

"Bakugo Katsuki and Izuku Midoriya, please report to the principal's office, Bakugo Katsuki and Izuku Midoirya."

Izuku froze in his seat as the classroom exploded in whispers at the announcement. He hesitantly looked over at Kacchan, but whipped his head down to look at the floor the second he saw the death glare that Kacchan was leveling at him. Why were they being called down to the office? And together? Was this about…? No, it couldn't be about the teasing. They'd never done anything about it before, so there wasn't any reason for them to do something now, especially now that Kacchan had gotten into UA's hero course. 

So that meant that Izuku was probably in trouble for something, but what? And why would Kacchan have to come too? Izuku gathered his things and walked out into the hall, careful to keep a few steps behind Kacchan so he didn't think Izuku was trying to get ahead of him. Unfortunately, his efforts to not make Kacchan angry were in vain, because as soon as they'd turned the corner, Izuku found himself being slammed against the wall. 

"What is this about, Deku?" Kacchan growled. "What did you do?"

"I don't know, I swear!" Izuku held his bag securely against his chest so Kacchan couldn't grab it, his eyes flicking down to the smoke billowing from his hand. "Let's just go, we p-probably shouldn't keep the principal waiting."

Kacchan clicked his tongue dismissively, but released his hold on Izuku and kept walking toward the principal's office. Izuku took a deep breath to steady himself before hurrying after him, leaving a larger gap between them this time so he'd have a bit more warning if Kacchan decided to confront him again. When they got to the office, Kacchan knocked on the door and shot a warning glare back at Izuku before the door swung open. 

The principal was a man who really seemed too young to be balding, but that didn't stop him. Izuku had been to his office a few times in the past, none of which had necessarily been pleasant, so the smile on the principal's face didn't do anything to put him at ease. In fact, it made the whole thing more unsettling, because Izuku honestly couldn't think of a single reason why he'd be called down to the office if he wasn't in trouble. 

"I just wanted to be the first person from our school to congratulate the both of you." The principal said. "I can't believe we have not one, but two students from our school will be attending UA! And to think you're one of them, Midoriya. It's honestly a miracle."

Izuku gulped as he felt the heat of Kacchan's glare on him. Or maybe it was literal heat...had Kacchan activated his quirk? He wouldn't do that in the principal's office, would he? Would the principal let him get away with it? 

He didn't know why he'd assumed he'd be lucky enough to not have anyone at his middle school know he'd made it into UA. It had been so nice these past months with nobody knowing about his new dream, but of course Aldera had to have been sent their exam results. He'd been even more of an idiot for somehow not preparing for the eventuality of Kacchan finding out! They were going to be attending the same high school, they'd run into each other eventually, even if they were in different courses. Well, there was nothing he could do about any of that now. 

Izuku forced a shaky smile onto his face, "Thank you, sir. I hope we'll make you proud."

The principal nodded and gestured for them to leave. Izuku stood awkwardly for a second, waiting for Kacchan to leave first, but he just kept glaring at him until Izuku finally gave in and scurried toward the door. He just wanted to go back to class and pretend that the principal hadn't known exactly what he was doing by calling both of them into the office at the same time. He wanted to pretend that his new dream was still safe. He wanted to pretend that Kacchan was like Mei and was excited that they'd be going to the same school, rather than enraged.

Instead, reality grabbed him roughly by the arm and dragged him outside, taking him straight to an alcove behind the locker rooms that didn't have any cameras. At this time of day, even if Kacchan let loose explosions, no one would be on the other side to hear them, which also meant that no one would be around to hear Izuku's screams. Not that they'd help him if they did hear, but it was the principle of the thing. 

Izuku couldn't hold back a sharp cry as he was shoved against the wall for the second time in ten minutes. Kacchan glared down at him and this time Izuku knew that the heat wasn't just from his glare as he felt the skin on his chest blistering where Kacchan's hand was holding his shirt, "I thought you'd given up on being a hero, nerd." 

Izuku trembled as he realized he'd never actually seen Kacchan this angry before. This...this was bad. Even worse than usual. What would happen if Kacchan killed him? Would they give his place at UA to someone else? Would Mei find someone else to make inventions with? Would anyone even notice he was gone?

"I bet you've had a great time laughing behind my back these past couple of months, haven't you?" Kacchan sneered. "Pretending to have given up, when really you were lying to us the whole time! How'd you even pass the exam, you damn nerd?!"

"I…" Izuku hissed in pain as Kacchan let loose an explosion to his chest. 

"I was supposed to be the first and only student from this crappy school to make it into UA, and you had to go and ruin it!" Kacchan yelled. "Well, I hope your fun was worth it, because it's over Deku! I don't care if you somehow cheated and made it into UA, you're not gonna be a hero!"

"I'm in the support course, Kacchan!" Izuku yelled. 

He was trembling from the pain, the anxiety, and now the emotional exertion it took to yell at his oldest friend, "I didn't lie to you, Kacch...Katsuki. I gave up on being a hero months ago. I didn't even try the hero course exam like you did, so don't get angry at me for chasing a dream that doesn't even affect you!"

He grabbed the arm that was holding him against the wall and shoved it away, then ran as fast as he could away from the school. He'd undoubtably get in trouble for skipping class, but they wouldn't risk suspending him or punishing him too drastically now that he'd be attending UA. They wanted the positive attention too badly for that. Maybe that was why they'd let Katsuki get away with everything they did, because he was the student with the greatest chance of making it big. 

Izuku could hardly see through his tears as he ran home on auto pilot, shooting a text to Mei for her to call him when she had a minute. He didn't know what he'd say if she called, he just...there were too many emotions for him to process alone. Thankfully, Mom was at work, so he didn't have to worry about her seeing him barge through the door with tears running down his face as he went straight to the bathroom to bandage the ugly burn on his chest. 

To his surprise, Izuku's phone rang just as he was about to take off his uniform. He looked at the screen to see Mei's name on caller ID, "Shouldn't you be in class right now?"

"I told the teacher that I'd accidentally added an unstable component to my cell phone battery and it was going to explode if I didn't answer a call right away." Mei said. "I've actually done that before, so they didn't question it."

"You've...actually blown up your phone by accident?" Izuku asked numbly. 

"It wasn't a very large explosion." Mei dismissed. "But what's going on? Your text sounded really upset and now your voice is doing that weird chokey thing it does when you've been crying!"

Izuku tried to hold back a sob, but it tore itself out of his chest anyway, "Everyone at school found out I'm going to UA."

There was a beat of silence at the other end, "Isn't that a good thing? Shouldn't they be happy for you?"

"No, you don't understand, I'm quirkless!" Izuku yelled, then immediately felt like a bucket of ice water had been dumped over his head as he realized what he'd just said. He hadn't meant for her to know that. He hadn't...and he'd been looking forward to having a friend, "I'm sorry. I...I'll just let you go, you didn't need to leave class and you don't have to call me again, I'm sorry…."

"Oh no! Izuku Hacker Midoirya, don't you dare hang up on me!"

Izuku stopped with his thumb halfway to the end call button, "Did...did you just use hacker as my middle name?"

"Well I don't know your real one, and I needed a placeholder to get the full effect." Mei explained. "So, Izuku Hacker Midoriya, don't you dare think that I'm gonna abandon all the amazing babies we're gonna make together, just because you have some extra toe joint or whatever. I know for a fact that you're smarter than that, so I don't want to hear it!"

Izuku's jaw dropped and he gaped at his reflection in the mirror, "I...what? You...you're still talking to me?"

"Obviously." Mei huffed. "So did one of your bullies get mad because you made it in?"

Izuku put his phone on speaker so he could focus on treating his burn, "I don't know if bully's the right word. We used to be best friends, so it sounds so wrong to call him anything other than that, but...well, we haven't really hung out since his quirk came in, so…"

"That was ten years ago, Izu-kun." Mei said bluntly. 


"That was ten years ago." Mei repeated. "If you haven't hung out in ten years, you're not still friends. Did he hurt you?"

Izuku hissed in pain as his shirt pulled away from the burned skin, "Today?"

Mei made a little exasperated noise, "Ever!"

"Um…" Izuku looked at the angry red burn in the mirror, "define hurt."

Mei groaned, "For someone who is so smart, you really are an idiot. Are you in pain right now?"

"If I say no, are you going to believe me?"

"Not a chance in hell, Izu-kun."

Izuku grimaced, "Then yes."

Mei sighed, "I'm gonna kill him. He did that just because you got into UA and he didn't?"

"Oh no, he got in too." Izuku ran a washcloth under cold water. "He's in the hero course, that's part of why he's so angry."

"They let your bully into the hero course?!" Mei yelled so loudly that the audio on the phone crackled. 

"Like I said, bully isn't really the right word."

"Just because you were friends once doesn't mean he's not a bully, Izu-kun." Mei said, then continued more quietly. "It also doesn't mean you deserved it."

Izuku's hands stuttored to a stop from where he'd been gently patting the washcloth to his chest, "What?"

"You don't deserve the way he treats you, Izu-kun." Mei said. "What's his excuse? That you don't have a quirk? Not your fault! Try again!"

"Um…," Izuku thought for a moment, "until about a year ago, I still wanted to be a hero despite that?"

"Not a crime." Mei said. "Tons of kids want to be heroes! Try again!"

Izuku was starting to smile in spite of himself, "I kept complimenting his quirk, which he somehow interpreted as me thinking I was better than him?"

"...I'm not even gonna try, this guy's an idiot. Next!"

Izuku laughed, "Um...I kept following him around like a lost puppy?"

"Anyone would be lucky to have your brilliant mind behind them." Mei said. "Any other complaints?"

Izuku hesitated. He knew that it'd probably make Mei laugh, but it felt almost blasphemous to say, "He's a dick?"

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" Mei cackled. "We have a winner! For real, though, Izu-kun, that guy is a jerk and if he ever comes to me for babies I'll...ugh, I'll..."

Izuku wasn't sure he actually wanted to know, "You'll what?"

"I'll use cheap materials!" Mei blurted. "No, I can't do that, my babies deserve only the best. Ugh, I'll figure it out, but it won't be pretty!"

Izuku laughed, "Thanks, Mei, that means a lot."

"So, are you feeling any better?"

Izuku shrugged as he spread burn cream on his chest. It was definitely going to scar, "I don't know. I just wish he hadn't taken it so personally, you know? I wasn't even trying to get into the hero course!"

Izuku's sadness had slowly been pushed away by Mei's enthusiasm, and it was quickly being replaced by something he wasn't used to letting himself feel. Anger.

"Couldn't he just let me have this one thing without ruining it?" Izuku ranted. "I mean, he already made sure I knew my last dream was a big fat pile of nothing, so couldn't he just be happy with that? Noooo! He has to ruin my new one too!"

"Then don't let him!" Mei said. "It's your dream, not his, so that bully doesn't get any say. You're gonna be an amazing support analyst, Izu-kun, and he can't do a thing about it."

Izuku finished wrapping the bandages around his chest and grabbed the phone as he headed to his room to pick out a t-shirt, "I don't know. It feels like he can."

"I know…" Mei said. "But, hey! Now you have me, and we're friends, and I'm not gonna let you give up! We're gonna take UA by storm and that guy is gonna regret ever hurting you, ok?"

Izuku chucked, "Ok."

"Good." Mei said resolutely. "Now, did you find anything else out about that jet quirk from the exam? My hover-boot babies are having problems staying in the air…"
