
6: The Cellars

Celeste's POV

The cellars were dark and scary, located in an underground bunker on a far side of the pack grounds. The walls were cement and covered in mildew. A cold air bounced between the walls, making me wish I had taken the sweater offered instead of just the t-shirt and shorts Xavier found for me. We had to go down a small stairwell to get to the base level, Xavier helping me down as I couldn't quite figure it out with the crutches and the small amount of space the stairway allowed. Xavier walked in front of me as we started passing cell after cell. Xavier explained that the first few cells were for pack members who committed forgivable crimes. He said they never stayed down here too long, a year at most. As we went further back, the cells became dirtier and the lighting was spaced out further, dimmer too. I tried to ignore the dark stains on the floors and the occasional growling rogue. Xavier said that these rogues were nonviolent in action and he hoped to one day possibly have them join the pack, if they could prove to break their rogue tendencies. He was hesitant while he explained that violent rogues, if taken in in the first place, were typically not kept for long. He didn't have to go into detail for me to figure out what that meant. We were pretty deep into the cellars when we stopped in front of a medium sized cell with two rogues in it. They both had chains attached to one leg as well as cuffs linking their hands together. I could hear what sounded like screams coming from further down and I unconsciously found myself shifting closer to Xavier.

"Where's the third one?" I had whispered as quietly as I could but the two rogues still lifted their heads up at my voice. They both look me up and down before giving each other a look I don't like. Xavier shifts his stance to block their view of me a bit, still allowing me to see them.

"Being tortured," he spits out. "He hurt one of my third in command and now he's paying the price." As if on cue, a scream louder than the ones I'd been hearing echoes down the hallway. The two rogues in front of us flinch away, from Xavier or the scream I am unsure of. "Even my least violent man is causing that amount of pain to your friend," Xavier directly says to the rogues, "so imagine what's going to happen to you two." I flinch at that. Xavier looks back at me, "Sorry," he brushes a hand up my arm. Chuckles from in front of us draw our attention back to the two rogues.

"So that's why we're down here?" The one who speaks has dark green eyes. While I had quickly associated the color green to Xavier's beautiful eyes, swirling with multiple shades and comforting feelings, these reminded me of a murky swamp. "Because the stupid runt is your mate?" Xavier growled and, out of an instinct I never knew I had, I placed my hand on his arm. His shoulders remained stiff but the growl stopped as he placed his hand on top of mine, stroking his thumb against my skin.

"Did you two come down here to chit chat or are you actually going to kill us?" I glance at the other rogue. He was staring directly in my eyes. "Let me guess, big bad Alpha is going to kill us while the little girl watches? That's a little fucked up on her end," his eyes moved from mine to Xavier, "don't you think?" He chuckled again.

"That would be up to her." My eyes widened as I took in what Xavier said. Up to me? To watch them die or choose for them to die? Two, maybe three lives, lay in my hand. I look at Xavier and he gives me a soft nod of reassurance. I let my mind drift to Mom. She's dead because of them. One of the only people to love me and care for me all these years. And she's gone. Because of these bastards. The thought sickens me but. . . I want these creatures dead. I want them more than dead. I want them to go through hell. I want them to experience even a fracture of the pain I felt at my loss. These thoughts scare me but no other solution sounds good. What would Mom think of me for having these thoughts? Or Dad? Would they be repulsed? Ashamed of their daughter who they loved so dearly? I can't imagine Mom wanting me to have these violent thoughts. To let such violent actions happen. But. . . They're dead. Mom is dead because of these assholes. Mom is dead. Mom is dead. . .

"I have a question first," my voice sounds more bitter than I've ever heard it to be. It scares me.

"Oh really, sweetheart?" Xavier growls at the green eyed rogue. Both rogues chuckle at Xavier's reaction.

"Wh-which," I take a deep breath to try and steady myself. Nausea hits my stomach. "Which one of you killed my mother?"

The rogue with brown eyes and longer hair rolls his eyes. "Does it really matter? We're going to die either way and the bitch is dead." Xavier growls louder than he had before.

"Answer the fucking question. Or," Xavier flashes his eyes to me and tightly grips my hand that had never left his touch. "I'll pull your fingernails out one by one and stab them into your eyeballs. I can make your death simple or I can pour wolfsbane down your throat until you vomit up your own intestines." My eyes widen as I look over Xavier's form. I know he's an Alpha and his pack seems very large from what I've gathered in my short time here but. . . He's been nothing but sweet and caring to me. I guess one doesn't hold an Alpha title lightly.

"It was him," the brown one quickly confessed.

"You fucking shit!" The green eyed one yanked on his chains and smacked his cuffed hands on the other's side, the furthest he could reach. "We all were a part of it! It was Seth who suggested we follow the girl after!" I begged the tears wanting to fall to stay in. I could break down later. But right now I need to be sure these beasts get what they deserve.

"Yeah but you were the one who got their scent in the first place! You were the one to suggest them for a fun little game and meal! You were the one that snapped her neck!"

I stumble back, the crutches falling, and lose my balance. Xavier spins on his heel and wraps an arm around my waist before I can fall to the ground. I grip his shirt as I try to shake the image of the three rogues killing and. . eating Mom. I. . Bile rises up my throat. I hadn't noticed my shaking or Xavier whispering to me for a good minute, coming back to a sense of reality when I heard the rogues switch from panic to an amused chuckling at my state. "We can leave, Celeste. I'll deal with them, let's get you out of here, yeah? How does that sound?" I shook my head. Sure, they were going to die, but I wanted the final word. I wanted to be the one to sentence them to their executions. I used my hold on Xavier to steady myself and move in front of him, directly facing the two bastards in the cell.

"I don't just want them dead." Their chuckling stopped. "I want them tortured until their bodies give up. I want them slowly torn to shreds. I. ." Images of Mom's death came to mind, maybe more violent than it actually was. But maybe not. Maybe they were worse than what my mind was willing to comprehend for the death of the woman who raised me and loved me. "I think you should feed them their own body parts. One last meal." Their eyes widened as Xavier snaked his arm around my waist. Maybe I do understand his sense of violence.

"Your wish is my command." I felt my shoulders slack. An exhaustion was hazing my mind as well as a headache pushing forward. "Let's get you out of here though. I'm not letting you see the hell I'll have inflicted on these two. Josh will deal with the other one." I didn't know who Josh was but I trusted Xavier's word. I took one last look at the ones who ripped my small world apart. Their eyes were wide, one of them trying to break the cuffs and failing.

Xavier led me away from them, back down the cold hallway. When we got to the stairs, Xavier lifted me up while I held the crutches in an awkward manner. I leaned my head against his chest, taking in his scent and the tingles as I begged my mind to stop running violent images of Mom. My head hurt more the more I tried to drag my thoughts away. I felt sunlight hit us, pushing myself to stand again but Xavier tightened his hold on me. I didn't protest and laid my head back down. "Are you okay?" I didn't respond. "I should have never brought you down there, I'm sorry. I just thought you'd like the closure but. . I was wrong. I-"

"No," I interrupted him. "I did need that closure. I just. . It was a lot. I'm. . Thank you." He didn't respond.

Before I knew it, we were back in the pack house and walking upstairs. "I think you should rest, that was a lot to take in and handle." He went to open a door I hadn't been in yet. My room, I assume. "My room is right across the hall if-"

"Can I stay in your room?" I blushed as I rushed the question. "I just. . I need. ."

"Say no more." He turned and opened his door instead. He set me on the bed gently, taking the crutches from me and setting them beside the bed against the wall and bedside table. I flinched away from the sunlight of the balcony, turning my back and burying my head into one of Xavier's pillows. Xavier walked away and the sunlight went away. I heard his steps and him pouring water from the container on the bedside table. "Drink this, it'll help." I peaked open an eye, forcing myself up to grab the glass of water. I drank it greedily and handed him the cup. I laid back down.

"Can you lay with me? Just for a few minutes?" My mind still hadn't stopped running. The water helped a bit but the headache was still raging on. He didn't say anything but he kicked off his shoes, took off the single too big slipper that was covering my otherwise bare foot, and sat down on the bed. He brushed my hair away from my face and I let my eyes close again. I reached out and yanked on his shirt, encouraging him to actually lay down. The bed shifted before tingles erupted over me as he pulled me closer. I tried to even out my breathing, hoping I could take a peaceful nap.

"You're okay now," Xavier whispered. I had a feeling it was more for himself than me. "You'll be safe now."

I must have drifted off as next thing I know I heard the door closing. My eyes opened to see Xavier walking back in the room. I pushed myself up. He looked disheveled but I couldn't see any blood on him. He had been running a hand through his hair, that much was obvious. "Are they. . ." His eyes lifted from the floor to me.

"Yeah, they're gone." I nodded. I didn't want to know any more than that. I know what I had said. I know what Xavier had said. But I didn't want to picture it anymore. Just the thought that Mom was avenged was enough. I'm sorry, Mom. I know you probably didn't want this but. . . I'm sorry Mom. I love you. . "How are you feeling?" I nodded although I didn't know what that meant. "Do you think you'd feel okay meeting some of my pack?" I looked up at him, studying his bright green eyes. I didn't personally feel like I had the energy but for him? For him I think I might do anything.
