

059 - Little Sister's Paradise

Medusa Gorgon

I'm not particularly fond of big crowds, but I do enjoy the homely feeling that comes from people sharing food and conversation around the table. As long as I'm not expected to… participate myself. That's why I opted to hang on the edges as an astralized spirit instead of sitting at the table with everyone else.

It's not like I actually need more sustenance than what Sakura provides through our Master-Servant bond, but being around allows me to keep an eye on my Master and… reminisce. Of simpler times, of happier times.

I snap into full alert when an unfortunately familiar feeling of burning vileness hammers at my senses through Sakura's bond. The homely mood must've affected me more than expected because the room is now half-empty now and Sakura herself is nowhere to be seen.

I barely have time to register Saber reacting exactly like me before my astralized form rushes through the walls of the building in a straight flight towards Sakura. There was no alarm or panic to accompany the worrisome feelings, but I set that observation aside for now to focus on meeting up with my Master as fast as possible.

I find her with Saber's Master in a small, remote room dusty enough to have gone unused for decades, both of them looking winded, faces sweaty and breath ragged. There's no trace of any danger or enemy around and I can only conclude they did something (stupid) impulsive and ill-advised while I wasn't looking.

That's… that's good. Probably, maybe, I'd rather know what they were up to, but there's no immediate danger and questions can wait. I force myself to relax and observe from afar. After the scare she just gave me, she can be sure I'm not letting her out of my sight again for a good while.

Saber arrives at the scene while I'm considering this, seemingly reaching the same conclusions I do and setting herself up to wait and see like I'm doing, an almost palpable aura of indignation around her. Our Masters start recovering from whatever they've done, gradually straightening up as they catch their breath before Saber's Master suddenly freezes in place. Her face slowly turns towards the Saber's astralized body position, poorly hiding a wince before giving her an apologetic smile.

Considering the way Saber's indignation only seems to sharpen further, I don't think she feels particularly appeased by the gesture.

"Hey, Sakura-chan." The girl calls out with a light tone of voice that has me narrowing my eyes in suspicion. She's planning something. "Do you have plans for tonight?"

"Tonight…?" Sakura looks surprised by the question, or maybe she's still too dazed about whatever they just did to realize the blatant implications.

"I mean, there's a lot of people and there's only so many beds…" The other girl trails off, somehow managing to be even less subtle. "And Nii-san is with Tohsaka tonight and I don't know how I feel about it."

A whirlwind of complex emotions flows to me through Sakura's bond. She's angry and jealous, vindicated, proud, happy and aroused. That feeling of kinship I have for my Master gets so strong it's almost painful. Even for things like these, we're tragically alike.

We wouldn't recognize normal family dynamics if our life depended on it.

"...Oh." There's a hint of recognition in Sakura's voice, but I can't help feeling she's latching on to the wrong half of the explanation. "I– I think I know what you m– mean. Nee-san is… a bit too much sometimes."

"Right? What say you, Sakura-chan?" The other girl seems to have caught on Sakura's denseness too, because she doubles down again, lightly wrapping her arms around my Master's shapely waist. "Shall we have some fun ourselves? Little sisters only?"

"We– Me– I mean!" Finally, Sakura seems to catch on, blushing adorably before looking away. "If you're really okay with someone like me…"

"Oh, don't say it like that, you sweet cupcake you." Saber's Master cups Sakura's cheek with a hand, gently straightening her head before using the free hand to brush the long strands of purple hair away from her forehead to deposit a soft kiss there. I can't help my respect towards the girl grow some notches. That was smooth. "I thought we fucked that attitude out of you last time!"

"Maybe… I need remedial courses?"

"That's more like it."

As I watch the two of them leave the room and beeline towards the second bedroom of the guest wing, holding hands and smiling like fools, I have no choice but to admit the pretty boy and his little family have been good for Sakura. It's hard to feel jealous of them even if things are shaping up to have me watching the fun from afar tonight.

On the flip side, Saber is no longer radiating indignation, but resolution and something a bit more… interesting. Maybe I'll find a way to release some stress before the night's over, after all.

Emiya Haku

I don't release Sakura's hand until we make it to our bedroom and I need both hands to latch the lock of the door behind us. Once that's taken care of, I turn around to find Sakura already sitting on the bed, an eager, nervous smile on her lips and her hands playing with the lower edge of her shirt.

Am I assuaging some arguably misplaced sense of guilt by lewding the cute kouhai I just put through an uncomfortable situation? Absolutely.

Am I trying to drown my own brain in lust so it stops giving me mixed signals about how I should feel about what's going on in the next room? You can bet I am.

Should any of that hold me back from giving this girl the best night I possibly can? Heck no. This is this and that is that, and we promised Sakura she would never sleep alone again.

Now, if I couldn't feel Ecchan's glare boring a hole through the back of my skull out of sheer disapproval, everything would be peachy. Geez, it's not like she actually knows what I'm planning, where does she get being all judgemental about the (suicide) heroic sacrifice she doesn't know I'm planning?

Putting my oddly perceptive Servant out of my mind, I answer Sakura's smile with a confident grin of my own and make my way towards the bed. A proper, sexy sashay is a difficult art to master. You need to be casual and confident… and sway your hips nearly to the point of dislocation, while still looking relaxed and at ease.

It's not for everyone and I only bothered learning for Nii-san but I have to admit, watching Sakura's smile turn into an expression of lust as her cheeks practically start glowing, hands falling on her lap because all her focus is devoted to watching me get closer and maybe try to burn a hole through my clothes is quite the heady feeling too.

She doesn't even notice my hands going to the side of my skirt to undo the button and zipper until it starts sliding down my legs. I wear black waist-high tights underneath, snugly fitting my shape and being just see-through enough for my white panties to be barely made out underneath.

By that point a small, keening noise starts escaping her throat as she makes her best teakettle impression. The smirk on my lips widens. Damn, but this girl knows how to boost one's ego. I wish I could get these same reactions out of Nii-san.

Once the skirt hits the floor, I take my time stepping one foot out of it, before using the other to kick it to the side and take the last few steps to close the distance with Sakura. Lifting one of my stocking-covered feet, I land it on the bed, right between Sakura's knees. It's so close to touching her naughty bits that I can feel the heat of her core on my toes.

She makes a small squeaking noise when I bend my waist forward leaning a forearm on my lifted knee to get my face mere inches in front of hers. She shifts in place and swallows thickly but, very tellingly, she refuses to give an inch, her lilac eyes staring right into mine.

"Someone call Heaven." I drawl softly, using my other hand to cup her cheek. "I found their lost angel."


Well, I guess that's it for conversation. I spare her further embarrassment by closing the small distance between us, sealing her lips with mine. It's not the first time we kiss, but Sakura remains deliciously shy about the process, her lips passively accepting my prodding tongue and her own easily submitting as soon as I start playing with it.

She tastes like plums. Which is funny because one would guess she'd taste like cherries, but life isn't made out of name puns, so she tastes like plums tonight.

Mysterious Heroine X Alter

I don't care very much about complicated stuff.

I like this place, I like the food, I like the books, I like Master and everyone else. I like doing naughty things with Master.

I don't like it when Master goes behind my back to do dumb things. I don't know what she did with Rider's Master back there, but it was dangerous. She wouldn't feel guilty about it otherwise.

… That's frustrating, I can beat enemies with ease, but [Cross Calibur] is useless when it comes to killing stupidity.

So I have decided I'm not leaving Master's side again until the War is over.

That's why I'm (peeking from inside the wardrobe) keeping an eye on her as she does naughty things with Rider's Master and there's no other reason whatsoever. The reason I'm no longer astralized is because I need my hands ready for action at a moment's notice. Yes.

A particularly loud moan coming from the room ruins my situational awareness for a moment and, before I know what's going on, there's cold metal chains around me and a warm hand on my shoulder.

"Why, Saber…" An extremely (sensual) dangerous voice whispers in my ear before I can try and break free of the chains. "Fancy meeting you here…"

Mitsuzuri Ayako

From my position lying on the sofa-turned-bed, I take a look at the armchair where one of the creepy maids -Sella, I think?- sits with crossed arms and a frown of disapproval on her face. She seems to notice my attention, raising her eyes to meet my own and I'm not sure what to do next except for holding her gaze.

That's when a particularly loud moan comes from somewhere else in the room, and I can't be sure where from because there are too many possibilities and I refuse to acknowledge I can recognize the voice.

"That's it Rin!" The painfully enthusiastic voice of Emiya's supposedly elder sister echoes through the corridors right afterward, ruining my attempts at deluding myself. "Cum for me!"

There's a small wince on the maid's eyes that I'm sure are reflected on my own and, for a moment, a deep sense of kinship and sympathy shared between the only two sane individuals in this place.

… The other maid left to 'totally not peek on everyone' a while ago, if you're wondering. It seems like, the more people are here, the less people try to sleep at night. Damnit, I just want to have some good rest so I won't be useless tomorrow! It might be the last day of your lives, you know?
