
You’re Not Ezekiel

Vulcan growled at her, and it was about to attack when she cast a strong spell against it.

[I'll kill you!] he roared. 

Despite the threats, Tarah didn't even bat an eye against the dragon before her. "Try it if you can. I'll make sure that you'll be expelled from the prince's body soon enough," she wryly stated. "You've been lingering in this world far too long now…" 

There was no hope for this dragon's soul. It was bound to go to hell. Vulcan was too blinded by his love for Hana that he vowed to wipe every last dragonrider out of this world. Its soul was eaten completely by the darkness, and it was bound to destroy the world unless its soul was banished.

Like what she already knew, Vulcan led all the dragons against their dragonriders by brainwashing all of its kind to think that they were superior to anyone else. That they should retaliate and eliminate anyone stopping them from doing what they wanted. 
