

Consider It A Reward

Two weeks after what turned out to be her first date, Hermione was preparing for bed while trying hard not to scream at Lavender to shut the hell up. The buxom blonde was dancing around like a toddler who had to visit the potty while singing rather irritatingly about Hermione and Harry sitting in a tree together engaging in an activity that people were still snickering about Harry asking Hermione to teach him about several weeks ago.

"He definitely likes you." Lavender smiled as she did a little dance and began singing a silly little song and pointing at her roommate while they where preparing for bed Friday night. It was very late, later than Hermione usually stayed up, but Harry had been called to the Headmaster's office just after dinner, and Hermione's curiosity had kept her up a bit later than normal.

"You're mental, you know that." Hermione tried to counter.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Lavender continued, shaking her butt and whipping her hair around.

"Will you stop it, please." Hermione said rather irritably. Lavender complied, though she continued smiling at her friend. "It isn't like that at all."

In truth, Hermione wasn't so sure her roommate was truly wrong in her assessment. In fact, she had noticed that Harry looked at her differently now. She would often catch him looking at her from across the Common Room when Neville had dragged him off for a bit of "guy time". Harry never seemed to interested in playing games, or talking Quidditch with the other boys. In fact, Harry only seemed to pay attention to the other boys when they began talking about girls. This intrigued and frightened Hermione a bit. She didn't think Harry should be learning about girls from any of the Gryffindor boys, especially not Seamus or gods forbid Cormac McClaggen. She was thankful he hadn't yet asked her to quantify anything he had heard from those gits. She didn't think she'd be able to leave her dorm if Harry asked her to let him feel her up or give him a hickey.

When they spent time together, he acted as normal as he ever did. The talked about whatever interested them at the moments, studied, and generally acted no different than before their Hogsmeade visit. Yet, Hermione felt that there had been a change, though she couldn't exactly pinpoint what is was.

Harry had taken to inviting her to join himself and Neville on their morning runs more often. However, Neville had commented that Harry felt everyone should be working out more, so Hermione didn't give his invitations much thought.

"Excuse me." Lavender snapped, breaking Hermione from her musings. "Did you or did you not tell me in that very room," She said pointing to the dorm room. "That Harry had originally asked you to Hogsmeade with the full intention of it being a date and that he expressly stated he intended to ask you out again?"

"Yeah, but he… It's not like that. I also told you that Harry's not even sure what he's doing. He's confused, and I'm just his friend." Hermione argued. "Besides, He's been talking a lot more with that Cho Chang girl."

"That's because Chang is stalking him. Padma told me and Parvati that she's obsessed with him." Lavender rolled her eyes. She grabbed Hermione by the shoulders and turned her so she was looking directly into Hermione's eyes. "When are you going to stop denying what EVERYONE IN THIS SCHOOL CAN SEE PLAIN AS DAY?!"

"What do you mean everyone?" Hermione snapped, as she flung off Lavender's arms.

"No one will ask you because they're afraid that they might upset you and no one wants to incur the wrath of Harry and end up naked in the Great Hall." Lavender shrugged.

Hermione chuckled lightly at that. It was on the verge of becoming an epidemic. People who tried to mock or embarrass Hermione would miraculously find themselves starkers, or wearing incredibly humiliating outfits. A group of Ravenclaw girls who had said some rather disparaging things to her found themselves wearing very provocative leather bondage gear. Hermione thought Professor McGonagall was going to have an aneurysm when she saw them. Those girls were still getting catcalls.

Ron Weasley and Seamus Finnegan had wound up sans clothes only three days ago after they had made a few remarks regarding Hermione's choice in knickers. Neither of them had noticed Harry standing behind them at the time. Ron had blushed down to his toes. Seamus on the other hand tried to strut back up to Gryffindor tower. Hermione now understood what Lavender had said in regards to Seamus' bits being a bit lacking. Ron had easily been better equipped of the two, something a lot of girls were remarking about.

What was even better was that as none of the teachers could truly prove Harry was behind it, he hadn't gotten in trouble for it. Hermione had even sworn that she'd see Dumbledore's eye twinkle a bit brighter after the Seamus and Ron incident.

"But people are wondering when you two are going to make it official." Lavender concluded.

"Make what official?" Hermione still looked bemused.

"You're engagement." Parvati said as she came into the bathroom.

"Another enchanting evening Parv?" Lavender smirked.

"What can I say? Oh yeah… EVERYTHING!"

"Excuse me." Hermione snapped. "What did you mean about people wondering when Harry and I would make it official?"

"Everyone thinks you two are dating, but aren't telling anyone so people won't make fun of you, Hermione. There's actually a pool going on who's going to find you two, and in what broom cupboard." Parvati smiled. "Padma's got twenty galleons on the one on the fifth floor by that suit of armor with the broken battle axe, so try to use that one more. She said she'd split the winnings with me."

"We are not snogging anywhere." Hermione said in shock as she marched towards her bed. "And we're not going to start. My gods this is all just so ridiculous!" Hermione shrieked as she grabbed fistfuls of her curly brown hair.

"Really?" Lavender asked rather surprised at this. "Exactly where have the two of you been the past four nights then?"

"In the library of course!" Hermione stated as if it was obvious. Lavender and Parvati looked at each other, both realizing that they should have guessed that in the first place.

"We've been working on that essay for Snape." Hermione said as if it was obvious.

" Harry disagrees with Professor Snape about how we should be casting the Shield Maxima, and he's doing research to prove his point. He's found some really good arguments. His essay is even longer than mine. And Harry says it's probably better than him just proving his point in class. He doesn't think Snape would like being proven wrong in front of everyone, and I agree, especially after he told me what would happen. Anyway, that's where we've been." Hermione took a rather large breath after as she had spoken a lot very quickly.

"Oh." Lavender said, looking a bit dejected and a bit confused.

"Why is everyone in the school suddenly so interested in my love life?" Hermione huffed as she planted herself on her bed.

"Maybe because until now, it's been nonexistent, and it happens to be with a near legend. Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived." Lavender said with a rather pompous and grandiose tone. She even got on top of her trunk as if she was speaking to a large crowd or something before she jumped down and took off her shirt so she could change into her sleepwear.

"The boy who what?" Hermione gawked.

"The Boy-Who-Lived." Parvati said. "That's what they're calling him in the Daily Prophet, because he survived the killing curse when he was a baby."

"How do they know that?" Hermione asked. Parvati shrugged.

"It's probably not true. His godfather probably got him before his parents were killed or something" Lavender argued. "Does he even know what happened to him?"

Hermione didn't know as she had never asked Harry about that night. She thought it was likely his guardians might have told him at some point, but Harry never once brought it up.

"What about that scar on his forehead?" Parvati remarked. "A scar that still looks like a freshly scabbed cut? He's been here nearly three months and that thing hasn't healed? Kind of suspicious, don't you think?"

"He could have got it when he was younger and training or whatever." Lavender pointed out. "We don't know, and neither does the Prophet."

"Su Li's mum works for the Department of Mysteries, and Su says her mother thinks it's a scar from a really dark curse." Parvati said firmly.

"A dark curse, not the killing curse." Lavender argued.

"What curse is darker than the killing curse?" Parvati snapped back. "Besides, everyone knows that You-Know-Who was killed that night, and it's clear Harry survived after all…"

"You-Know-Who survived as well idiot!" Lavender replied. "He attacked the Ministry last June, remember?"

"ENOUGH!" Hermione shouted, rubbing her temples. "Neither of you know anything about it, so arguing over it is stupid and pointless. Not to mention we've gotten away from the original topic which was why do people think Harry and I are dating? How could they possibly think that's what's going on?"

"There's a lot of reasons. Like how he's always with you. Neville has to drag him away to hang with the boys. And then he just stares at you like a wounded puppy." Parvati smiled as she began as she shut her trunk, now in her pajamas.

"How about the fact that whenever anyone says anything about you they end up naked or in someone else's clothes." Lavender smirked.

"That was so funny." Parvati chuckled. "I didn't know Malfoy could run in heels."

"Or had such gorgeous legs." Lavender laughed. Hermione failed to stifle her own laugh. "And who would of thought Marietta Edgecombe looked so hot in leather?"

Hermione shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose. Sometimes talking to Lavender and Parvati was very tiresome.

"Everyone saw you two in Hogsmeade." Lavender pointed out.

"And Neville told Hannah Abbott that Harry said you two were a couple." Parvati added.

"He what?" Hermione shouted as she shot to her feet. She looked ready to explode in fury before she grabbed her dressing gown and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Lavender asked.

"To wait in the Common Room for that big mouthed idiot to show up so I can hex his bits off for lying to everyone about us." Hermione huffed.

"He can beat you with his eyes closed." Parvati laughed.

"He won't be able to do anything to me unless he can get his wand out first!" She screamed as she slammed the door and headed for the Common Room.

Parvati looked at Lavender who stared back. Slowly at first, smiles broke out on their faces before they both fell on the floor rolling with laughter over Hermione's little slip.

There weren't many people still in the Common Room. Hermione ignored everyone as she took a seat in her favorite chair. It gave her a perfect view of the portrait hole so when Harry came back from where ever he'd been all day, he wouldn't be able to slip past her.

After thirty minutes, Hermione was alone. Everyone had gone to bed now, and the fire was starting to die. But there was still no sign of Harry.

Hermione got as comfortable as she could, and snatched up a book on exotic plants of Asia that someone, likely Neville, had left on a nearby table. It was incredibly dull, even to Hermione, but it served to occupy her until Harry finally made his appearance.

As soon as she saw his stony, adorable face, she was going to punch it as hard as she could. He may have been overly sheltered all his life, but she wasn't about to forgive him for spreading rumors, no matter how appealing the thought behind the rumor might be.

The first thing she became aware of was how cold she was. She was holding herself tightly and shivering badly. She opened her eyes and found she was still curled up on the chair with her dressing gown wrapped tightly around her. It was no longer dark. The sun was only just beginning to rise and peek in through the windows. Hermione cast a tempus spell and saw that it was nearing half past six.

With another flick of her wand, the fire ignited and Hermione sighed as she began to warm up.

She then felt intense anger as she had clearly fallen asleep in the common room waiting for Harry, and the prat hadn't even bothered to inform her he was back or send her up to her own warm bed. She knew she shouldn't have been surprised. She doubted it would have even occurred to him to wake her. Just another thing for her to yell at him about when she got her hands on him.

She sat up and stretched, feeling more aches than normal and groaned as she got to her feet. All she could think of was how hard she was going to hit Harry Potter when she saw him at breakfast. She didn't care if he was likely made of granite, she was going to give him a good bruise so he would never forget to…

"ARGH!" Hermione snarled as she stomped up stairs to get ready for the day. Then she realized that it was Saturday, and she had really nothing to do. Nothing except to find Harry and make him sorry for telling everyone they were a couple.

But Harry never showed up for breakfast, nor was he around for lunch. Hermione also noted that she didn't see the headmaster at either meal. Hermione remained in the Common Room as she was sure that was where she would eventually see Harry first. But he never showed up.

Growing more and more concerned by Harry's absence, Hermione decided to look around for her friend. After nearly two hours, Hermione finally decided to go find a teacher who might know about Harry's whereabouts. She was more anxious as she headed for Professor McGonagall's office to find out what may have happened.

"Miss Granger, come in." The Transfiguration teacher smiled when she opened the door. "I must say I've rather missed seeing you these past months, though I am very happy you have begun spending time with your peers."

"I'm sorry Professor." Hermione said, fidgeting with her hands nervously. "Things have been really… really strange this year."

"Indeed." McGonagall nodded, offering her favorite student a seat. "Are you alright, Miss Granger?"

"I'm not really sure." Hermione admitted. "Professor, is there any chance you know where Harry is? I've looked everywhere. The library, the Quidditch Pitch, the greenhouse, the dungeons, the lake…"

"Calm down, Miss Granger." McGonagall said reassuringly. "I am sure that Mister Potter is fine. He accompanied the Headmaster on an errand last night. I expect they are just fine."

"Do you know when they will be back?" Hermione asked rather hopefully. McGonagall had to smile at this. She was very pleased by Hermione's rather badly veiled enthusiasm.

"Is there any specific reason you are so eager for Mister Potter's return?"

"He's my friend." Hermione replied instantly. "He disappeared and I was concerned. That's all."

"I see." McGonagall smirked.

"Oh you don't believe those rumors running rampant around the school as well, do you Professor?" Hermione asked annoyed.

"What rumors are those?" McGonagall asked innocently.

"About me and Harry being a couple." Hermione growled.

"Miss Granger, it is none of my business if any student chooses whether he or she wishes to be in a relationship with another student, so long as those students do not do anything that could be harmful to themselves or any other students. So, if you and Mister Potter are or are not involved is none of my business unless you wish it to be." McGonagall said as straight faced as she could, which was surprisingly well considering just how giddy the idea of her favorite student finally getting the chance to experience the joys of dating, and the opportunity for a bit of over deserved happiness.

"That was a really long way to go to ask me if Harry and I are together." Hermione said wryly. Professor McGonagall simply shrugged, feigning disinterest. "And just so things are clear, we're not together. We're just friends."

"Ah." Professor McGonagall nodded. "Perhaps I will have to rescind my bet with Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick."

"YOU BET ON US?" Hermione shrieked, which only made Professor McGonagall begin to laugh. "Professor, that isn't funny at all!"

"Oh my dear child." Professor McGonagall said, wiping at her eyes and holding her sides. "From where I'm sitting it is immensely hysterical. Not since Lily and James Potter has any two students been so ridiculously speculated over when they would wind up dating. Though, with those two it was much more sporting, as James was quite open with his affection for Lily."

"Do you mean Harry's parents?" Hermione asked suddenly intrigued.

"Oh yes." McGonagall nodded, finally gaining control over herself. "James was taken with Lily from their second year, and was very public about his feelings, though he was far too immature and childish for Lily. Every year he pursued her and every year ended with him miserable, yet determined. He never dated any other girl in the school, saving himself for Lily and Lily only. It is a trait in Potter men. Harry's grandfather and Great Grandfather were the exact same. They all find the one woman they want and they pursue them relentlessly. Some argue that Potter men possess some form of divine sight that leads them to their one true love. There was a story of Thaddeus Potter following his heart into Siberia to find the woman he eventually married. With James and Lily, it was most entertaining to see the grandiose gestures James made. He even somehow managed to charm all the candles in the Great Hall to spell out 'Will you marry me' in their fifth year. None of us teachers ever worked out how he managed it."

"How did he finally get her to notice him?" Hermione wondered.

"She had always noticed him. She just found him to childish and verbose. That change in the seventh year. James entered the school year as Head Boy, even though he had never been prefect. He also decided that perhaps he had been wrong in regards to Lily. He had suffered five years of failure, and had decided to give it up. That is until he saw her again, and learned she was the Head Girl. The first hour on the train they had to work together, to set an example to the other prefects. Well, because he had decided to give her up, he spoke to her on a human level, and they found that despite everything, they actually had a lot in common. James wasn't as brainless as Lily had first thought. By Christmas, they had begun dating, much to the shock of the entire school. But a happier couple I would be hard pressed to find. James worshipped Lily, and as they grew closer, Lily fell madly in love with James. They married a little over a year after they graduated, and Harry was born not long after that."

Hermione was smiling at the story and wondered if Harry knew it as well, and then something pricked in the back of her mind, and she looked to her teacher.

"Professor, does anyone know what happened, I mean what truly happened the night Harry's parents were killed. I mean, we all though Harry had died that night too, and there's all this rubbish in the paper and…"

"I'm afraid that I know next to nothing. Professor Dumbledore knows a bit more, though I doubt he would be willing to speak on the matter. He spent many years keeping Harry's life hidden from the public for his protection. I do know that You-Know-Who was first defeated that night, that much is certain, but only that. How, and by who's hands is a mystery to most. There are very few people who know, and I think Harry himself might be one. I am also certain that if you asked him, he would tell you."

"He did tell me when we first met that he had defeated Voldemort as a baby, but he also said it wasn't exactly true." Hermione remembered.

"Perhaps he will tell you the truth if you ask him. Unless of course he has a good reason not to reveal that to you or anyone else." McGonagall said.

Hermione nodded and sighed. She felt a bit better now that she had talked to her favorite teacher and confidant. McGonagall could only smile at Hermione as the girl rose from her seat.

"Thank you Professor." She sighed again and smiled. "As always, you've made me feel better."

"Miss Granger," McGonagall started and then softened her expression as she looked at the sixth year Gryffindor. "Hermione. As I told you earlier, it is none of my business if or with whom you choose to become involved with, but I'd like to advise you not to ignore any of what you might feel towards a particular person. As with anything, there is the risk that it may not be all you hoped it to be, but if you don't take that chance, you will never know, and I would hate for you to have too many regrets in your life."

Hermione nodded her understanding and thanked the Transfiguration teacher before wishing her well and leaving the office to go to dinner.

"Rescind my bet my rosy colored rump." McGonagall said to herself when the door shut. "That girl is completely smitten with Potter, and I am so winning that fifty galleons."

Hermione took her usual seat at dinner, and was alone for about fifteen minutes when Neville sat across from her looking quite apologetic and frightened.

"Ok, so I heard a rumor that someone told you that I spoke out of turn about what might or might not be…"

"Just say it Neville." Hermione snapped.

"Ok, I did tell Hannah that Harry had said he liked you. That was it. I don't know how the rumor got blown up like that."

"He said he liked me?" Hermione asked, rather puzzled. "Like, that he liked me or liked, liked me?"

"Oh gods Hermione, I don't know. His exact words, if you have to know, were that he had had a very good time in Hogsmeade with you and that he liked you and wanted to go out on another date with you. Then he said something about being clearer on his intentions or some rubbish." Neville groaned. "I asked what he meant, but he wouldn't say anymore, other than I should try to explain things better next time."

Hermione actually snorted at that and covered her mouth to keep from shrieking with laughter. Neville just rolled his eyes.

"I just don't want you mad at me or Harry. Hannah kept asking me about you two, and I just sort of caved. I'm sorry." Neville said, sounding a bit brighter now that Hermione was laughing. She only waved off his apology.

"It's alright Neville. It isn't your fault. You're his friend and people are inexplicably fascinated by him."

"Hermione, between the two of us, and I'd be willing to swear a magical oath never to reveal your answer to this, but… do you like him? I mean…"

"I know what you mean Neville, and too be perfectly honest, I really don't know how I feel about him right now. All I do know is that he's treated me better in these last few months than anyone has most of my entire life, excluding my parents of course." Hermione said, getting a far away look in her eye as she spoke. "It would be hard for anyone like me to not feel strongly about someone like that. But what those feelings are… I don't want to fool myself into thinking something and end up hurting anyone because I was confused. Just like I don't want him to say or do anything to or for me without fully understanding why."

"You don't want him to break your heart." Neville said with a sad little smile.

"There are a lot of girls here, and he could have anyone he chose. He's an extremely good person, though he is a bit…"

"Weird." Neville chuckled.

"That's a nice way of putting it." Hermione gave a soft smile. "I want him to do whatever makes him happy because he's my friend, and I want him to be happy."

"But what if it's you that makes him happy?" Neville asked interestedly.

Hermione was saved from replying as an argument broke out a little way up the table between Ron Weasley and Lavender Brown. Hermione gave a sad sigh as she watched Lavender rise from her seat and hurry out of the Great Hall with Parvati close behind.

"That's the second one today." Neville commented.

"They fought earlier?" Hermione asked.

"Outside after lunch." Neville said. "Ron's been getting irritated that Lavender won't… be more amorous with him. Seamus has been kind of talking a lot about what happened between them two years ago, and it's getting under Ron's skin I think."

"Seamus should keep his fat mouth shut." Hermione remarked, glancing down the table to where Ron was angrily shoveling food into his mouth, ignoring the stares from everyone around him. His sister, Ginny was glaring at him, though he didn't seem to care.

"I agree." Neville grimaced at the redhead.

"Miss Granger."

Hermione looked up and saw Professor McGonagall standing there looking a bit nervous.

"Your presence has been requested at the Headmaster's office. The password is Kazoozle."

"Kazoozle?" Hermione asked incredulously.

"The Headmaster has a rather disturbing obsession with muggle confections. Off you get." McGonagall urged her student.

Hermione was on her feet and making her way towards the Headmaster's office. She had only been there once before in her second year when she had thought she had had enough with all the bullying and wanted to go home. Thankfully, both Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall had talked her out of it. It had been at the time, her darkest hour. Or at least she had thought so. As the following years proved, it had only been a lowly bump in the road as it were.

Hermione gave the password and took the steps to the Headmaster's office. She had barely knocked once when the door opened and a rather tired looking Professor Dumbledore greeted her.

"Ah Miss Granger, thank you for coming. Please sit down. Would you perhaps care for a lemon drop?" The old man said with a gentle smile that never failed to set her at ease.

"Thank you sir." Hermione said as she accepted a treat. Dumbledore smiled at her happily. Hermione had been the only student who'd visited his office to accept the candy. Perhaps too many people believed he'd laced it with some potion or another. Dumbledore would never do such a thing. It would ruin the taste and spoil the candy all together.

"Mr. Lupin?" Hermione said as she noticed the second man who was standing next to Dumbledore's phoenix and stroking the bright red plumage.

"It is good to see you again, Miss Granger. I trust you are well?" The scarred man smiled.

"I was, but now I'm feeling a bit concerned. Is Harry alright?" She asked.

"As you said, Albus." Lupin smiled. Hermione could only look between the two men who were looking rather amused. Hermione was beginning to become irritated.

"Mister Potter is fine, as you will soon see, that is if you are agreeable. Mister Potter has adamantly requested your company over the next few days, and we have all agreed that you would be in no danger, and that perhaps it might be good for the two of you to spend some time outside of Hogwarts." Dumbledore explained.

"I don't understand." Hermione admitted. "Where is he?"

"Let us say for now that Harry's presence was required elsewhere for the moment. We had expected him to be able to return, but his… assignment is taking longer than expected due to unforeseen factors. He is unhurt, I assure you." Dumbledore said quickly upon seeing the growing concern on Hermione's face. "He is quite well, I promise, but he is a bit lonely for lack of a better explanation. There are people with him, but none within his age group, and he has mentioned that he would greatly appreciate the company of his friend."

"He wants me to visit him?" Hermione asked, still unsure if she understood.

"Yes." Dumbledore smiled. "As I said, if you are agreeable. Normally I would not even consider such a thing, but I daresay that a few days away might do you some good, and I believe your grades will not suffer a small absence. Your Arithmancy teacher is concerned you will take his job by the end of the year in fact." The Headmaster laughed, causing Hermione to blush.

"How long will we be gone?" Hermione asked, though she didn't really care that much. She would be away from the rumors and strange looks, and be with her friend doing… whatever it was they would be doing.

"Three days. A week at most." Lupin said. "You won't need to pack, as we will be able to get you all you will need. Clothing, toiletries and the like."

"I will also arrange for extensions on any assignments you both might miss during your absence. Consider it a reward for being such a strong academic example to your peers." Dumbledore said jovially. "Though, I would prefer it if you did not mention any of this to any of your peers." He said with a smirk and a brilliant twinkle on his blue eyes.

"So, when do I leave?" Hermione asked, trying and failing to contain her excitement. She was bursting with questions, and overflowing with anticipation at seeing her friend and possibly finding out what his life before school was like.

"Excellent!" Dumbledore clapped his hands together, and motioned to Lupin who moved to the fireplace and tossed a bit of floo powder into the flames making them turn emerald green, just like Harry's eyes, Hermione noted.

Lupin bent low, and spoke to someone before stepping back and turning to Hermione who'd gotten to her feet.

"Now, unlike normal Floo travel, you won't be saying your destination because we have to protect the location. When you step into the flames, someone on the other side is going to grab you ankles and pull you through. It's going to be really disorientating, but you'll be quite safe, alright?" Lupin explained. Hermione nodded and proceeded to step into the green flames which felt pleasantly warm and soft against her body. She was looking at both Lupin and Dumbledore when she felt two vice like clamps around her ankles and the unmistakable sensation of being pulled down.

She couldn't help the scream that escaped her throat at that moment.

There was none of the usual spinning or dizziness that came from floo travel. And it was over very quickly. Hermione found herself being dragged across a thick cream colored carpet, and was certain she was going to have rug burn on her breasts. She rolled over and accepted the offered hand from a young woman with shoulder length crimson hair and a heart shaped face. She looked like someone who Hermione had once seen in London, with a leather biker jacket, a plaid bondage skirt and fishnet stockings. The only thing that was missing was tattoos and piercing.

"Wotcher Hermione." the woman said with a extremely friendly smile "Name's Tonks, and I am very happy to meet you."

"Hello, Miss Tonks." Hermione started, but the woman shook her head.

"None of that Miss rubbish with me. Tonks is just fine. Especially seeing as you and I will be bunking together. Best get out the way to make way for Wolfie." The woman grinned, shuffling Hermione out of the way of the Floo.

"Wolfie?" Hermione asked, just as Lupin stepped out of the fire and greeted them both.

"Alright then, Miss Granger?" Lupin asked as he brushed ash off of himself..

"Really, please just call me Hermione."

"Very well then. You may call me Remus, and you've met Nymphadora, here. OUCH!"

Lupin shouted when he was struck with a stinging hex from Tonks. The crimson haired woman had drawn her wand with lightning fast reflexes from a wrist holster.

"I'm done warning you lot. It's hexes from here on out!" Tonks shouted. Hermione could only laugh at the ridiculousness of it all as Lupin cursed and grimaced.

"I sometimes wonder if it was wise allowing you to join our little troupe, dear cousin."

Hermione turned at the new voice and found Sirius black leaning against the doorway, watching as Lupin shook out his arm, trying to get feeling back. He looked just as she had seen him last. Long shaggy black hair, dark piercing eyes, and finely trimmed goatee.

"You've proven to be a bigger distraction to Remus than you have ever been to Harry." Sirius said as he entered the room properly and offered his hand to Hermione, who took it with a nervous smile.

Sirius was dressed similarly to what Harry usually wore. Black cargo pants, military like boots, and a black long sleeved t-shirt. She could se bits of tattoos peaking out from the collar of his shirt.

Welcome to our current headquarters, Miss Granger." He said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Hermione, please." She smiled nervously.

"Well Hermione," Sirius said as he swept his arm towards the door he had just appeared through. "Have you eaten dinner yet?"

"Yes, but thank you." Hermione nodded.

"Join us for tea then. Harry won't likely be back until later, or possibly tomorrow, and I daresay we're all a bit more than curious about you.

"I'm personally dying to find out more about you, myself." Tonks said wrapping an arm around the younger girl, making Hermione wince.

"Now don't frighten the poor girl." Lupin reprimanded. Tonks simply glared in reply.

"He's only got your best interests in mind." Sirius remarked. "Harry has become much more liberal with his wandless abilities of late according to Dumbledore."

"He'd only use it as an excuse to finally get to see me in the all together." Tonks reply with a wave of her hand. Hermione gave the woman next to her a critical glance, and thought any boy would be mad not to want to see such a beautiful woman nude. She was just a bit taller then Hermione was, with a similar build, though curvier. Hermione was sure this Tonks woman's chest was bigger than her own as well.

"Keep telling yourself that." Sirius rolled his eyes. "If he hasn't done it by now, I doubt it's because he doesn't want a good look at your bits, Tonksie. Now, how about that tea?"

The four adjourned to the kitchen and took seats around a large round table. A rather old looking house elf brought them tea and cake before disappearing in a flash.

"Where is Harry?" Hermione asked as soon as they were settled. "And where are we for that matter?"

"We are currently just slightly north of Whitby on the eastern coast." Sirius replied in a tone similar to Harry's. Hermione was positive that Sirius is where he'd learned it.

"In one of the many safe house of The Order. Please don't ask more about that, as we simply can not reveal more for your safety and ours. And as to where Harry is, he and one of our associates are currently tracking a certain individual whom we hope will have a wealth of knowledge he would be willing to share with us. Harry is very good at getting people to talk when they would otherwise choose not to." Sirius finished.

"He… He tortures people?" Hermione looked aghast.

"No." Remus replied adamantly. Sirius actually looked upset at the question.

"More persuades than actually tortures." Tonks explained. "He has the unique gift of intimidation. Sometimes he can just look at a person and make you feel like…"

"He can see through you." Hermione finished the thought.

"So you've been on the end of the famous stare as well." Tonks smirked. "He got me to share a few secrets I had planned on taking to the grave."

"You told him those things because you wanted to scar him." Remus jibed. Tonks merely batted her eyes at the scarred man suggestively.

"And you wish you were the one I shared those stories with instead of our little Harriekins." Tonks said and then blew Remus a kiss. Sirius merely ignored the interaction, watching Hermione instead.

"I've just seen him stare at people at school. Like really intensely. It's pretty unsettling." Hermione said nervously.

"That it is." Sirius nodded. "That's his mother. Lily could get a priest to confess his sins with a look. It helped keep James in line."

"No easy feat when Sirius Black is your best friend." Remus muttered, making Sirius smile for real now. He looked a bit lost in thought for a second before he took a breath and continued.

"It's not something you can learn either. Believe me, we've all tried." He said as he sipped his tea.

"It also helps that he can do that passive Legillemency thing." Remus chuckled. Hermione looked up interested and really frightened.

"He can perform Legillemency?" She squeaked, feeling her cheeks get warm.

"No." Sirius said with a shake of his shaggy head. "No, not Legillemency per se. I don't know how to describe it, but he can get glimpses if his subject is rattled. So, we rattle the subject, and Harry comes in and we see if we can get anything. If that doesn't work we have Veritaserum."

"So, Hermione," Tonks said, folding her hands on the table and leaning towards the younger girl. "Tell us about you and Harry."

"Um." Hermione felt her stomach tighten a bit. "There isn't all that much to tell. We're friends. We met on the train and he's been really nice to me."

"So… there's no, shall we say, deeper urges?" Tonks asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Tonks." Remus scolded.

"What?' Tonks asked with a smirk. "I'm curious as to why our little warrior was so insistent to see her again."

Did he really ask to see me?" Hermione asked. The knowing looks between the three adults told her that he had.

"All the time." Tonks smirked. "To be honest, it's a bit odd. He's usually so independent."

"He's also never had friends before now." Sirius pointed out. "Like I said earlier today, it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that he wants to spends more time with the friends he's made. After his isolation…"

"Why wasn't he allowed to go to Hogwarts before now?" Hermione asked.

"The simplest answer is that the war with Voldemort didn't end that Halloween night. It was only put on hold." Sirius started, giving Hermione a look that spoke volumes to her. This man was haunted.


"Harry's life would have been in serious danger as Hogwarts is loaded with children of people who are loyal to Voldemort. We decided a long time ago that his safety was far paramount as he would be playing a pivotal role in the war."

Sirius finished his tea and got up from his seat. Hermione thought he was getting a refill, but the man pulled down a bottle of Ogden's Finest Firewhiskey from a cabinet and retook his seat before pouring three glasses for himself, Remus and Tonks. He stoppered the bottle and continued his explanation.

"What we forgot was that Harry was just a kid. He worked hard and did everything we ever asked of him, and it made us forget how young he was even more. However, when he turned twelve, he began going through puberty and we were reminded just how young he was, and how much we had denied him. We discussed the idea a few times, but every time, something happened to make us think our original idea was the best one."

"So why now?" Hermione asked.

"It came down to what happened in the Ministry this past June." Sirius said, finishing his drink and pouring a second.

"We learned that our enemy was hell bent on getting into the Ministry. We decided it was a perfect opportunity for us to counter Voldemort. Harry wasn't supposed to go, but he had become truly restless, and he defied our orders for the first time. He'd finally gone on his first mission, and he wanted to do more. It turned out to be a good thing as we overestimated our enemy. Harry's arrival made the Death Eaters falter, and turned the tide. He took out five on his own, including Lucius Malfoy, who was arguably Voldemort's most capable minion outside of Bellatrix LeStrange."

"Is it true Harry took Malfoy's hand?" Hermione asked a bit shakily.

Remus and Sirius both began nodding and smirking. It was clear they were proud of Harry's act.

"We taught him when it was alright to be merciful, but to never ever underestimate an enemy. Harry had disarmed Malfoy, but the worm had a second wand. He really impressed us all that night, but more importantly he impressed our enemies." Remus remarked.

"When it was all over, we knew that Harry could handle himself more than we gave him credit for. We also realized that he felt nothing for what he did. We didn't necessarily want him to feel bad or guilty over it, but he was blank. As if it had just been more training." Sirius sighed. "We'd failed him. We all realized that we'd been wrong."

"I don't understand." Hermione looked between the two men who looked grim.

"We'd stripped him of his humanity." Remus explained. "By keeping him isolated, and training him all those years, sure we had prepared him for the war, but he has no idea why we're fighting. He knows it's to protect people and stop an evil maniac, but he doesn't understand what it really means."

"It was clear that while we'd been preparing him for war, we'd taken his innocence, and denied him a childhood. We realized that he would likely survive the war, but then… he'd have nothing. He's only known training and fighting, but we don't want that to be his life." Sirius sighed heavily, sliding the bottle of fire whiskey to Remus who poured himself a glass.

"It was past time for Harry to see what life was all about." Remus explained.

"You wanted him to learn what it is he was fighting for." Hermione said now understanding.

"There's a lot he needs to learn that we can't teach him. He needs to learn how to interact with normal people and that life isn't black and white, like we've taught him all along." Sirius said taking another drink from his whiskey.

"Mostly though, he needs to be with people his own age." Remus added.

"Other than you, has he made any other friends?" Sirius asked.

"He hangs out with Neville Longbottom quite a bit." Hermione shrugged.

"Are there any girls he's taken notice of?" Sirius asked. Hermione shrugged.

"I think I'm the only one he really talks to. Most girls… I think they make him nervous."

Tonks snorted at this and held out her open hand. Remus shook his head and Sirius mumbled grumpily before reaching into his pocket and placing ten galleons in Tonks' hand.

"Thank you." Tonks smiled greedily.

"You cheated." Sirius grumbled.

"And how ever could I have done that?" Tonks asked rather offended.

"By making him a nervous wreck around anyone with breasts." Sirius replied. "You spent a year making the poor kid embarrassed and uncomfortable so you could take my money."

"Then maybe you shouldn't have made the bet with me if you knew all that." Tonks smiled, shaking the galleons and making a jingling noise with her newly won money.

"I think Sirius was hoping a little of James would come through Harry." Remus explained to the crimson haired lady.

"Well, I think I'm going to show Hermione where she'll be staying, and maybe head to bed myself. I hope you don't snore." Tonks said as she got up.

Hermione shook her head and followed Tonks out of the kitchen and upstairs to the room she'd be sharing with Tonks. She still felt anxious, but she felt she'd learned quite a bit from these three adults, and somehow she felt sorry for them. Especially Sirius, who looked so full of regret. She wanted to ask him more, but it was getting late, and she was feeling a bit tired now. Maybe tomorrow she'd get more answers
