

Chapter Text

Mina, Toru, and Izuku sat in a clearing on the beach. They had made tremendous progress on cleaning and were simply enjoying the sight of their progress for today. Toru shifted as she asked, "so um, what did you do yesterday? When you didn't come to school."

Izuku sighed and rested his chin on his knees "it was the anniversary of my parent's death. I went with Nemuri, and for the first time ever, I-I went and visited them. It-it was a lot."

Mina wrapped her arms around Izuku, and Toru followed suit. The two squeezed him as he tried to wipe his tears away. "T-thanks you two."

"No problem Izuku. We're here for you whenever you need us." Mina said as they kept hugging him.

Eventually, Izuku started to fidget as they didn't let go. He tried to squirm his way out, but the girls held strong "come on. Let me go."

"We'll never let you go, Izuku. You're our friend, we'll always help you out." Toru said as she adjusted her grip to restrict his arm. 

Izuku grunted as he tried to free his arm, only for Mina to restrict his other arm. Izuku took a deep breath and attempted to stand up as they hung on him. He nearly got to his feet, but the sand shifted, and the three teens went tumbling into the sand. As the three of them laid there groaning, they quickly dissolved into giggles and laughter.

"Should I come back later or what?" the three teens looked up to see Toshinori at the top of the stairs. The teens looked at themselves piled up on each other and blushed before quickly separating. Toshinori smirked as he descended the stairs "you're all making wonderful progress."

"Thank you, Mr.Yagi. pretty soon, we'll be able to start your training regime." Toru said as she pumped her fist.

Toshinori nodded "yes, and I will be expanding your training."

"Why? Did something happen?" Izuku asked as they got up and brushed themselves off.

Toshinori sighed. "I spoke with Nezu, the dean of UA. he knows about One for All. I showed him my plan, and he suggested lengthening the training before transferring the quirk. His first reason was to make sure I have as much time as possible at my current output while still giving Young Hagakure plenty of time to adjust and gain an understanding of the changes One for All will bring."

Toshinori grunted as he sat on the steps and looked at the invisible girl "the other reason is the amount of power I'll be handing over to you. Nezu predicts that my peak before my injury will be roughly eighty percent of your output when you first get it."

The girls looked surprised, and Izuku was busy writing down what was said as he asked, "Did Nezu theorize what it would do to her quirk?"

Toshinori pulled a slip of paper out and handed it to Izuku. "Here's what he thinks will happen. By the way, Young Midoriay, I told him about you, and he seemed interested in your thoughts on it."

Izuku blushed as he took the paper "the dean of UA is interested in my thoughts on quirk theory and analysis?" he looked at Mina "c-can you pinch me real quick. This can't be real."

Mina giggled and pinched his arm, making him flinch "ow... ok, this is real, and that's amazing."

Toshinori chuckled before looking at Toru. "I apologize, but the second term of your second year is when he thinks you should get it. That and me regretfully having to cut down on my hero work a bit should let me maintain the symbol of peace's effect on crime while making sure I can still react to bigger crises."

Toru nodded "it's ok. I'm not in a hurry to get this power. I will take it when I need to, but the longer you get to stick around, the better All Might. It'd be nice if you could still be working when we make our debut as heroes."

Toshinori chuckled. "I will certainly try." he coughed into his handkerchief, and the teens saw the blood before he quickly put it away. "but I may have to retire before then."

The teens looked at each other before moving on with the conversation. Toshinori gave them some tips on cleaning the beach, and Izuku promised to give Toshinori a notebook he could take back to Nezu.

That night the three teens were texting about their mentor. They were all worried about his health, but they weren't sure what to do. Izuku suggested research on what people who lose their stomachs have to do to live a normal life and try to come up with a way to help Toshinori. The others agreed and decided to spend some free time seeing what they could do for Toshinori.


Midterms came and went quickly, with everyone doing well. With the stress behind them, Izuku and Hitoshi found themselves waiting at the station for Mina and Toru. Hitoshi yawned as he rubbed his eyes "so we're going to the orphanage you use to live at to help out and just say hi and stuff?"

Izuku nodded. "I did a lot while I was there. Yasuda was like a big sister to me. I like stopping by to make sure everything is ok. It also helps to remind the younger kids that they'll get adopted eventually because if it could happen to me, then it'll happen for them."

Hitoshi hummed and looked over his shoulder "your girlfriends are coming."

Izuku blushed "they're not-"

"Not my girlfriends. Yeah, I know, but now you're blushing, so they'll tease you about it."

Izuku cursed under his breath as Mina smirked, "what's got you looking like a tomato Izuku?"

Izuku sighed "come on, we'll be late."

Toru giggled as they walked "oh, deflecting. It must be super embarrassing."

Izuku did his best to ignore them as they walked the rest of the way to the orphanage.


Yasuda sipped her tea as she sat across from Nemuri. "I'm glad there haven't been issues with the check-ins. It would suck for Izuku to be forced back here."

Nemuri nodded. "I wasn't worried I'm an awesome mom. How are things going here?"

"Good. We've got a few new arrivals. Two four-year-olds and a one-year-old all related."

Nemuri frowned "what happened?"

"Mom was a villain, apparently. She's got a desirable quirk, so she pumped out some kids in the hopes of selling them." Yasuda sipped her tea. "hero's raided her base and arrested her, then dropped the three kids off here."

Nemuri shook her head "that's messed up. Are they adjusting well?"

"For the most part. Mawabi's taken to them, so she's been keeping them busy and making sure they're ok. I heard her telling stories about her big bro Izu."

The two women chuckled quietly until someone knocked on the front door before opening it. Yasuda stood up "that's probably Izuku. Let's go embarrass him."

Nemuri smiled "wonderful idea. Lead the way."

Yasuda grinned as she came around the corner. Not only was Toru with Izuku, but there was a pink girl as well now who was poking at him and making him blush. There was also a really tired-looking boy who was sitting back and enjoying the torment. She liked his new friends already. "Izuku, you just keep showing up with more and more people, don't you."

Izuku flushed a bit "y-yeah um, this is Mina Ashido." the pink girl smiled and waved. "And this is Hitoshi Shinso." the tired boy waved. "Guys, this is Yasuda Azuki. She was like a big sis to me."

"I pretty much raised him into the wonderful boy he is now," Yasuda said as they walked to the living room.

Nemuri smiled at Hitoshi "so you're Shota's kid, right?"

Hitoshi nodded "you're Midnight. He complains about you a lot."

Nemuri scoffed "bet he complains about Emi more."

"Yeah, he does," Hitoshi said, taking a seat in one of the chairs, leaving Izuku and the girls on the couch.

Nemuri barked with laughter, "I'm gonna tease him about that next time."

As the group sat around and talked, the couch trio mentioned their personal trainer, Mr.Yagi, for the physical side while they did quirk and other training individually. Hitoshi mentioned training with his dad and learning how to use his capture scarf. Nemuri talked about work, and as Yasuda was going to tell them about the kids, Mawabi appeared.

The shark tooth girl smiled wide as she yelled "Izu!" and jumped into his lap, squeezing him tight. Mawabi opened her eyes and saw Toru. "Big sis Toru!"

She quickly moved over and hugged Toru, then she saw Mina the shark girl's eyes went wide, and she whispered, "Wow... so pretty."

Mina's cheeks turned lilac as the others chuckled as Izuku pulled Mawabi to his lap "you wanna give big sis Mina a hug? I bet she'd like that."

Mawabi nodded shyly "i-if she's ok with that."

Mina grinned and pulled Mawabit to her. "Of course. What's your name, cutie?"

"Mawabi!" the girl said proudly, showing off her shark teeth.

Mawabis' shouts attracted the attention of the other kids, and in no time, it was chaos. Hitoshi was sitting in his chair smirking as the other three teens were swarmed until Toru said, "Hey, what about Hitoshi? You guys should go say hi to him he's big bro Izu's friend as well."

Hitoshi glared at the invisible girl who, unknown to him, was sticking her tongue out at him. The kids pestered him about his quirk, and when he told them, he was expecting them to be scared, but the kids just started asking him to brainwash them, so they knew what it felt like.

While the kids were distracted, Yasuda took Izuku and headed down the hall. While they walked, she explained they were going to see the newest members of the orphanage. They were young and a little scared, so she hoped Izuku could talk to them and try to help.

Yasuda knocked before opening the door. The twin girls were sitting on the floor drawing as their baby brother slept. The twins had black hair with white streaks scattered in it; their eyes were a deep purple as they stared up at Yasuda and Izuku.

Yasuda knelt as she smiled "heya. This is Izuku. Mawabi has told you about him. He's here to say hi. Do you want to say hi to him?"

The twins looked at each other for a moment before nodding. Izuku smiled and sat down. He started talking to them by asking what they were drawing. Yasuda stayed nearby but let Izuku interact with them. The twins were cautious and a bit wary, but they opened up to him a bit and were full of smiles by the time they had to leave.


Toru sighed as she stared at her ceiling. Yesterday had been fun. It was nice getting to see the kids and Yasuda. She was feeling down, though, and she knew why. Yesterday Mina had been leaning on Izuku and touching him and playing with his hair more than usual. She felt a distance between them, kinda like she was invisible sometimes. Toru groaned at the stupid but technically true statement. She was invisible... all the time whether she wanted to be or not.

Toru wanted to throw something, but when she reached for the nearest soft object, she ended up with a green stuffed rabbit in her hands staring at her. Toru blushed and held it close to her chest. "This is so stupid."

"Uh oh. Little sis is moody. What's wrong?" Toru looked over to see Achi smiling as he entered.

Toru squeezed the rabbit. "It's nothing. Just stupid feelings I don't understand."

Achi smirked as he sat at her desk and rotated the chair so he could look at her. "Well, I am older, so I've dealt with a lot of stupid emotions. Maybe I can help you out."

"I don't think you can help me with all of these." Toru sighed as she stared at the wall.

Her older brother's smile softened "feeling self-conscious about your invisibility?"

Toru nodded. "Y-yeah. I just... no one can see me. Maybe I wouldn't be worrying so much if they could actually see my face."

"They? Could it be Midoriya and that Ashido girl? You know the two you never shut up about?"

Toru glared at her brother, who just smiled... because he couldn't see her glaring. Toru huffed and stared at the ceiling. "They're my best friends... and they seem to be getting closer, and I feel like I'm... I don't know, fading into the background sometimes. I just want to be closer to them. They treat me so well, and I enjoy them being around, but... I'm just not sure what to do."

Achi nodded as he watched his sister. It was hard to gauge exactly how she felt, but he was pretty sure he knew. "Are you jealous of Ashido getting closer to Midoriya or the other way around? Or are you just scared of them leaving you behind if they get into a relationship?"

Toru tensed. "I... all of the above? I think. I don't know... I just the idea of them without me makes my chest ache. They're my best friends, and I don't want to lose that. W-when I see the way they look at each other, I want them to look at me like that."

"Sounds like my dear sweet little sister is crushing hard on her two best friends."

Toru's head snapped over to her brother as he got up. "What? I do not... well, I mean I do, but I can't, right? It's not like I'd be able to date them both."

Achi grinned as he stopped in the doorway and looked at her "who said you couldn't?"


Izuku stared at the tv as the news played, but he wasn't paying attention. The orphanage visit had gone really well, but Hitoshi's joke before the girls showed up was stuck in his head. He admitted that he liked both of them, but he also knew that was never going to happen. He'd seen how they looked at each other and how they interacted. They liked each other and would probably find that out soon then be a couple. Which would hurt, but he'd dealt with worse. As long as they were happy, he would be fine.

Izuku took a deep breath and nodded as he told himself he'd be fine. He was already lucky enough to have a new family and to have amazing friends. If that was all he got, he'd be fine with it. The ache in his chest and the pit in his stomach would go away, and he'd be totally fine.


Mina sat down by Fukumo, who was watching the news. "I think I'm crushing on my best friends or one of them? Maybe both. I can't tell."

Fukumo snorted as she glanced at her sister "it's both, trust me."

"What? How can you tell?"

Fukumo groaned dramatically as she rolled her head to look at her sister "because I'm your big sis. You won't shut up about those two, and honestly, those outfits you wear when they come over. You're showing off just enough to make them stare but still be able to function as people."

Mina's cheeks turned lilac as she sputtered for some kind of rebuttal, but she had nothing. She knew what she was doing. "I well... ok sure but I can't just-"

"Yes, you can. Those two stare at each other as much as they stare at you." Fukumo looked back at the tv "just sit both of them down and tell them how you feel. They'll spill the beans, then you three can start getting to the fun part."

Mina's cheeks darkened at her sister wiggling her eyebrows. She grabbed her phone. "I-I mean you make it sound so easy-"

"Cause it is." Fukumo shook her head "when I realized I had feelings for Yasu, I just told them and look at how well it turned out. I have an amazing partner, and I didn't have to deal with a bunch of drama and dancing around the subject. Even if you all aren't into each other like that, it'll be better for your relationships to just get it out in the open."

Mina huffed as she got up. "Fine... I'll think about it."


Hitoshi was watching the cats play as Shota made coffee for himself. They both looked over as Hitoshi's phone started vibrating. He picked it up and sighed as he saw three messages from his friends. None of them had used the group chat, and they had all said basically the same thing. They were just now admitting to crushing on the other two. Hitoshi went one by one and sent back 'damn, that's crazy.' before putting his phone back down.

"My friends are idiots."

Shota grunted "yeah. That's usually the case."


we're getting closer and closer to these sweet beans admitting their feelings. also, I feel constantly exhausted thanks to work. glad I'm taking a week off soon. don't know if that'll affect uploads or not. if it does it'll be in a positive way.
