

Kendall's remark sent Tristan and Mia into a panic.

The entire school knew about Kendall's brutal beating of Lisa and her child. Ordinary people couldn't bear her beating…

"Kendall, is violence all you can resort to?"

A soft and gentle voice echoed through the air, capturing everyone's attention. It was Gloria, descending from the second floor of the library.

She held world–renowned classics in her arms, dressed in a snow- white high–end designer dress, with her long hair softly curled and cascading over her shoulders. She exuded an elegant and graceful aura.

The crowd around them immediately grew restless.

"Gloria Rossi! Oh… this is the closest I've ever been to a goddess!"

"She's walking towards Kendall!"

"Speaking of which, aren't these two love rivals? They both like Austin!"

"This is going to be interesting!"

Gloria stopped in front of Kendall, her beautiful face now bearing a touch of authority. "As the president of the Student Union, I have the right to take disciplinary action against you if you lay hands on Tristan and Mia."

Her words sounded just and proper, but there was an ulterior motive behind them.

Kendall's recent fame at Powell High School was skyrocketing.

Many people were even speculating about who was more suitable for Austin between Kendall and Gloria, and whether Austin would reconsider his choices.

Now, she would show the world who, between her and Kendall, was truly superior!

"When Tristan wanted to take the seats, why didn't I see you flexing your authority?"

Kendall calmly retorted, her lowered eyelashes concealing the anger in her eyes.

"I only saw you picking a fight, but I didn't see Tristan trying to take your seats," Gloria was lying.

This corner of the library was a blind spot, and except for the parties involved, no one knew exactly what had happened earlier.

In this situation, based on the reputation she had accumulated, whatever Gloria said would be taken as the truth!

The students unquestionably believed in Gloria.

As the students around heard that Kendall wanted to fight in the library and falsely accused others, the looks in their eyes turned hostile.

When Kendall beat Lisa and Jaxon, it was considered self–defense, and no one had any objections.

But now, wanting to fight Tristan and Mia at the slightest provocation and even resorting to lying and deception, wasn't that inappropriate?

"So you only saw me picking a fight?" Kendall chuckled coldly

"Then may I ask, who was standing on the stairs since 13:17:38? Do you want me to check the surveillance footage?"

She directly exposed Gloria's hypocrisy, a glint of coldness flashing in her eyes.

As a professional assassin, she was extremely sensitive to changes in her surroundings, and she was constantly vigilant against hidden threats and dangers.

The library's exits and entrances, the clock on the wall, and the nearby students were all within her range of attention.

Before Tristan and Mia arrived, Gloria was already standing on the stairs, and she knew clearly what had happened just now.

She told a lie just because she wanted to make things difficult for Kendall.

But was she capable of handling it?

Gloria's smile froze.

Kendall had known she was there all along?

And even down to the exact second?

"Nonsense! Gloria, we'll go to the surveillance room with you and expose Kendall with the facts!"

The first of Gloria's loyal fans expressed their dissatisfaction.

Little did they know that Gloria didn't dare to go to the surveillance room. If she did, she would be the one exposed!

She remained in her spot, her smile faltering.

Anyone with a bit of sense could tell something from Gloria's silence

"Don't try to provoke me, Gloria, or you'll end up like Lisa and Jaxon!" Kendall warned in a cold tone.

She had originally just wanted to complete her mission and revive Avery.

But if someone foolish enough came looking for trouble in front of her…

She wouldn't mind granting their wish!

Before Gloria could reply, Austin briskly walked in and stood in front of her with an angry face.

"Kendall, you don't have to make things difficult for Gloria because of me. If you have any grievances, take it out on me. She's innocent!"

Wasn't Kendall just jealous that he preferred Gloria?

"Because of you? Austin, don't think too highly of yourself!" Kendall's gaze toward Austin grew even colder.

"Gloria brought this upon herself. If you care about her, just tell her to back off and stay away from me!"

Kendall didn't want to stay in the library any longer and turned to leave.

Asher, who had remained silent for a long time, looked at Mia and then at Tristan. He said, "In this upcoming exam, Class 7 will surpass Class 1. Just wait and see."

"And you," Asher said to Gloria before leaving.

"Don't even think about causing trouble for Goddess Kendall, or Class 7 won't let you go."

He had never really thought highly of Gloria.

If she offended Goddess Kendall, he would teach her a lesson even though she was a popular girl!

Gloria clenched her hand beneath her, a marking trace of malice flashing in her eyes.

Austin looked angrily at Kendall's departing figure, feeling upset inside.

How could Kendall speak to him with such a tone?

The library returned to its quiet state.

One person took out their phone, opened the school's beauty ranking, and silently cast a vote for Kendall.

Others were surprised and asked, "Aren't you a fan of Gloria? Why aren't you voting for her?"

The person said. "Well, it's just that suddenly I feel like Gloria isn't as perfect as I thought. On the other hand, Kendall gives off this cool, cold, fierce, and beautiful vibe, and I like it."

A day passed in the blink of an eye.

The monthly exams arrived as scheduled.

Today, the atmosphere at Powell High School was solemn, as if it were the college entrance examination.

The reason behind it was the competition between Class 7 and Class 1.

Although the other classes were not directly involved, they also had the desire to win. Everyone wanted to prove themselves in this exam.

Especially the students from Class 2 of the senior year, who were previously suspended for collectively slandering Kendall. Their punishment had ended, and they were eager to improve their image in front of the entire school through their exam scores.

Before entering the exam room, the students from Class 7 gathered together, their hands stacked on top of each other, giving each other encouragement.

"For ourselves, for Goddess Kendall, for Mr. Mathew!" Asher shouted the slogan and looked at Kendall not far away.

She didn't join in. Instead, she sat on the edge of a flower bed, one leg stretched out and the other slightly bent, looking up at the sky, her profile exquisitely captivating.

"Goddess Kendall is so lonely…" he murmured.

She had taught them diligently for fifteen days, but she remained detached and cool, maintaining a clear distance from them.

She didn't let others get close to her, nor did she get close to anyone else.

The two–day exam officially began.

After the last exam, many students gathered on the square, aware of what to expect.

Because on the large screen in the square, the rankings and scores of the students would be displayed in a countdown format.

Everyone tacitly left the front seats for the students from Class 7 and Class 1 who had been involved in the previous fight.

The two classes faced each other.

With Kendall and Asher leading Class 7 on the left and Tristan and Mia leading Class 1 on the right.

Someone captured the scene and uploaded it to the school forum, preparing to provide a live photo and text broadcast for the students who couldn't be present at the square.

Ms. Mary also arrived, and as soon as she arrived, she began talking in a sarcastic tone, "Oh, look, all the students from Class 7 are here? Do you have the nerve to come and check the rankings? Don't you know your limitations?

Do you think Kendall can teach you anything good?"

Ms. Mary hated Kendall extremely.

Back when Kendall was in Class 2, she was always dragging the class down.

At the faculty meeting, Kendall said that Ms. Mary didn't deserve the title of "teacher," which made her the target of ridicule among her colleagues to this day.

And now, Kendall had taken on the role of a "teacher" herself, teaching Class 7 for half a month.

Ms. Mary wanted to see how many of Kendall's students would pass!

"Ms. Mary, you dislike me, don't you?" Kendall's gaze fell upon the screen about to display the rankings.

"What do you think?"

"Let's make a bet. If Class 7 beats Class 1, you leave Powell High School. If Class 7 doesn't win, I'll leave Powell High School. Are you up for it?"

Kendall's voice was soft.

To her, Ms. Mary was like an insignificant fly–weak and dirty.

But this fly buzzed around her all day, making an incessant noise.

It would be better to just swat it and have some peace.

Ms. Mary was initially taken aback, then burst into laughter, slapping her thigh.

"Hahaha! Keep dreaming! Do you think you can beat Class 1? Alright, let's make the bet. If the students you teach can beat Class 1, I'll quit immediately!

But if not, you'll have to leave Powell High School!"

As she finished speaking, the screen began to scroll, and the students' emotions were stirred up.
