
Savanna Ruins (4)

Sebastian raced through the ruins, the sounds of carnage raging all around him.

As he darted between crumbling structures, moundfang termites and marrowghast sentinels alike swarmed the streets and filled them with ichor and bones.

The termites moved with ravenous hunger, biting and clawing anything within reach in a seething tide of carapaces.

Above it all rose the haunting metallic song of blades cleaving through chitin as the sentinels stood their ground against the onslaught.

Sebastian scaled a partially collapsed building to gain some view of the battlefield and map an escape.

He glanced back, and his eyes met a scene from a nightmare. Countless termites roamed amidst piles of their own dead, some stopping only to feed on the fallen before plunging back into the fray.

From his vantage point atop the ruined building, Sebastian watched swarm upon swarm of termites pouring into the ruins.
