
102. Torii, Corridor_1

It had just turned night, and a thin twilight enveloped the bamboo forest, quiet and secluded.

A babbling brook meandered from the depth of the forest, beneath the dim and swaying tree shadows, something unseen seemed to be peering into the world of humans. Insect chirps and the calls of some unknown creatures composed the main melody of the woods, but at times, silence would engulf everything.

Lu Ban looked up at the night sky, shrouded in a faint mist, barely any constellations were visible, just a few stars stubbornly twinkling.

The moon was hidden behind deeper clouds, and Lu Ban couldn't even tell if the moon of this world was round.

On the island, a festival was underway, with a street filled with lanterns. Roadside vendors were selling candied apples, scooping goldfish, and masks. The mysterious music echoed through the streets, yet the players were invisible.
