

Jiang Yuan grilled beef slices.

The slices were thin, cut by the beef slicing sage himself from the central market in Ningtai County—over a decade ago, when Jiang Fuzhen was not yet flourishing, he was just an ordinary beef stall owner. Later, because Jiang Fuzhen he bought so much, the most hardworking and persistent beef stall owner in the market gradually evolved into a meat cutting craftsman. In recent years, with his hair graying, he had the air of a slicing sage.

A person who cuts meat every day, after doing it for more than a decade, produces slices that are uniformly thin and perfectly marbled. When grabbing a piece of beef, the direction and angle of the slices naturally come to mind, and the meat slices take shape as expected.

This state was also nurtured by the increasingly discerning appetites of the hundreds of people in Jiang Village, from top to bottom.
