

Chapter Text

For once, Nedzu did not have the chance to open the door before Midoriya slammed it open and came barging in, "I need my laptop." 

Nedzu nodded and gestured to the laptop, "We received a ping from your program just moments before the loud crash."

"That means the league has already arrived." Midoriya nodded and crossed to sit at Nedzu's desk, shooing Shigaraki out of his seat so that he could sit down. "Based on the lack of fighting, I'm assuming there weren't two traitors after all?"

"No, what does everyone keep thinking that?" Shgiaraki complained. "Icy Cat never gave me any info at all. And who are you anyway?"

Midoriya looked up and glared at him, "You can call me Cheat Code. I'm sure you'll understand why I don't trust you."

Shigaraki gulped, "Oh. You're the little cheater from the USJ."

"It's not cheating if it saves lives." Izuku turned back to his computer. "Now tell me everything you know. What am I up against?"


"What is that smell" Hagakure sniffed the air. "It's like rotten eggs."

"I'm not sure." Jiro slammed her hand over her mouth and nose as she started to feel lightheaded. "I think we should get out of here."

"It's probably just...one of class 1B's...quirks." Hagakure said, more slowly than she should have, which made alarm bells go off inside Jiro's head. 

"No." Jiro heard unfamiliar footsteps and turned toward them to see Spinner and a bunch of people she didn't recognize emerging from the growing mist. "It's villains."

She was passed out before the villains even noticed her.


Mei dashed through the halls, her tool bag swinging by her side like a weapon as she held the phone to her ear, "Come on pick up!"

"Mei?" Ochako sounded confused when she answered, "Do you know what's going on?"

"No time." Mei snapped quickly. "Extra credit kun has been kidnapped. Go get him."

She hung up and slid down the banister, eyes narrowing in on the door to the maintainance cabinet. She just needed to get to that room and she'd be able to get at least partial power back. Hopefully. 

She scrambled back as a long blade slammed into the floor in front of her, "Flesh...give me blood!"

Mei swallowed and looked up at a guy in a straight jacket who looked even crazier than she was, "Oh crap."

The minute that ochako heard that Hioshi had been kidnapped she was by his side within seconds. He was completely covered in Mineta's sticky balls and Ocako cursed under her breath" Mineta? How did I miss that?!"

Hitoshi blinked, raising his head about an inch to look at her, "Ocha...what?"

"I'm here."Ochako wasn't quite sure how to grab him without getting stuck." I'm gonna get you out of here, Where's Mineta?"

"Fighting Mina." Hitoshi slumped back down. "She figured out he was Trapper."

"Ok." Ochako swallowed. She'd help Mina later. "Let's get you someplace safe. "

"Show me your blood!!!!" she ducked down and hid behind Hitoshi just in time to see little kouta running for his life down the hall as the largest villain ochako had ever seen reached out to grab him. 

"Shindig…" Ochako whimpered. "I have to…"

"Go. Save him." Hitoshi smiled. "I can still talk, I'll take care of myself."

Ochako nodded and disappeared.

Tsu really hoped that Ochako was ok. She'd left in a hurry, but then again, she usually did these days, so it wouldn't have been too concerning if it hadn't been for the blackout and the phone call right before. She had the feeling there was something else going on besides the exercise. 

Her night vision was a bit better than normal due to her quirk, but the shadows were still putting her on edge as she made her way through the halls to where Ragdoll was supposed to be. She knew that was most likely the point, since it was a test of courage, but it was still enough to make her pay more attention to her surroundings. That was probably the only reason she didn't miss the knife flying at her out of the corner of her eye. 

She hopped to the side just in time and the blade embedded itself in the wall instead of her braid. A blond girl with high buns and what looked like huge needles hanging from her backpack came out from the shadows with a pout, "Aww, but you'd look so much cuter if you were a bit more cut up."

Tsu swallowed, "No thanks."

She didn't recognize this girl from class 1b, which didn't paint a very nice picture when combined with the blackout and Ochako's sudden disappearance. If there were villains here, then were they under attack? Were they allowed to fight back? What was going on?!

A voice rang out inside her head, "Students, this is Mandalay. The school is under attack by the league of villains. As the attack is happening on UA grounds, you are allowed to use your quirks to defend yourselves, but do not initiate attacks. Make your way to the cafeteria as soon as possible."

Mandalay then started listing the attackers and their quirks as quickly as she could. Tsu gulped as Toga started to circle her, a hungry look on her face. Ok, so those needles must be so that she could gather blood and turn into other people. First priority was to keep Toga from getting her blood, then get away and meet up with the rest of the students. 

She shifted into a fighting stance, which made Toga smile, "Are you ready to bleed now? You kinda spaced out for a minute and that's no fun! I want you to feel it when I stab you! That way you can enjoy it too!"

Another knife came flying at her and Tsu hopped out of the way, "I think we enjoy different things."

Toga scowled and this time, she threw her needles. She was fast and it was all Tsu could do to dodge until out of nowhere Toga yelped and stumbled as if she'd taken a hit from behind. Tsu felt a hand on her shoulder and whirled around to see a floating head that she thought she recognized as a girl from 1B. 

"Sorry for scaring you." the girl's head said. "I'm setsuna, I'm in the other class. Komoro has a plan, but we need to get that girl's gasmask."

Tsu nodded and flexed her tongue, "I can do that."

Students, this is Mandalay. The school is under attack by the league of villains. As the attack is happening on UA grounds, you are allowed to use your quirks to defend yourselves, but do not initiate attacks. Make your way to the cafeteria as soon as possible.

The villains quirks are as follows

Dabi: cremation

Spinner: Lizard traits and blood based paralysis

Toga: blood based appearance changes

Mustard: poison gas

Magne: Magnetism

Mr. Compress: compression

Trapper, aka, Minrou Mineta: sticky hair

Mei bolted to the nearest tunnel entrance and quickly solved the puzzle to get inside before slamming the door behind her. The knives slammed through the wall, but that psycho couldn't get to her if he didn't know where she was, so she moved quietly as she made her way back to the labs. She really hoped the time she'd waste would be worth it, but there was no way she'd be able to do this without her babies. She dropped down into the lab and grabbed a variety of her projects, both the successes and the failures. The successes would do what they were supposed to and the failures would blow up, so it was a win-win!

She ran back to the basement as fast as she could through the tunnels, exiting to the view of the straightjacket guy still attacking the wall where she'd disappeared. He'd almost completely ripped it open by this point and Mei got a determined look as she launched a stink bomb into the air, "Look alive!"

The guy turned toward her like some sort of eldritch entity, but soon enough reared back as the stench of the stink bomb filled the hall. Mei covered her mouth and nose and hoped this actually worked. She'd tried to channel her inner Izu-kun and she'd seen that the guy was wearing a blindfold, which meant that he wasn't finding her by sight, which meant that it was either smell or sound, but he hadn't been able to find ehr in the tunnels and if he had enhanced hearing then she'd be a shishkabob right now. That left that he was probably smelling for her blood or something creepy like that and that was easily countered by a stink bomb. She smiled as her opponent became disoriented and she realized that she'd been right. 

Izu-kun would be so proud. 

She grabbed one of her failed babies that was supposed to be an early version of her jetpack and turned it on before launching it at the guy's head. It exploded about a second earlier than she'd hoped, but it was still enough to force him back. She ran for the maintenance room door, only to find her path blocked by knives. Again. This was getting old. 

"Blood. Flesh…" 

"What a mad banquet of darkness." 

Mei felt hands grab her and she yelped as she was carried around the corner by one of the hero students with a full six arms, "Are you hurt? You're one of the support students, right? We need to run."

"No, what we need is to get the power back on." Mei pushed the student, Shouji if she remembered right, away. "And to do that, I need to get in that stupid room."

Shouji blinked for a moment and nodded, "Alright. Then Tokoyami and I will help you. Stay behind us."

He raised his arms into a shield and raised himself up to his full height. Mei got ready to run. They were running out of time.

It took longer than he preferred to figure out where the hell Mustard was and lure Mina into an affected area. He had his gas mask, obviously, so he wasn't affected, but the stupid pink idiot could hold her breath for an inferiatingly long time. At least she was out of the way now, but Mineta was definitely not in a good mood as he finally hurried back to where he'd left Shinso. Sending that text as a threat to Cheat Code hadn't seemed like a risk at the time, but then again, he hadn't been planning on running into one of his classmates. 

He breathed a sigh of relief when Shinso was still there, stuck to the floor exactly where he'd left him. He hadn't even woken up yet! Mineta chuckled and kicked Shinso in the ribs, "Wake up Sleeping beauty, rise and shine. "

Shinso blinked, bleary eyed and raised his head, "What? What time is it?"

Mineta immediately looked at his watch. if he was correct, Shinso's quirk relied on confusing his target, so no matter what, he needed to know what he was talking about, "11 pm."

His eyes widened as Shinso smirked, "got ya."

"What are you…" apparently he was just confused enough by Shinso's reaction for the quirk to kick in because he felt his brain go fuzzy and his arms fell limp at his sides, "Dissolve these stupid things and let me go."

Mineta had no choice but to obey.
