
Chapter 115: Korosensei's past

Tsuna usually prided himself on staying cool under pressure, but this time, a spark of excitement flickered in his chest.

The thought of unlocking the limit breaker the system had mentioned sent a thrill through him, and he couldn't suppress the grin that crept onto his lips.

"Alright, say less..."

With eager anticipation, he chose to claim the reward.

The blue screen floating before him blurred momentarily, then refocused, displaying a new screen with the word "REWARD" boldly emblazoned at the top.

"Huh? Just a few sentences?"

His eyes scanned the lines of text that followed, expecting something significant, something that would propel him forward.

But as he read, his excitement quickly turned to confusion.

"The hell is this…?" he muttered under his breath, eyebrows knitting together.

He blinked, thinking perhaps he'd misread the information or that the text was in some unfamiliar language. But no, the words remained the same, clear as day yet utterly perplexing.

He read them again, and a deep frown etched itself onto his face as he tried to make sense of it.

What he expected to be an enlightening revelation felt more like a cryptic riddle, leaving him with more questions than answers. The screen continued to hover in front of him as he fell silence...


[Note: Make sure to read carefully, as you won't be able to access this information again once you close this tab.]

[A being in search of excitement for his unbeatable existence traveled far and wide until he met his destined ones. His heart beats as the source of his strength and regeneration. In due time, his presence shall be known!]

[Close tab?]

The option to close the tab hovered at the bottom, awaiting his decision.

Tsuna was a bit confused as he got the prized clue he worked hard for.

The words seemed like some kind of prophecy, but their meaning eluded him. He couldn't help but mutter, "What the hell...?"

"There's no way, right?"

Tsuna muttered to himself. He knew a certain unbeatable being in a different world, but the guy didn't seem to be the type to travel far away.

After all, he was just a hero for fun.

"Hmm, is there something that I missed here...?"

As Tsuna pondered this, the emotional scene between Kaede and the rest of Class E reached its climax.

Kaede's bitter cry echoed through the clearing, her voice filled with a painful mix of realization and regret. The weight of her emotions pressed down on everyone present, leaving a lingering heaviness in the air.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the woods, the gentle rustle of leaves broke the silence.

A single leaf drifted down from the tree, coming to rest on the head of a white-robed figure as his eyes snapped open in shock, a sudden awareness flooding his senses.

The figure jumped upright.

Beside him, another individual with black robe was also roused, confusion etched on his face as their eyes met, both of them processing the same unsettling thought.


Alarms blared in their minds, a silent, shared understanding that something had gone terribly wrong.

"Did we just get knocked out… without even realizing it?" the white-robed figure muttered in disbelief.

It was an impossible notion—no ordinary human could pull off such a feat.

But then, as his gaze locked onto the distant, barren grassfield, his eyes narrowed. There, in the middle of the devastation, stood the yellow octopus...

"...Is it him?" he whispered, the realization sending a chill down his spine.

Despite the chill he felt, a stronger emotion surged within the white-robed individual—a deep, simmering rage.

"Sigh... I'm glad I kept my promise," Korosensei murmured, a faint smile curling on his lips as he watched his students reconnect and resolve their differences. 


But then, his beady eyes suddenly sharpened, sensing something amiss.


In an instant, he tilted his head just as a sharp crack echoed through the air, and the ground beside him exploded from the force of a gunshot.


The students cried out in alarm, their faces filled with shock as they turned towards the source of the attack.

Standing there was the familiar white-robed figure, accompanied by another individual clad in a black robe.

The sight of these intruders filled the students with a deep sense of unease, their expressions hardening in displeasure.

"Oh? It seems we have some guests…"

Korosensei's voice remained cheerful, almost playful, as though the attack was nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

His earlier tension had melted away, replaced by his usual lightheartedness now that his burden had been lifted.



The white-robed individual seethed with fury, his blood boiling at Korosensei's casual attitude.

The octopus's nonchalance felt like a mockery to him.

His hands trembled slightly as he slowly removed his mask, revealing a face twisted with anger and disdain, "What a useless little sister…"


Korosensei blinked in mild surprise as he saw the face beneath the mask, "I see, so it's you after all, Yanagisawa..."

The man standing before him was none other than Kotaro Yanagisawa, the genius scientist who had turned him into the creature he was now—the mastermind behind it all.

Yanagisawa's eyes narrowed, his rage intensifying at Korosensei's calm demeanor.

The fact that Korosensei didn't seem shocked only deepened Yanagisawa's humiliation as he was now convinced the guy who knocked them both was Korosensei!

He scoffed bitterly, his voice dripping with venom, "You must think this is amusing, don't you?"


Korosensei tilted his head, genuinely puzzled by the accusation.

But Yanagisawa had already made up his mind. With a sneer, he turned away, leaving behind a chilling remark, "But know this—it will come at a cost!"


Without another word, Yanagisawa and his companion vanished as swiftly as they had appeared, leaving the group in a state of confusion.

Tsuna, however, couldn't suppress a smirk, "These clowns sure know how to put on a show..."

Rio glanced weirdly at the spot where the two had disappeared, before turning back to Korosensei.

"Anyway, since Kaede-chan is back now," she began, her tone curious but serious, "should we finally talk about your past, Korosensei?"

Everyone turned their attention back to Korosensei. One of the students spoke up, their voice steady but laced with concern, "Korosensei, whatever your past may be, as long as it's the truth, we'll accept it..."

Tsuna observed in silence, staying to hear the details.

There was something about Korosensei's origin that he was particularly keen to confirm.


He noticed that Korosensei fell quiet at the question, seemingly deep in thought as he weighed his decision.

The students' gazes were filled with a mix of curiosity and worry—a sentiment Tsuna could easily relate to.

"If I could, I'd rather not talk about my past..." Korosensei began, his voice tinged with hesitation. "But it seems I must now since I don't want to lose the trust and the bond we've built..."

Tsuna listened intently as Korosensei revealed a crucial piece of his past, hinting his deep connection with Aguri Yukimura.

This relationship had been the key reason behind his success in teaching Class 3-E.

The atmosphere grew heavier as Korosensei dropped another bombshell, "Two years ago, I was an assassin known as The Reaper."

The weight of his words hung in the air, but before anyone could fully process it, Korosensei added, "And I'd like to add one more thing... Even if you do nothing, I'll die in March."


The shock was apparent with everyone's eyes widened as they struggled to comprehend the gravity of the revelation.

The room fell into a stunned silence.


Even Tsuna himself widened his eyes as a new screen suddenly popped up in front of him bringing an unwelcomed headache.

He muttered under his breath, "...Fuck."


Chat, we saving Korosensei with this one!
