

Kisame – Man, it's been a while.

Shikamaru – Yes, I had even given up on this fic when I suddenly got a call from Phoenixsun.

Itachi – Ok, guys we have a lot to get through, so Shikamaru, if you would do the honors?

Kisame – What are you talking about?

Itachi – I'll explain it to you during the chapter.

Shikamaru – Here is PHD's chapter 39, the story's second to last chapter.

Kisame – Wait… What?!

Seven Color Dream

"So, after Iruka-sensei found out who was responsible, he immediately went running after Naruto, but he had already gotten a nice head start, so sensei chased him across the village all the way until nightfall." The blond Shadow Clone said with a wide grin on his face.

As much as she tried holding it in, Shion could not help but burst out laughing at the tale the bunshin had told her of Naruto's pranks back at the Ninja Academy. "I… I cannot believe a sourpuss like Naruto used to do stuff like that." She commented between fits of laughter.

The clone laughed a bit. "Yeah… He… He used to smile a lot more back in the day." He revealed. "But… The ninja world eventually caught up to him… For the longest time he was left full of anger and resentment that threatened to consume him." The copy's words were punctuated by a heartrending look in his eyes. "Though he eventually managed to regain some of his light… It's nothing like it once was, but at least he is smiling again." The bunshin said with a smile of his own.

Shion looked down at the ground. "I wish… I could have met him back then." She commented with just the tinniest bit of melancholy. "Maybe we would have gotten along better."

A short laugh escaped the clone. "I sincerely doubt it… Naruto tended to rub people the wrong way a lot back then." He stated. "Hell, I'm pretty sure even his team hated him at first."

The pair of blondes laughed as they sat by the entrance of the cave. This was the only thing they could do to pass the time and keep their mind off the mission that the real Naruto and the others were currently undertaking. The topic that had proved most successful and interesting ended up being Naruto's life before he had suddenly become so serious and irritated. The girl was particularly interested in any embarrassing moment in the genin's life.

"Now…" The Naruto restarted talking. "Let me tell you what happened when Team Seven was task with finding the cat belonging to the Fire Daimyo's wi…" The clone suddenly stopped as his eyes suddenly winded. "Na… Naruto… He's…" The copy struggled to say.

The Demon Country priestess was barely able to register the look of pain in the clone's face before it suddenly disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Shion gasped. "No…" She whispered as she starred at the place where the bunshin had been sitting. Unconsciously, the young woman stood up. "If the clone was dispelled like that… It must be that Naruto…" Immediately, the girl whipped her head towards the exit.

Quickly, the familiar feeling of dread started to overtake the young priestess as fear of her vision returned in full force.

Without even thinking about it twice, the blond dashed out of the cave. She was not sure where she was going, but Naruto was in trouble and that was all she needed to know.

Straining her neck as she trekked through the snow, Koyuki tried to look at the machine that her uncle's henchmen were pushing just a few steps ahead of her. However, tried as she might, she could not get even a glance of its prisoner.

After those strange devices attached themselves to Naruto and caused the blond to pass out, Doto have ordered his servants to put the young man inside the weird contraption before turning to face his niece and informing her that the time had come for her to witness the greatest moment in Snow Country's history.

"These chakra readings are incredible…" The fake daimyo muttered as he examined an electronic device in his hand. "As I expect it, with the Leaf ninja's chakra potency, the machine will be ready in just a matter of hours." He commented.

At that moment Koyuki was torn between wanting to check on Naruto and wanting to claw her uncle's eyes out, but the restraints that were put on her would not budge, no matter how much she struggled against them.

"Ah, here we are…" Doto announced as they arrived at their destination. The young woman immediately recognized it as the old Rainbow Glacier altar; however the place was now almost completely filled with machines. "The site of my brother's greatest folly! And now my greatest masterpiece!" The man proclaimed.

Koyuki narrowed her eyes as one of the henchmen freed her from her restraints. "What do you mean?" She asked as she rubbed her bruised wrists.

The daimyo gave his niece a short glance before or directing his henchmen to attack Naruto's container to one of the machines. "Do you remember that silly little dream you had about spring when you were a kid?" He asked, but did not bother to wait for an answer. "Nothing but a child's foolish whishes, but my dear brother took it a little too literal."

The black haired woman gave a confused look at her uncle's words.

"After I replaced him as leader of the Land of Snow, I quickly realized that Sosetsu had wasted all of the family's money and resources attempting built a machine that would bring spring to this country!" He revealed.

Koyuki's eyes widened. "What…? But that's impossible…" She commented, though her mind immediately brought back memories of her father telling her to wait for spring.

A snort escaped Doto. "Apparently he found a way… Imagine my disappointment when my researchers finally figure out what the device my brother hid in here was for. Imagin my anger!" He finally turned to face his niece. The man's expression was not of anger, but of overwhelming glee. "After years of salvaging my brother's foolish endeavor into something useful, my masterwork is finally ready! All it needs is the final key!" He exclaimed as he walked towards the young actress.

Taking several steps back, Koyuki looked up at her uncle with dread in her eyes as one of his hands stretched towards her neck. However, instead of strangling her, the usurper simply yanked the hexagonal crystal necklace from her neck.

"With this… No one will be able to stop me." Doto said as he held the crystal over his head, before turning around and walking towards the main altar in the middle of the structure.

The princess watched as her uncle inserted the crystal into the machine. The entire structure lighted up with all the colors of the spectrum as a large mass of chakra started to build up altar.

"Thanks to this young ninja's help, the machine will have enough chakra by the end of the day… But I think we can spare some now for a small demonstration." Doto commented as he pulled a cord out of his armor and attached it to the machine.

Despite never been trained in ninja arts, Koyuki could still feel the great pressure the mass of chakra was exerting on their surroundings. "What does… What does this thing do…?" She struggled to ask as the fear of whatever her uncle had built threatened to overwhelm her.

A small chuckle escaped the fake daimyo. "It turns me into a god…" He declared as he activated the machine.

Suddenly, the entire altar started to shake as the light emanated by the chakra sphere intensified. The next moment, a powerful blast shot out of the chakra mass towards a mountain in the distance.

Blue eyes widened in shock as the explosion that followed swallowed the mountain. "Im… Impossible…" Koyuki whispered.

"This is MY power." Doto stated as the explosion finally dissipated. Where once stood a mountain, now showed an unobstructed view of Snow Country's horizon. "Once the machine finishes absorbing the boy's chakra, I would even be able to reach all the way to Hidden Sand with it! None of the Five Great Nations will be able to oppose me!" He declared.

Finally snapping out the stupor that the machine's demonstration had left her, Koyuki reached into her robes for the item that Naruto had given her back when he found her at the castle. Her uncle must have deemed the princess not to be a threat when he instructed his henchmen to remove her restraints. In the man's mind, there was nothing a young actress could do to stop him at this point. "That's his mistake…" Koyuki thought as her hand wrapped around a metallic object.

With iron determination, the young woman charged at her uncle with as much force as her legs could muster. Spotting a gap on the man's armor, Koyuki thrust the kunai Naruto had given her to defend herself into it.

Doto let out an angry roar at the girl's action. "You stupid child!" He shouted as he swapped his niece away and threw her back several feet. The man then went to remove the weapon stuck in his armor, but his eyes widened at the sight of it. "What…?!" He barely managed to say before the explosive tag that Naruto had wrapped on the kunai was ignited by the chakra that ran through the armor.

The strong explosion savagely threw Doto back onto the altar, severely damaging it.

The usurper's eyes immediately widened in realization. "No!" He shouted as he stood back up and quickly started fiddling with the machine as the chakra sphere over it started to become unstable due to the blast. "No! This… This can't be! This can't end like…!" The man was shouting when the entire altar blew up.

Shino grimaced behind his collard as he and Lee ran as fast as they could in snowy field. Their opponent, Nadare Roga, was proving to be a more difficult adversary than the previous two Yuki ninjas. So far, the pair of genin had managed to fight him by chipping away at the older shinobi, but they had been forced to be on the defensive most of the time.

"Here comes another one!" Lee shouted right before a pair of beasts made out of ice charged towards the two boys.

Instantly, the Aburame swung his arm, sending a stream of kikai bugs at their pursuers, destroying one of them.

The second ice construct rushed at the brown haired boy, but was intercepted by one of Lee's kicks. Shino gave his teammate a nod of gratitude before the pair restarted their run.

The Aburame glanced down at his watch. "Naruto should have found the other by now… But what was that huge flash earlier?" The genin pondered as he ran.

"Shino!" The genin heard a familiar voice. "Lee!" It shouted.

"That's Sakura!" The taijutsu user exclaimed as the two turned towards where voice was coming from.

Out in the distance, the young men could see Tenten and Sakura running through the snow towards them. However, the moment of relief was abruptly ended by their pursuer. "Oh my, after going through all the trouble of capturing in them without killing them…" Nadare commented.

Shino quickly turned around just in time to see the Snow ninja finish a set of hand seals.

"Hyoton: Haryu Moko!" The lavender haired man shouted before a large tiger made out of ice sprouted from the snow and charged at the group of genin.

Acting out of reflex, the Aburame created a wall of bugs between the Ice Release and them, pouring as much chakra into the Kikaichu as he could.

Behind the bug user, Lee took out a scroll. "Tenten! Catch!" He shouted as he threw the parchment at the weapons expert.

The brown haired kunoichi caught the scroll and her eyes widened in recognition and understanding. Quickly opening as she bit her finger, she turned to her pink haired teammate. "Sakura, hold this end." She instructed before quickly moving away from the younger girl while smearing her blood on paper.

Once the scroll was fully unrolled, the two kunoichi pointed it at the Snow ninja. The seals on the parchment immediately activated, releasing over a dozen explosive kunai at the lavender haired man.

Looking at the incoming barrage, Nadare recalled his icy beast and willed the ice to rearrange itself into a wall in front of him. The wall protected the man from the explosive projectiles before crumbling due to the blast.

Suddenly, Lee shot out of the cloud of smoke left behind by the kunai with a fist flying directly at the Yuki ninja's face. Unfortunately, the older shinobi caught the punch with ease.

Nadare's smirk was short lived as the green clad genin unexpectedly crumbled into a swarm of bugs that completely covered the Snow ninja. "What the…!" The man started to exclaimed but stopped once he became aware of the shadow hovering over him. Looking up he was just in time to see Lee's foot coming down on him.

"Tsuchi no Fuin! Konoha Kako Eda!" The taijutsu user shouted as he brought his foot down.

The older man tried to block the incoming attack, but quickly found his movement restricted by the bugs covering his armor before receiving the full force of Lee's attack.

Seeing their opponent head being driven into the ground, Shino let out a sigh of relief before allowing his body fall back into the soft snow. "Shino! Are you alright?!" He heard Sakura shout as the two kunoichi rushed towards him.

"Yes… Just depleted…" The bug user said as he sat up and fixed his sunglasses. "What about you girls?" He asked.

"We're ok… All things considered." Tenten answered.

Shino nodded in understanding as Lee finally joined them. "What about Neji? And where is Naruto?" The black haired boy asked.

A look of worry appeared on Sakura's face. "Naruto went to find Yukie, he left a clone behind to guide use out, but it was suddenly dispelled." The pink haired girls informed.

"We managed to find the cave on our own…" Tenten added. "But Shion wasn't there…" She said.

"So we left Neji to recovered and headed out." Sakura finished.

Shino and Lee looked at each other for a second. "That big flash?" He wondered out loud, receiving a worried now from his green clad teammate. The Aburame sighed before forcing his body to stand back up. "Then, I guess now is not the time to rest…" He commented as he pushed his sunglasses back.

Naruto groaned as he regained consciousness. Opening his eyes, the boy strained to make sense of the blurry scene he found. "Yukie…?" He asked as he recognized the head of purple hair. It took the blond several second to realize that he was being awkwardly carried by the young actress.

"I told you… To call me… Koyuki…" The princess responded as she struggled to keep walking while pulling the Leaf ninja along.

Planting his feet firmly on the ground, Naruto took his weight off the young woman. "What happened…?" He asked as he looked down to find five of the chakra draining devices attached to him.

"Those things knocked you out… My uncle then had you moved to this machine he built and starting to transfer your chakra to it." Koyuki revealed. "It was some sort of weapon… The things he could have done with it…" Her entire body seemed to shake. "I use the explosive kunai you gave me to blow it up… Then I dragged you out as fast as I could." She added.

"I see…" Naruto responded as he flexed his hands. The spiky haired boy's whole body seemed extremely heavy due to the chakra devices. He was surprised that he was even awake at the moment. "Thank you… I came here to save you, but the tables seemed to have turn." He said as he offered the girl a grin.

The smile that Koyuki made in return was the most honest expression that the genin had seen from the actress so far.

"Naruto!" A voice suddenly called out.

Looking ahead, the young man could see Shion running towards him. "Shion? What are you doing here? You were supposed to stay in the cave." He said. Immediately, the genin's mind acknowledged the memories from the clone he had left with the priestess.

"You're clone… Suddenly… Disappeared… I got worried…" She said as she tried to catch her breath once she had reached the two of them. "About Yukie… I was worried about Yukie…" She quickly added as a healthy blush spread on her face.

A small chuckle escaped the older woman. "Oh my… What did I miss while I was captured?" She asked with a teasing tone.

The Jinchuuriki gave the actress a glare. "Don't you start again with those…" The boy started to say but was suddenly cut off.

"Hyoton: Kokuryu Bofusetsu!" Naruto had barely enough time to push the two girls out of the way and jump to the side himself before a dragon made out of black snow shot pass them with thunderous force.

Looking at the source of the Ice Release, the blond found a noticeably injured, but extremely furious Doto staggering towards them. His chakra armor was still smoldering. "You wrecks…! A life's worth of work… Destroyed by an idiotic girl…!" He growled.

Naruto gritted his teeth. Even if Doto was wounded, he could still perform ninjutsu, which put him at a clear advantage. "You girls run." He said without taking his eyes off the older man. "You keep running until you find Shino and the others." He added. The Jinchuuriki knew that the only thing he could do at this point was buy them time to get out safely.

"But…" Shion started to said but was silenced when the other blond finally turned to look at her.

"Remember that you promise to obey my instructions!" The Leaf nin shouted. "Now, go!" He roared before charging at the fake daimyo. With the restraints on his body, the young man find it difficult to even run, nevertheless Naruto took out a pair of shuriken and flung them at the armored ninja.

Doto simply brought his arms up and let his armor block the incoming projectiles. "I should have killed you right there on the spot!" He shouted. "Kokuryu Bofusetsu!" Another black dragon seemingly shot out of them man's palm.

The blond was barely able to evade the incoming attack directly, but the impact of the dragon crashing down on the floor was still able to throw the young man off his feet. While airborne, the genin launch another pair of shuriken at his opponent.

Immediately, Doto brought his armored arm up to block the spinning blades. While he managed to stop one of them, the second had enough curve to get around his defense and cut him right next to his eye. "Gyaargh! You little piece of shit!" The fake daimyo angrily screamed. "Soryu Bofusetsu!" This time a black dragon shot out of each of the man's palms.

Struggling to even stand up, Naruto looked up as the two ice wyrms flanked him. In his weakened state, the spiky haired ninja knew he had no chance to dodge this attack. The blond gritted his teeth as he readied himself to try and endure the attack when suddenly a pair of arms enveloped him from behind. Looking back, Naruto's eyes widened in horror at the sight of Shion and Koyuki. "I can't leave you! You can't die!" Shion pleaded as tears escaped her purple eyes.

All the while, Koyuki simply gave him a strong look and nodded.

Gritting his teeth harder, the Jinchuuriki forced his body to stand up and focused in trying to bring out his chakra.

The pair of dragons arced down towards the blond and the girls he was protecting.

Feeling the chakra restraints searing his body, the genin continue to push through. "Ok, stupid fox… If you're still in there, I need your help now…!" He thought.

Both dragons opened their maws.

"I'm going to save them goddamn it… This is not the day that I die…!" The young man's mind raged. "I'm going to prove those visions wrong… So come out already, KYUUBI!"

Suddenly, the chakra restraints short circuited. "It's about damn time, Kit…" Naruto heard a familiar voice.

Just as the pair of black dragons were about to reach the group, a massive amount of chakra exploded from the Leaf shinobi's body, and blasted the two snow creatures away. The spiky haired boy noticed that his body assumed the same fiery form he took during his fight against Sasuke, however, the next second it was gone and the boy returned to normal as all the chakra devices fell to the ground.

Doto took several steps back. "Im… Impossible…!" He stammered. "You should not have been able to break free from all those restraints!"

"Heh… It's nice to know that nothing ever changes around here." Kyuubi's voice echoed inside the Jinchuuriki's head once again. "You still manage to get yourself into certain death situations." The fox joked.

"You know… I'm actually glad to hear you again." Naruto thought. "But we will have to catch up later. I'm in the middle of something right now." He added before straitening up and looking back at the two girls. "You two should take a few steps back." The young man suggested before turning back to his opponents. "Now is time for round three." He announced before pumping chakra to his eyes.

The blonde's gut feeling was proven right as the Sora Sharingan immediately manifested itself.

With renewed strength, the Leaf shinobi brought out a kunai and charged forward. Skillfully baiting and dodging another snow dragon, the young man quickly close the distance between himself and his opponent, and thrust the blade forward.

Doto quickly block the kunai with his armored arm, but the strike carried enough strength to forcibly push the black haired man back.

"Gokakyu no Jutsu!" The spiky haired boy swiftly continued his attack by releasing a massive fireball on the older man. The large ball of fire caused a powerful explosion once it hit its target, raising smoke and steam in equal measure.

Among all the smoke, the fake daimyo continued to stand. "You bastard… My armor might be damaged, but it would never brake against a feeble attack like that…" He growled.

"Is that so?" Naruto asked as a smirk appeared on his face. "Then let me bring in the big guns." He said as he pumped a large amount of chakra into his eyes. "Enton: Shinsei Higitsune!" The Sharingan user called out before a black fireball appeared in front of him.

Suddenly, the dark flames turned into a pair of large fiery foxes that shot towards the armored man.

Doto sent out another pair of snow dragons that quickly flew to meet the incoming attack.

One of the Amaterasu fire foxes jumped at the wyrms, erupting into a large explosion of black flames upon contact that engulfed both snow dragons. Meanwhile, the remaining fox continued on its warpath towards the black haired man.

The fake daimyo tried to get away, but the fiery beast quickly caught up to him, sinking its teeth into the man's armored shoulder right before exploding as well.

"It's over… Your armor won't protect you from those flames." Naruto stated as he watched the badly burned man tried to stand up after the explosion. His high tech armor was crumbling apart as the Amaterasu flames continue to burn his body. "You are already dead." The Leaf ninja added.

Doto glared at the younger man. "Damn… You…" He said through his teeth as he extended his arm and attempted to launch another snow dragon at the blond. Suddenly, from the cracks in Doto's armor, a pair of weird purple snakes with a single large red eye slithered out. A look of shock and horror appear in the fake daimyo's face. "These are… Yomi's…" It was all that the man could say before the snakes lunged at his throat.

A mass of dark chakra exploded all round the black haired man sending shockwaves all around.

Naruto's eyes widened as several dragon heads, similar to the snow dragons, shot out of the explosion, rising high up into the air before plunging themselves down towards the spiky haired genin and the two girls. "Susanoo!" The Sharingan user immediately called out as he brought forth his chakra avatar.

The genin was surprise when the Susanoo that materialized was almost twice the size as it had been before, most of its body was wrapped around in some sort of cloth so that only the avatar's eye could be seen while some of its hair stick out of the seams. The construct also had what appeared to be a demonic fox mask hanging just to the side of its head and, most notably, it now carried a large sword on each hand.

Immediately, Naruto willed one of the spectral blades to cut down the incoming dragons in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, the victory was short lived as even more dragon heads sprouted out.

The chakra hydra roared through its multiple heads before attacking once again. Inside his avatar, Naruto commanded Susanoo's blade to block and cut down the wyrms one after another, but any head it decapitate would immediately be replaced by another.

After several fruitless minutes, the blond started to feel the strain of sustaining his chakra construct. "Naruto!" Shion suddenly called out.

The Leaf ninja looked back to see the other blond running towards him. "What the hell are you doing?! Get back!" He shouted.

Shaking her head in rejection, the priestess continued to run towards the shinobi. "That guy's chakra… There is something demonic about it!" She exclaimed. "You'll never be able to beat it like this! It requires a priestess' chakra!" She added as she reached the spiky haired boy.

"Like yours?" The young man asked, receiving a nod from the girl. "Do you know any jutsus that would stop him?" The boy inquired as Susanoo brought his sword up to block four dragons at the same time.

Shion thought it over for a second before shaking her head in defeat. "All I know are sealing rituals for actual demons… Nothing for whatever that guy became…" She revealed.

Naruto gritted his teeth for a second before an idea popped into his head. "Do you know how to channel chakra?" He asked as an opening appeared in the avatar right in front of the priestess.

Taken aback, the blond girl need a few minutes to respond. "I… I know the basics…" She said as she walked into the construct, which immediately close up behind her.

"Pour your chakra into Susanoo, I'll direct it from there." The spiky haired boy instructed.

After a couple of deep breaths, the Demon Country priestess nervously put her hands in the avatar's inner wall and started channeling her chakra.

Naruto felt the foreign energy seep into Susanoo and immediately redirected upwards towards the sword held on the construct's right hand while the left kept the hydra's heads at bay. The right blade started to glow with a purple hue before it crystallized, giving an extremely sharp edge.

Exhausted, Shion fell back, only to be caught by the Leaf ninja. "You did great." He assured her. "Now let's finish this!" The Sharingan user called out as he willed Susanoo to swing his left sword sideways to push the hydra back before raising the right blade over its head and the weapons stared to glow again. The light of the sun making it seem like all seven colors of the spectrum ran across the blade. "Shikyo Tekken!" The young man roared.

The purple sword swung down on the chakra beast with thunderous force, the dragon heads seemingly burning away as they came into contact with the blade, until it came crashing down to the mass of chakra from where the wyrms originated, triggering a large explosion.

Inside the avatar, Naruto waited for any signs that the enemy was still standing. Once the dust dissipated, revealing simply the remains of Doto's chakra armor, the blond dispelled the construct.

"Is it over?" Shion asked as she regained her composure.

"Yes…" The Konoha ninja answered before looking back to where Koyuki was standing. "It's finally over."

The actress gave a look full of emotions to the young man as single tear ran down her cheek. "Thanks…" She whispered. "Thank you…" The young actress said before her knees gave up and she fell to the snow.

Immediately, the pair of blonds rushed towards the black haired girl. However, after the third step, Naruto hear the sudden sound of flapping wings. Looking back, the Jinchuuriki realized that the sky had abruptly turned a deep, crimson red, while the trees all around him where pitch black. Quickly gazing around, the genin could find neither Shion nor Koyuki.

"It's been a while, Naruto-kun." Naruto heard a voice that sent chills down his spine. Turning around, the Leaf shinobi could see the figure of Uchiha Itachi walking towards him.

"You…!" The younger ninja growled as he took out a kunai. "What are you doing here?"

The missing ninja continued to walk calmly. "I did tell you that we would meet again when you awakened Susanoo." The Uchiha pointed out. "I've been watching you closely since then. I saw you unlocking Susanoo during your fight with Kabuto, but I decided to wait until you had matured it a bit more… Good job keeping Sasuke in line, by the way."

Naruto felt dread threaten to overwhelm him at finding out how much Itachi knew about him. "What do you want?" He asked.

A smirk appeared on the older Sharingan user. "I believe you have grown enough to the point that you can be entrusted with the truth." The man revealed as his red eyes narrowed.

Suddenly, spiky haired boy found himself back beneath a typical blue sky and surrounded by normal trees. "Naruto!" Shion called out as she tried to help Koyuki stand up. "Come on! I've been calling you for the pass minute! Stop spacing out and help us!" She complained.

The Uzumaki look down at his hand, realizing that they kunai was missing. "Only a minute…?" He asked quietly to himself before shaking the stupor off and going to help the young women. Everything that Itachi had told him weighing heavily in his mind.

The ship bound for Demon Country was anchored next to the remnants of the movie studio's ship in the harbor. "I can believe the entire crew and movie staff came out completely unharmed after all of that…" Naruto commented as he shook his head. "You are all crazy, you know that, right?" The genin said as he glanced at the older man next to him.

"Ohohoh! It was the experience of a lifetime!" The movie director exclaimed with glee. "Anyways, we'll wait for you ninjas onboard. We can set sail whenever you are ready." The man said before walking towards the ship that the Land of Snow gifted to him and his movie studio in recompense for their assistance in taking down the usurper Kazahana Doto.

It had been a couple of days since their battle against Yukigakure. The transition of power from Doto to Koyuki had gone smooth enough thanks to Sandayu and his associates in the country, and Neji had quickly recovered from his severe chakra exhaustion.

Turning around, the Jinchuuriki walked back to where his friends had all gathered. "I hope everything continues to turn up well for you, Yukie… I mean, Koyuki-san." Tenten said as she gave a bow to Snow Country's new ruler.

"Does this mean your career as an actress is over?" Lee asked.

"Heavens no, I'm simply putting it on hold until things stabilize here." Koyuki answered. "Though I will have to lighten my schedule once I return to acting… After all, I cannot saddle Sandayu with my responsibilities for too long." The young woman added with a slightly smug smile.

Shion nodded. "Yes… Being a leader can be quite troublesome." She stated.

"Really? If throwing tantrums is that much of a hassle, then why do you keep doing it?" Naruto asked as he reached the group, receiving an angry glare from his fellow blond. "Anyways, they're all ready to set off and they are just waiting on us." The genin informed his teammates.

The Leaf ninjas started to say their goodbyes right away and got ready to head on board.

During the shuffle, the spiky haired boy turned to the new daimyo. "You seem a lot more relax now… And far less bitchy." He commented with a smirk.

The actress expression changed to match the genin's. "I am… You should try it once in a while… It might make you seem less of a dick." She calmly retorted.

A short laugh escaped the Jinchuuriki. "I'm glad you are doing alright." He confessed, offering the girl a warm smile.

Once more, Koyuki returned the gesture. "And I'm glad I had you as a bodyguard." She said before suddenly taking a step forwards. "Although, I do recall that I owe you something very important…" She commented. Catching the young man unaware, the actress leaned in, and delivered a soft kiss right on the corner of the blonde's mouth. Pulling back, she smiled at the utterly shocked boy she left in her wake.

All around the young daimyo and the stunned genin everyone had bewildered expressions. "WHAT?!" Sakura exclaimed, being the first to recover.

"What the hell was that?!" Shion added as her and the pink haired kunoichi stomped over to the spiky haired boy.

Naruto was still speechless as the two girls grabbed him by his jacket and started to drag him away. "Come on, Naruto! The ship is going to leave without us!" Sakura stated angrily. Meanwhile, all the young man could do was watch Kazahana Koyuki happily wave him goodbye.

Hyoton: Haryu Moko – Ice Release: Tearing Dragon Fierce Tiger

Konoha Kako Eda – Leaf Falling Branch (Made up)

Hyoton: Kokuryu Bofusetsu – Ice Release: Black Dragon Blizzard

Soryu Bofusetsu – Twin Dragon Blizzard

Enton: Shinsei Higitsune – Blaze Release: Sacred Fire Fox (Made up)

Shikyo Tekken – Purple Mirror Iron Sword (Made up)

Shikamaru – And so the movie arc has come to a close.

Kisame – Hold on a minute? What do you mean that the fic is ending all of the sudden?! What are we, Bleach?!

Itachi – It's true, the fic will end be wrapping up by the next chapter.

Kisame – How come I'm only finding this out now?!

Shikamaru – We all believed that it was too much for you to handle.

Itachi – Anyways, the next chapter is almost complete and should go up between a week and ten days from this one. So please join us one last time for PHD's final chapter: I'll See You Before I Go.
