
Sindbad and Nizar

" Jaber!" Sindbad cried as he rushed to aid his friend, albeit he was late. The snake had already disappeared down the crack.


Sindbad couldn't go after him since he still had Nizar on his tail. The man wouldn't allow him a moment break, attacking him furiously.


Sindbad clicked his tongue in annoyance as all he could do was defend and parry slashes, his mind busy with his friend down the cliff who was pitted against a Black Sand Snake.


As he flicked his eyes down for an instant in hope of spotting the slimmest sign of Jaber, Nizar took the chance to fire a couple of darts at him.


Sindbad managed to deflect one but the other struck his horse and the animal neighed and keeled to the side.


Being dismounted would be a disadvantage for Sindbad. So as his horse fell, he did a summersault and turned on his enemy, slashing at his horse from beneath.

