was there and it seemed he was just on vacation but….

'Why does he look like that? And why does that look seem…. Familiar?' I think to myself as I look these photos before tossing them back on the table.

"For now just monitor him, meanwhile get in contact with one of my cults and have them preform the Ritual of Ruination, if he's still on Earth when the ritual completes then I'll have to give my dead beat of a father a nice surprise." I say with a grin as I would love more than anything to teach him a lesson he wouldn't soon forget.

While I can't interfere with the Exterminations I was also forbidden to tread upon the earth when I was cast down into hell, but when rituals are performed by my cults I am allowed access to Earth for a limited time, the shortest period would be a day, with the longest ever was a year and let's just say that Europe had a very bad plague that wiped out almost the entire population several centuries ago and it was all thanks to me and my worshippers doing my bidding.

"I want a reward for all the hits I've been doing for you as well." Evelyn says making me raise an eyebrow.

"You get paid well enough to do whatever you- Oh, that's what you mean." I say seeing the look in her eyes before turning to Luna who just sighed, shook her head and left before Evelyn dived me as we got our freak on.



A few days after that, the preparation were underway, but seems my cultist on earth are eager to please and all of my cults are trying to complete there Rituals of Ruination to summon me to the real world.

Which I found both annoying and flattering I had my words be whispered to them on what day they can call upon me which would be when the next New Moon was in the sky that they would all finish there rituals and I would appear before the one who offered the most sacrifices in my name.

So now it would be about a month until the next New Moon would start I didn't have much to do before then, though Luna showed up again while I was in thought.

"Seems someone was willing to fork over the money to request some relationship therapy from you boss." She says as she hands me the file which I look at with a raised eyebrow.

"Now who the hell would pay that much to ask me to fix their love life? It better not be Amy's Husband or else I'm just gonna have to refund this." I mutter as I look the file over.

After looking it over I chuckle a bit, "Really now? Now that funny that those two supposedly have a relationship that needs outside help to possibly fix, so this should be good." I say putting the file to the side I chuckle evilly as I just found something fun to mess with.

So I pull out my phone and make a call before the call comes through, "Boss? You need something?" The man on the other end asks to which I smile.

"Striker, wanna fuck with Blitzo?" Is all I say before I hear him laughing evilly on the other end.

"Just tell me what to do…"



Later in one of the many Harbors of Greed.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Stolas said as he was currently tied up along with magically transformed to look like he was tortured.

I'm currently laying down on the rafters of the warehouse we were currently in that I owned personally as I said, "Either he comes or he doesn't, if he doesn't come before the deadline then well he doesn't care but if he comes too late we leave a fake dead body and we see how he reacts, and if he makes it then that's when we get to the good stuff." I say with a chuckle as I think back to what Striker did earlier.


At I.M.P HQ.

"I still can't get around the fact Loona has a sister." Millie said as she watched as Hati was trying to cuddle with Loona, who in return was acting all pissed as she was using her foot to keep her clingy sister at bay.

"I still can't get around the fact her sister is the exact opposite of Loona." Moxxie said as while Hati doesn't work here, she's the intermediary between I.M.P and Cain's companies and gives I.M.P missions that lets them get money and keep them afloat as well.

Not only that but Hati was very nice, something a certain canine secretary could learn a thing or two instead of being lazy and hostile to everyone all the time.

"I can't believe that I get to have two daughters now! Well I didn't adopt her but what the hell! If I can't be the dad then I can be the nice Adoptive Uncle for her instead, besides Loony might be acting like that but I know she loves her sister deep down." Blitzo says all happy like even though what he's seeing is the exact opposite of that, but he does speak the truth just Loona has issues expressing happy emotions most of the time.

"Can you assholes stop talking about me like I can't fucking hear you and get this crazy sister of mine off me already?!?!" Loona shouts out as after their first confrontation, she hasn't gone out of her way to attack her sister, but when she begins acting weirdly affectionate, something she hadn't felt in years from her believed to be Deceased sister, it's hard for her to respond to back naturally after all this time.

"Alright, alright, c'mon Hati Malati, time you gave your sister some space." Blitzo says as he waves over Moxxie and Millie who come over to pull Hati off Loona.

"Sis let go of me already!" Loona shouts out as she digs her claws into the carpet as she's being dragged along with Hati who isn't letting go of her leg.

"No! I want to spend some quality time with you, so let me cuddle you already!" Hati said ignoring the kicks she was recieving to the face.

"Pull harder!" (Blitzo)

"I'm trying the best I can Sir!" (Moxxie)

"She's got arm muscles of a bull demon!" (Millie)

"Let go!" (Loona)

"No!" (Hati)

This went on for a couple minutes of the imps struggling with all there might to pull Hati off Loona, and it should be known that since Millie grew up on a farm her strength is immense and she wasn't getting Hati to let go.

The ridiculous situation would have continued until-


Suddenly one of the large windows shattered loudly before the glass crashed onto the ground.

"What the fuck! Oh c'mon doesn't anyone know how expensive this shit is to fix!" Blitzo shouted out pissed at the mess it made and how the damages would cost them to fix.

"Sir, there's an arrow in the ceiling." Moxxie pointed out and it wasn't hard to tell the arrow was the reason why the window broke in the first place.

Blitzo grabs a chair and pulls it out, "What's this? Some medieval form of messaging?" He says seeing a little package connected to it as he opens it.

Only for it to have the picture of a battered and beaten up Stolas on it making Blitzo's eyes dialate in anger as he sees a tiny arrow as he turns it over to read the message.

"If you want to see your little birdy still breathing, then deliver 200 Grand to the WestWarden Harbors in Greed, find the pentagramed covered warehouse to make the deal, don't and your friend dies a slow painful death, Regards-"

"STRIKER YOU MOTHERFUCKER?!?!?!" Blitzo screamed at the top of his lungs as he was enraged at what was happening and now more importantly how he should deal with this situation.
