
Fitting Room (R-18)

Most stores in this town didn't have a fitting room. But it happened that this one did. 

He looked around for guests and there weren't any. Business had always been dull in this town, and he wouldn't be surprised if they were the only customers for that morning. 

He then looked at the counter and looked at the store clerk. It was a teenager with earbuds on, busy playing his mobile phone games.

He gently pulled her to the single fitting room and the two of them entered the narrow space. Naia, who had already learned to dress herself weeks ago, wondered how she'd even maneuver inside.

This was not a problem for Thaddeus though, who had developed a thicker face because of her. He turned so they faced each other. His emerald eyes traced her body. Naia thought he was analyzing how to help her out.  
