


I got the role I wanted. Heck, I got an even better role.

I don't get to do anything. All I need to do is sit down and watch my course mates train their asses off.

I tried to hide my excitement. This is a different kind of bliss! I feel like heaven is on my side. A brunette-blonde walks towards me with a covered plastic cup and a straw. "Here locker girl. Chocolate milkshake."

It's him. The brunette-blonde.

My cheeks burned when I saw him hold the cup to me. I tried to cover my blush with my hair by shaking my head gently to the sides as I reach my hand up to take it. "Thank you." I said. I removed the paper surrounding the straw and dug it in the center of the plastic cup's cover.

My eyes rolled back in my socket as I had the first sip. I fucking love chocolate and everything made with chocolate, except dark chocolate of course, but who doesn't? I kept on drinking. I feel refreshed already.
