
The Lord That Calls Herself Paragon

Paragon stabbed her wooden sword into a bleacher and panted. Not having a basic healing factor sucked in moments like these. She had several large bruises that ran across her flesh, and she was bleeding a bit from a couple of cuts. She was still in way better condition than the villain she had just fought, though.

Enlightened Cockroach spat up a wave of blood and struggled to push himself up on his elbows. Even sliced in two, the villain didn't look like he was ready to give up.

"D- Don't think this is over so easily-"

"Dude! I literally sliced you in half." Paragon pulled her sword out of the ground and held it at her side. "Just give up already. Or else I'll take your head off."

Cockroaches had a unique body structure that allowed them to survive things most other species simply couldn't, including being torn in half. The upper body of a cockroach would be able to function and survive, though not for very long since it'd likely be unable to eat. Compared to nearly every other life form that would instantly die from an attack, though, it meant they were doing better than most. Enlightened Cockroach also, as it turned out, seemed to inherit that survivability as one of his powers.

The villain's wings expanded, and he again took to the air. His upper body was all that was left, and the muscles around his waist squeezed shut, sealing the hole in him close to prevent any more blood loss. His eyes were filled with rage, and he glared down at the young girl.

Paragon wiped some of her blood off of her face and held her sword up. "I'm serious. I'll really kill you. I won't let you hurt me or anyone else."

Enlightened Cockroach gritted his teeth and glared past the girl at the other two people who were still in the stadium. Alexander Lauren and Alice Ward both stared up at the villain. Alexander gripped his fire extinguisher tightly while Alice eagerly filmed everything she saw.

The woman's chat was still going nuts over the fact that Paragon, the once weak healer of team Reservoir, had basically beaten a villain all by herself.

"Don't even think about it!" Paragon called out when she noticed the way the villain kept staring at the civilians. "I won't let you get to them."

Enlightened Cockroach's wings began to grow slower as the torn-in-half villain started to float to the ground. "Whatever. I'll admit it. You bested me. As I am now, I can't beat you. Don't think for even a second that this means your crimes won't go unpunished!"

"My crimes? You're talking about the fact that you think I killed two members of your team? Newsflash, that isn't me." Paragon rolled her eyes and placed her sword over her shoulder. "Did you ever consider the fact that there are a bunch of other heroes who use swords? Anyone of them could have killed your two teammates. It wasn't me. Even if it was, though, you're a bad guy. You lost the moment you decided to walk the path of evil. You openly talked about how many people you killed. You don't get any of my sympathy."

Enlightened Cockroach sneered before his body spun around, and he began to fly out of the stadium. Paragon pointed her sword at the villain, about to launch it out, but stopped suddenly when Alexander let out a scream.

"Paragon!" The man yelled. "Look out!"

Paragon could feel it. A wave of intense heat suddenly appeared behind her. She spun around just in time to see a flash of orange. Enlightened Cockroach smirked, now outside of the stadium. "I can't beat you, but I'm sure the boss can."

The orange smashed into Paragon, and the hero let out a scream of pain as her lab coat exploded with fire. It was molten metal that suddenly rammed into her. Her legs tripped, and she fell over the railing, crashing hard to the ground below, still on fire. Alexander ran forward and unleashed the fire extinguisher, causing the foam to put most of the fire out. Paragon used her power, causing roots and vines to rip out of the ground, dragging the metal off her back, dripping it onto the ground.

She panted and hissed once she was finally free of the attack. Her new durability had saved her life. Cinder's fire was one she had gotten used to after hanging around the Lord so much; thanks to that, this heat couldn't burn her too badly. However, it destroyed her lab coat and burned a hole through her shirt. Her entire back had turned a bit red from where the metal touched, and sweat was pouring down her face.

Clapping echoed through the stadium, and Paragon glared up at the new person who had arrived. "Bravo! You're a lot stronger than I expected. Don't worry about losing to her, Roach! You're not weak; she's just a freak. Go on and scamper on home, big guy."

Enlightened Cockroach clenched his hands into a tight fist but nodded and began to fly away. "As you wish, boss."

A pale-skinned man walked down the steps. He had a smug smile on his face and winked at Paragon, who in turn just glared back at the new villain. The man had long black hair that stretched all the way down to his feet. It flowed like some sort of tendril moving back and forth casually. He was dressed in a biker jacket, one that had a grinning skull on the back of it. In fact, the man seemed to like skulls a lot, as he also had a skull belt that kept his blue jeans up and two leather boots that had hard skull-shaped reinforced ends placed on them. He had a switchblade in his hand, which he opened and closed casually.

"How's it going?" The man asked, giving a casual wave. His hair began to form over his face, part of it twisting and shaping. It slowly took on the form of a mask that was, of course, in the shape of a skull. A second later, the hair that formed his mask seemed to change, the fibers shifting from black into an almost silvery color as it seemed to turn into metal, giving him a metal skull mask. "My name is Skull Daddy."

"I am not calling you Skull Daddy..." Paragon said flatly. That might have been one of the worst names she ever heard. And she had just fought a guy named Enlightened Cockroach.

Skull Daddy shrugged his shoulders, lazy. More of his hair twisted and changed, molding together as it formed into a metal chair, which he took a seat in. He casually folded his legs and snapped, "It won't matter if you want to call me it or not. After all, you're about to be dead. Kill her, Windy."

"Okay!" A loud, sing-song voice announced cheerfully.

Paragon instantly put her guard up and raised her weapon, but it was too late for her to react. She had been focused on where the attack would come from, but it simply appeared out of thin air. In a single instant, the fog formed together and took shape into a green-haired woman who unleashed a powerful elbow directly into Sky's gut. The hero let out a gasp, being hit hard, and she was sent flying, crashing into the wall of the stadium. The attack wasn't as bad as Enlightened Cockroach's had been, but it still hurt a lot.

"I'm Windy! It's good to meet you." The girl said, waving her at the camera.

"I might need to stop filming..." Alice muttered. She was likely about to get banned for nudity.

Windy, despite speaking like some bubbly girl, was an older woman in her early thirties. Her hair was long and dyed green, and the girl wore a skull mask directly over her face. The girl did have underwear on, and mist did pour out of her flesh, covering up most of her skin, but she still didn't seem to be that shy.

Paragon sat up and rubbed her aching stomach from where she had been hit. "Fairy Queen, Wish, and now you. What's with evil women deciding to run around barely covering themselves?"

"Don't act like it's just a bad guy thing! Didn't your mom used to run around naked?" Windy cocked her head to the side and gave a cheerful grin. "You know. Before she went and got herself killed-"

Alexander swung the fire extinguisher out like a makeshift weapon. It rammed into Windy's head but phased through the girl, the villain turning into pure fog. The fog compressed itself down back into a humanoid shape as the girl appeared behind Alexander. With a sadistic giggle, Windy rammed her fist into Alexander's back, causing the man to scream out as his spin was nearly snapped.

"Mr. Lauren!" Paragon felt a blinding rage bubble up inside of her, and she fired forward at a fast speed. She appeared in front of Windy and swung out with her sword, but once more, Windy vanished, turning into fog. She wasn't trying to hurt the villain though, just get the woman away from Alexander. "I got you!" Paragon placed her hand down on Alexander, her power flaring out as she healed the man.

"Behind you, Paragon!" Alice called out a second too late.

Windy formed back together mid-kick and rammed her foot directly into Paragon's face. Paragon's head was nearly snapped back from the force, and the hero was sent rolling across the ground. Despite that, though, it was Windy who screamed out, the villain suddenly hopping on one leg as she clutched at her other foot, which she had used to kick Paragon with.

"W- What the hell did you do!" Windy yelled. The bottom of the girl's foot had a large chunk missing out of it now. Paragon stood back up and spat out the chunk of meat she had torn out with her teeth. She had done it the moment the attack had landed, taking some of Windy's foot with her. Windy didn't giggle anymore and instead let out a hiss of anger. The girl vanished, her body coming undone, and suddenly she reappeared next to Paragon. "You bitch!" Windy rammed a fist directly into Paragon's face, but the hero took the blow and also sliced out with her sword, cutting Windy's side badly. The villain screamed out in pain and came undone again, reappearing a few meters away, clutching at her bleeding side.

Paragon let out a relieved sigh when she saw it. "For a moment, I thought you might be like my friend Wasp Nest." She explained. "Whenever he transforms his body, he gets a full heal, but your foot and side are still damaged. It doesn't look like you can change only part of your body, either. All of you changes, and you have to be whole in order to land any hits on me. If Englightened Cockroach was a better version of him, then you're basically a shittier Wasp Nest."

Windy stomped her bloody foot down in anger. "No fair!"

Off to the side, Skull Daddy remained in his chair, watching the exchange. He let out a loud laugh and threw his head back. "You're not going to let her talk to you like that, are you, Windy?"

"Of course not, Daddy!" The fog in the area began to compress and flowed toward Windy, who reached into it. The girl had hidden something away, meant only for people she really didn't like. "I'll be sure to flatten her skull so we can add it to your collection."

From the fog, Windy pulled out a large warhammer. The thing was easily six feet tall and must have weighed at least a few tons. On either end of the hammer, formed large metal skulls that were stained red. Just looking at the hammer was enough to make Paragon's stomach flop. She could see all the dead cells that clung to it. This thing had killed a lot of people. And despite how crazy its weight was, Windy carried it around in one hand.

"I don't know who this Wasp Nest is, but can he do something like this!" Windy smashed a foot into the ground, and she tossed the hammer out as hard as she could. It blasted forward with insane speed, and Paragon barely had time to throw her weapon up, blocking the strike. As soon as the hammer smashed into her, it vanished into the fog as Windy reappeared behind her, swinging it out. Paragon ducked at the last second with wide eyes as the hammer smashed directly over her face and rammed into the ground next to her, blowing part of it up. "Nice dodge! Do it again!" Windy vanished again, the fog compressing above the hero as the girl came crashing down with her gigantic weapon. Paragon threw herself out of the way at the last second, and the entire stadium shook.

Down below, the people in the underground parking lot all let out whimpers as debris started to rain down above. The battle up top was starting to pick up pace, and if Paragon didn't end this soon, the entire place could come crashing down.

Up top, Alexander managed to sit up now that his back was healed, and he watched with wide eyes as Paragon was chased around by the mad villain with a hammer.

"Are you her father?"

Alexander jumped when he heard the voice, and he turned to find that Skull Daddy was looking at him. "N- No? Wait! Why the hell am I answering you! Call your villain off now! Paragon could get hurt!"

"Of course she can; that's the whole point, dumbass." Skull Daddy leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands together as he watched the fight. "How many people are viewing so far?"

"I'm nearly at ten thousand again," Alice responded casually. "I have had to remake my account three times since this battle began, so the numbers keep hopping around. People are watching, though!"

"Are you not bothered about the fact that you're talking to a supervillain?" Skull Daddy questioned.

"Nah, trust me, I've talked to a lot worse." Alice shrugged. "Like one time, I talked to this group of people that write Victorian x Boy Genius fanfics. You want to see true evil? It's that."

Skull Daddy blinked, taken aback. "I see? And the fact that I could kill you at any moment?"

"We all die someday!" Alice stepped closer to the raging battle in order to get a better shot. "If it happens, then it happens. At least let me film this fight first!"

Skull Daddy looked to Alexander. "This one's a weird one, huh?"

"Says the guy named Skull Daddy."

Back over with Paragon, the hero rolled out of the way of another attack at the last second. Windy's hammer smashed into the ground, shooting up a wave of dust that mixed with the fog and sent jagged rocks flying in all directions. "Sit still!" Windy said, speaking once more in her sing-song voice. "What's wrong, little hero? I thought you found my weakness!" Windy swung her hammer out, smashing it into Paragon's sword as the hero barely blocked it. Paragon was lifted off of her feet and sent crashing into the back wall of the stadium. "See, the thing is, you were right. Clashing with me is a weakness I have. If I hit you, you can hit me. That doesn't matter, though, if I have this hammer! Because it'll do way more damage to you than you'll do to me!" Windy announced proudly.

Paragon got back up on shaking legs. The girl's body was more banged up now, with the wounds from Enlightened Cockroach and now Windy taking a toll on the young Lord. Despite that, though, she wasn't done. Not yet. Paragon wiped more of the blood away from her face and tucked her red hair behind her ear.

"I'm standing still."

"What?" Windy cocked her head to the side, clearly confused.

Paragon raised her sword, gripping it with both hands. "You told me to stand still. I'm standing still. Let's clash."

Windy's grin faded, and the villain sneered. "You really are dumb." Windy reached out with her other hand, and from the fog, she pulled out an even bigger hammer. She dropped her old weapon to the ground and picked up the new one. It was twice as big, being bigger than even Windy, and the hammerhead on it was two massive skulls as big as a person's torso. This thing easily weighed somewhere around one hundred tons, and Windy had to hold it with both of her arms. The villain struggled with it but gave a smirk. "Still want to clash if I'm holding something like this?"

"Sure." Paragon shrugged. "Go ahead."

Windy's eye twitched. "Arrogant bitch!"

Windy vanished and reappeared in front of Paragon. The villain rammed her massive warhammer down so hard that it sent out a loud boom in all directions and shook the entire stadium. Paragon didn't swing her sword up, though. Instead, the hero used her head. Literally, as the hammer came down, Paragon stomped down and smashed her head forward, ramming the top of her skull into the mallet, catching everyone off guard.

Windy shook her head and put all of her weight into the weapon, shoving it down as hard as she could. Instead of exploding Paragon's head, though, something else happened. The ground around Paragon suddenly changed and twisted as the girl activated her realm. Her strength instantly shot up, and Paragon used her control over life to wrap vines around her legs, keeping her stable. Then she forced the ground to lift up. The hammer was still coming down, and she was rising up. With a loud scream, Paragon used all of her strength to force herself through the weapon! Windy's hammer exploded as the top half of it shattered on Paragon's hard skull, and the hero broke past Windy's best attack.

Windy squealed and tried to escape by changing into mist, but she wasn't fast enough. Blood was pouring down Paragon's face, and she'd likely have a concussion later, but she fought through the pain. Her eyes glared into Windy's as she rammed her sword up and, in an instant, cut off both of Windy's hands, which were still gripping the handle of the massive hammer.

Windy fell back, screaming loudly, and rolled across the ground as she stared in horror at her arms. Paragon rammed her foot into the villain's head, pinning Windy down. "Do you give up?"

"I do, I do! Don't kill me! I don't want to die!" Windy sobbed.

Paragon let out a sigh and stepped off of the girl. "I'll use my power to stop the bleeding. I won't bring your arms back though-"


This time, Paragon was ready for it. As soon as she heard Alexander scream, the hero jumped out of the way just in time as a wave of hot magma poured down at the spot she had been standing at. The magma rained down on Windy, and the woman screamed even louder as they ignited in hellish flames, quickly burning up. "Oh darn." The voice of Skull Daddy called out. "I was hoping Windy would have at least grabbed onto you or something and taken you with her."

"Why the hell did you do that!" Paragon roared out. "That was your own teammate! She gave up!"

Skull Daddy was no longer sitting down. The man now stood and readjusted his skull mask. "For a killer, you sure seem to be soft. You let Enlightened Cockroach and Windy survive despite stating you didn't mind killing. I guess the hero, Paragon, has a soft side."

"There's no reason to kill a villain who can no longer fight and has no choice but to give up!" The hero growled.

Skull Daddy shrugged casually. "Does it really matter? You cut both her arms off and were going to have her arrested, right? I would have lost her either way since Windy would surely be sent to Nightshade. There's no point in letting her live if she's just going to be locked up. At least Enlightened Cockroach still has a few uses left and can recover, but someone like Windy would never be the tool I needed with how badly you damaged her. You can't be soft in this world. You have to kill if you want to push ahead of the others. Even heroes kill, after all." The man chuckled.

"Well, you're in luck." Paragon spat out. Her eyes were filled with rage as she glared at the villain. "I won't be sparing you."

Skull Daddy smirked, and his hair rose. "If you want something done right, then you have to do it yourself, I guess." He pointed at the phone Alice held and gave a thumbs up. "Go ahead and watch, dear viewers. Today, you'll see the hero known as Paragon die a painful death!"

Paragon launched herself forward, using her realm powers to give her a boost. She moved fast as she zipped her way toward Skull Daddy, but unfortunately, she made one mistake. She was fighting a villain.

Skull Daddy's hair lifted up and formed together. Several of the strands connected into a large barrel that dripped magma down onto the ground. The villain had a simple yet strong power. He could control his hair and absorb non-living things into his hair. His hair could then later become anything it absorbed. He had made sure to absorb all sorts of Mental-based gear and other goodies, which gave him a ton of options. As the barrel of his lava-blaster poked out, it aimed at Paragon. The girl was moving too fast for him to get a proper shot off on though, so he instead did the next best thing.

"Save him, hero."

Skull Daddy's gun twisted in his hair and pointed at the downed Alexander. It unleashed a powerful wave of molten metal that launched forward. "No!" Paragon screamed and stopped running. She rammed her hand into the ground, flaring her power, and caused a massive tree to appear, its branches shoving Alexander and Alice back. At the same time she was busy doing that, more of Skull Daddy's hair changed, this time into a long-range lightning gun that unleashed a bolt of energy.

The energy bolt rammed into Paragon, and she let out a loud scream of pain as her nerves ignited and her body spasmed. Skull Daddy's lava launcher then fired at her again, smashing molten metal directly into the front of her body, setting her on fire once again. Alexander threw the fire extinguisher at her as hard as he could, and she sliced up with her sword, cutting into it and causing it to explode in foam that coated her. That only bought her a few seconds of peace, though, as Skull Daddy appeared in front of her, moving fast thanks to rocket boots.

The hair on his arms transformed and took shape into large red gauntlets, which amplified his striking power and caused his punches to unleash sonic booms. He smashed his fist directly into Paragon's face as hard he could, nearly caving it in. As Paragon fell, he kicked out with his leg, the rocket igniting and causing his foot to ram into Paragon's throat. Paragon spat up some blood and stabbed out with her sword, but the blade bounced off of Skull Daddy's chest as the hair on his body formed into armor made out of the strongest metal in the world that another Super who used to go by the name of Red Iron could create.

Skull Daddy let out a loud laugh as he grabbed Paragon by the hair and rammed the girl's face into the side of the stadium. He blasted off, dragging her across it, and tossed her as hard as he could through the wall. More of his hair came out and stretched across the field, wrapping around the large hammer Windy had used. The hammer seemed to suddenly shrink and vanish as the hair pulled it closer, and soon it was gone, only to then reappear above Skull Daddy as some of his hair shifted into it and the other strands wrapped around it, lifting it up. Skull Daddy raised the hammer up and was about to bring it down but stopped when something hit him in the back of the head.

His hair absorbed the bullet that rammed into him. Slowly, the villain turned and raised an eyebrow. "I thought you just wanted to watch?"

Alice Ward no longer held her phone. It was on the ground, no longer recording. Now, the woman clutched a smoking gun. "Even someone like me has to step in if it means stopping a child from dying."

Skull Daddy folded his arms and gave a smirk. "You think you can stop me from killing her?" More bullets rang out as Alice unloaded the gun, but it was useless. Skull Daddy's hair moved too fast, blocking all the strikes. "I've got to admit you got guts, lady." The man began to approach, but the hammer above him vanished and changed into his molten metal gun. It aimed at Alice, who didn't back down. Alexander jumped in front of the woman, holding his arms out, also not backing away. "How cute." Skull Boy snapped, and his gun got ready to fire.

At the last second, though, he felt something grab him as Paragon tackled him from behind. He grunted as he felt the hero's hand grab his skin. The villain's eyes went wide as he suddenly felt the girl's power flare up, and she tapped into the power of Lord of Life, using her manipulation of cells to try to mess with him. He was strong, though, and she had less than a second, so she wouldn't be able to do much.

Skull Boy rammed his elbow into Paragon's face and knocked the girl off of him, sending her rolling away. It had been enough, though. The girl had managed to use her power and gave a single command.

"R- Rapid... B- Baldness, you son of a bitch."

Skull Daddy's eyes filled with horror as, all of a sudden, all the hair across his body fell off. It literally slid off of him, dropping to the ground below. In an instant, he was totally bald. The horror in his eyes faded, and instead, they were filled with utter rage. "Oh, you little bitch!"

Skull Daddy still had the enhanced stats of a Super, and he still wore some of his gear, having the large gauntlet, rocket boots, and chest plate. Anything that had been changed remained, so the lava gun was also somewhere in the pile of his hair, but that was all he had left. It was more than enough for the state Sky was in, though. Skull Daddy slammed his foot hard into Paragon's head, stepping on the young girl and causing her to cry out. He kept stomping down over and over again, glaring down at the hero.

"Stop it!" Alexander screamed.

Skull Daddy kicked Paragon one last time before glaring at the two humans still here. He reached down and grabbed his gun, ripping it out of the pile of hair. He aimed it at Alice and Alexander but once again stopped when Paragon grabbed his ankle. The hero was too weak to use her power now, likely not able to think straight due to all the head injuries she had received, but she still managed to glare up at him.

"D- Don't hurt them." Skull Daddy kicked the girl with his rocket boot, launching Paragon away. This time, nothing stopped him as he pulled the trigger and fired the wave of molten slag toward the two humans. "No!" Paragon screamed out, but there was nothing she could do.

She watched in horror as the attack floated through the air in slow motion. Alexander and Alice both had looks of fear on their faces as it came at them, but both were too slow. Once more, she was about to fail.


Everything seemed to stop.

As if time itself froze.

'You don't want them to die, do you?'

It was back. The voice of the Prettiest Flower. It whispered into her ear, practically purring. It sounded just like her late mother, and for a moment, she swore she could feel her mom's arms around her.

'I can give you the power to save them... All you have to do is... Well. I think you know.'

She wasn't in the stadium anymore. In an instant, she suddenly found herself standing in a strange room. There was grass everywhere, covering the floor, the walls, and even the roof. Flowers bloomed out in all directions, and many trees stood. The sounds of birds chirping filled the air as well. At one end of the wall, a large mirror hung, one that showed what she was seeing. She saw the world through her eyes, frozen as all of this happened within the span of a single second.

'What do you say?'

At the other end of the room, she finally saw her. The Prettiest Flower was indeed pretty. A large throne resided, one formed out of various trees. A massive pink flower resided in the middle of it that was like some sort of lily. Coming out the top of the flower, the upper half of a woman rose up. She was big, easily twenty feet tall, and well endowed. Her skin looked to be made up of grass and vines, various flowers growing along the woman's body, and she had long, flowing pink hair. It was truly like looking at a goddess.

Paragon felt her mouth go dry as she suddenly came to her senses. She looked back at the mirror, staring at the scene in front of her. Slowly, she made up her mind. "Give it to me. As you did in the Beast, fight."

The Prettiest Flower's grin grew, and the woman's hands clasped together. Several vines grew out of the flower half that made up her lower body and wrapped around Paragon in a tight hug. 'Oh, how wonderful! I knew you'd come around! I'll give you all of my power, and in exchange we shall become one, and I'll gain control over your body-'

"No." Paragon drew her sword and cut her way out of the vines. She pointed the blade up at the first Lord. "Just give me your power. I'm staying in control."

The Prettiest Flower sneered, and her vines suddenly turned into rows of sharp thorns. 'Trying to bargain with me?'

"This isn't a bargain. It's an order."

'You dare think you can order me around? I am a goddess! You have no sway! Your sword can't hurt me, silly vessel.'

"It isn't for you." Sky took a deep breath and brought the blade to her own neck. In the real world, her body did the same. "Give me your power. Or I'll kill myself and send you back to the Pod."

Prettiest Flower's eyes flashed with fear for a moment. 'N- No! Not that damn shell! Y- You're bluffing. You wouldn't!'

"If I fail to save them, then I don't deserve to live. It's that simple."

The Prettiest Flower stared into the cold eyes of Paragon. The Lord bit her lip and then let out a hiss. 'Your body is rightfully mine! I'm the reason your father was able to make you! He was too stupid to figure it out, but I wasn't! I created the soul that is within you! A perfect duplicate of his precious daughter's! It was all me that did the work! Not Nier, and not Alpha! I'm your parent-'

"My parent is River Sini!"

The Lord of Land and Life smashed her fist down onto her throne. 'I will have your body! Maybe not today, but it will eventually be mine, girl! That is a promise!'

The world suddenly changed, and the next thing Paragon knew, she was flat on the ground as molten lava launched toward Alexander and Alice.

The two adults closed their eyes as the attack came at them, but it never hit either of them. In an instant, they felt an arm wrap around them as they were dragged out of the way. With blinding speed, Paragon had made it to them in time. Both Alexander and Alice stared at the girl in shock. Her hair was the color of snow, and her eyes now glowed with a fiery red light. Her power as a Lord has just awakened.

Skull Daddy stumbled back with shocked-filled eyes. His legs shook, and his face had turned pale as he stared at the Lord in horror. "W- What the hell is this!"

"I'm the Lord of the Land and Life." Paragon drew her blade, and it began to expand and grow out. "I'll do what the Lord of the Sun cannot." The entire weapon expanded as from her handle something began to come to life. Crafted from solid wood, a massive snake-looking dragon jutted out, the tip of its tail connected to Paragon's sword handle. "Do you remember what I said earlier?"

Skull Daddy turned around but barely got three steps before the dragon roared and charged forward.

"I wouldn't let you live."

The dragon's maw opened wide, and in an instant, the wooden beast crunched down on the top half of Skull Daddy...
