
067 Snowfall_2

However, now was not the time to think about these things, as the snowstorm was fierce and chill wind was biting; it indeed wasn't suitable to stand outside any longer.

"Miss Lin, let's take shelter inside the house."

Although there were still many excited children playing noisily in the yard, Old Mr. Cheng and some children who were afraid of cold had already gone inside.

Lin Yuan tightened her cloak around her and nodded. Even though she was not cold with Xia Zheng's cloak, she hadn't yet entered the schoolhouse today; she had to at least see what it looked like inside.

Lin Yi coughed and closely followed behind Lin Yuan into the room.

Lin Yuan turned around and looked at him strangely. This fellow, when at Lin family's valley, even if it was raining heavily, never bothered to wear a bamboo hat when going out. Why had he astonishingly decided to follow her inside today? Could it be that he was not afraid of the rain but was afraid of snow?
