

Chapter LIX: Night of the Metal Men.

Last Time.

Gotham; Naruto's Penthouse May 14 16:45 EDT.

Naruto appeared in his room before changing into jeans and a plain white T-shirt before looking at his and Diana's wedding photo.

"I hope you're alright, Diana." Naruto said before opening the door, and saw Crystal standing in front of his door. "What? You here to yell at me, too?"

"Nope, we decided on waiting until Diana gets back. Talia won't say anything. Said she would be a hypocrite if she kept you from doing this since you never tried to get her out of the Assassins."

"Good. It'll give everyone time to cool off so no one will try to bite anyone's head off." Naruto replied before hugging her.


Washington D.C. May 17, 09:15 EDT.

Fury walked in her hangar/base and saw Red Hood on a couch on a platform that's large enough to act as the living room and kitchen.

"Well, I can see all that training's paid off." She said walking up to the platform.

"Hey! You had me doing all the heavy lifting on these missions on getting dirt on the Light! So I think I deserve some rest!"

"Yeah sure, the widdle Outlaw is tired stopping an alien invasion." Fury said in a baby voice as Red Hood's mask eye's glared at her.


"Hey guys! There's a breakout occurring in Gotham!"

The bickering duo looked to see Nyssa, with her white League of Assassins armor on, running in from one of the closed rooms that took up a good portion of the hangar.

"Where?" Fury asked as a hologram screen came up beside the platform.


Fury brought up security footage before groaning as Red Hood came over.

"Man. You guys in Gotham have some weird-ass villains."

"Shut up!"

Gotham, Blackgate Penitentiary, May 17, 10:00 EDT.

The Outlaws landed to see inmates running in the fenced field in front of the prison.

They focused on several of the men, one bald man with his fingers looking like keys.

Another man has black hair with a white streak in the middle with a bad smell coming off of him.

Several more people ran out of the hole in the prison.

One being a muscular man in a suit with the face of a baby.

And a blonde woman in a pink dress, hat and had the face of a man with a 5 o'clock shadow.

"Go!" Fury yelled as they attacked, Oni pulling out her katana showing that the blade's reversed.

Fury created a clone of herself that went after a tall man who's bare foot had a spike on each toe. She went after the man with the baby face.

"Give it up, Baby Face!"

"Never, doll!" Baby Face yelled in a 1920's gangster voice.

Red Hood twist jumps over the fence and dodged two short overweight men who were leap frogging over to him.

He roundhouse kicks them in the head before running as Baby Face shot at him with a Tommy Gun. Red Hood then pulled out his pistol and aims it at Pole Cat before pistol whipping him to the ground. He then crouched and swept kicked Skeleton Keys before jumping over Hammer Toes.

He looked over to see Oni and Fury take on the other inmates before sighing and took out his pistols.

"They always get into trouble. What would they do without me?" As the Outlaws were dealing with the inmates, Baby Face and his crew left.

"Damn it!" Red Hood cursed as Oni picked her sword up. "How could you let him escape?!"

"Me?! You have the guns!"

"Yeah, and our leader there switched out my bullets with rubber ones. Doesn't want me killing until the Reach is gone."

"And I'm glad you're keeping that up." Fury said walking over.

"Yeah, yeah. Now, what are we going to do with Baby Face and Dr. Girlfriend?"

"Mrs. Man Face." Oni corrected getting Red Hood to just raise his hand.

"Tomato, To-Mah-Toe. Let's find out what the hell they're up to."

They each went to a motorcycle. Fury's being black, Oni's white, and Red Hood's red.

They took off down the street before coming to a small neighborhood.

"Why the hell are we here?" Oni asked, getting off her bike.

"Only one person in Gotham will know where Baby Face is going… that'll talk to us, that is." Red Hood said as Fury walked to a door of a one story house before knocking on it.

An elderly woman opened the door and looked at Fury with confusion.

"Hello. Is Myron home?"

"Myron! It's a girl, for you! And she's pretty!" The woman yelled having Red Hood scoff.

"I wouldn't go that far."

They walked downstairs to the basement where an overweight man in a dark blue costume with large calculator pad on his stomach sat in front of several computer monitors before looking to one.

"Flash will be out of Keystone City for a few days so your plan is safe to proceed. Now, for my payment." He said looking to another screen where a payment window was finished transferring.

"Wire transfer complete. Good luck, Weather Wizard."

Oni pulled the man around to them having Fury smirk.

"The man Gotham's villains turn to for inside information. Hello, Calculator!" She wrapped her lasso around the man and leaned down. "Now. Where is Baby Face going to?"

"Warehouse X!"

Gotham; Warehouse X May 17, 12:19 EDT.

Baby Face and his gang, now in suits looked down from a hill at a warehouse that's shaped like an 'X' with concert walls around it and an electric fence around that.

"The content of this place will make us the top crime family of Gotham City." Baby Face aid with Mrs. Man Face beside him. "Let's move guys!"

They went down to the building and knocked out the guards before breaking inside where they saw a large hall with tall doors with numbers beside each. Skeleton Keys unlocked one door and opened it.

"Oh, Fonzie." Mrs. Man Face said in a woman's voice. "It's beautiful."

"The stuff that dreams are made of."

A few hours later, the Outlaws walked inside.

"I always wondered what would happen if a criminal robbed this place." Fury said as she walked beside Red Hood.

"And all of Gotham will find out if we don't stop Baby Face." He replied as Oni looked at the boxes in the warehouse.

"What's so special about this place?" She asked before the trio dodged an attack from a robotic arm.

They looked to see each of Baby Face's gang in a robotic suit with the Tweedle Brothers in helicopters..

"This is where all the weapons of Gotham's criminals go to when they're confiscated."

The Outlaws ran around dodging shots and attacking the suits as they got near them.

As they attacked, each suit shot missiles at once, hitting the group, and knocked them unconscious.

Later, the Outlaws woke to to each of them tied up, and hanging upside down in a large hourglass

"A little something I found in the warehouse."

They looked to see Baby Face standing in front of them. "I don't think Clock King will mind if we borrow it."

He pushed a button having them flip as sand started filling the glass up.

"Boys, looks like time is up for the daughter of the year!" Baby Face said before leaving with his gang.

Fury brought her foot up and kicked the glass just as the sand came up to their waist.

"Any idea where they're heading?" Oni asked as Fury broke the chain around them.

"There is one place I can think of." Red Hood said emptying both his pistols of sand.

Gotham May 17, 13:00 EDT.

The Outlaws landed on top of a pizza restaurant and looked at a building in the middle of the block. A church on one side, a park in front, and a nursing home on the other.

"Criminals are really idiotic. Thinking that just because these buildings are here, the police won't look for them." Red Hood said before touching a button having his own Detective Vision come up to see Baby Face crash in on a mob meeting.

"MOVE!" He yelled just as missiles came towards them as the fight broke out into the street. Red Hood picked a pistol up and shot at Polecat, breaking his helmet.

Red Hood was suddenly grabbed by Baby Face and pulled up to him. Only for a golden lasso to wrap around him and was pulled up to the sky before being twirled around and thrown to the ground.


Fury then flew up to help Oni who was fighting the Tweedle Brothers and crashed into their suits before flying towards Mrs. Man Face and punched her in said face, knocking her out.

Later, Kage stood by his daughter as Oni and Red Hood were gone.

"You got some weird-ass villains. And that's coming from me!"

"Shut up!"

"I mean seriously, a man with a baby's head and a reversed Dr. Girlfriend?!"

"At least I don't sleep with any of my villains." Fury shot back.

"That was one time AND she tied me up and drugged me." Naruto replied as Baby Face and his gang were taken away.

Washington D.C. May 18, 19:59 EDT.

"So did you get anything out of those files I got?" Red Hood asked Fury who was looking at a holo-screen.

"Just that… 'insurance' is on the way now. Whatever the hell that means."

"Insurance?" Oni asked as she walked up with Fury typing on the holo-keyboard.

"Yeah, I don't know what though. Some of the stuff on these files are triple encoded to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. Like ours."

Gotham May 20, 20:04 EDT.

The Outlaws rode on their motorcycles before Fury heard her communicator go off.


"Hey, just letting you know that there's back-up if you need help with Chemo." Naruto said as she revved up her bike. "What the hell was that?"

"My bike. And relax, we've got this."

"Bike? Don't you fly?"

"I was meeting up with friends from college so I use it for that. You have a bike and a car. Don't you have the power of flight, too?"

"Wha-I-... Don't change the subject!"

"Look, Dad, we got this." Fury said looking at a large yellow chemical monster attacking the coast with black goggles, backpack, and gloves.

Chemo shot at them, destroying the road having the trio jump off their motorcycles and land near the crater.

"Need some help?"

The trio looked back to see a group of what look like robots, all but one were male.

The first is a golden man with a black dot inside of a circle on its chest.

The next is a blue man with a circle on its chest.

Behind them, stood a red lanky man, with a short tin man with a '4' on his chest, a gray muscular man with an 'L' on its chest and forehead and a silver woman.

"And you are...?" Oni asked having the blue man speak.

"I'm Iron, this is Gold, our leader." He said pointing to Gold.

"And I'm… Uh..." The silver man trailed off having the woman speak.

"Lead, sweetie."

"Yeah, Lead. Thanks, Platinum."

"And I'm Mercury, what's it to ya?!" Mercury said getting in Red Hood's face.

"And I'm just Tin." Tin sighed before everyone but Fury and Tin ran to stop the monster.

"Maybe a soft metal like me ought to sit this one out." Tin said sitting down.

"Everyone has their strengths." Fury said before flying off.

She saw Gold become a chain, wrapping around Chemo's foot before Platinum became a nail that nailed him to the ground, stopping Chemo in its tracks.

Iron's lower body became a spring before jumping up with a large fist and punched Chemo in its face.

Red Hood shot at the metal parts on Chemo's body as Fury flew while holding Oni.

Mercury became flat and stretched around Chemo who broke free while breaking Mercury who formed back. Lead grew large to act as a wall to protect the others from Chemo's attack before Platinum and Gold formed together into a cannon.

Iron turned into a ball and went inside the cannon as Mercury lit the fuse.


Iron hit Chemo and had him fall to the ground, unconscious. Having Tin become a large cup to collect the chemicals that was leaking from a crack on Chemo's side.

"Advanced robotics and nanokinetic metallurgy, you 'Metal Men' could only have been created by one man: Dr. Milton Magnus." Red Hood said as Fury landed beside him with Oni before a '60's red Cadillac convertible stopped by them.

"Good to see you, little Fury." A man said in a suit, short black hair, and a pipe in his mouth. "You've grown up! Perhaps you and your team would like to see how I created the Metal Men?"

Gotham; Magnus' Laboratories May 20, 20:48 EDT.

The Outlaws the robots gather in a classroom and sat down.

Red Hood went to a desk as his team sat down as well.

"Best seat in the house, Mr. Hood."

Red Hood looked to see Platinum was the chair he pulled out.

"I'll, uh, I'll stand." He said as Dr. Magnus presents a film demonstration showing how he opened the lab ten years ago and recruited six scientists to make the world a better place. During a lab accident, the six scientists were killed. Magnus vowed that the dream would live on, and built the first prototypes of the Metal Men.

The film ends, having the Metal Men cheer. Suddenly an alarm goes off but Magnus believes it's a false alarm.

He goes to investigate and detects traces of various gasses. Suddenly several sentient clouds of gas attack him: Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Chloroform. Red Hood hears them and goes to investigate, but is rendered unconscious by Chloroform.

The others ran in and Fury brought smelling salts out and places them inside Red Hood's helmet getting him to jolt awake.

"Magnus has been kidnapped. By… living gas. They should have left a trail."

Atlantic Ocean May 21, 03:15 UTC.

The Outlaws and Metal Men flew in a red Javelin Jet over the waters.

"Any idea on who would want to kidnapped Dr. Magnus?" Oni asked the Metal Men who shook their heads.

"Maybe I can help." Platinum said stretching over to Fury who was beside Red Hood who was flying the jet. "Doc encodes me every night with his back-up files. Maybe there's something on them." She then transforms into a CD and Fury put her in the computer before looking over the files.

Atlantic Ocean; Volcano Base May 21, 03:30 UTC.

At a volcanic base, the Gas Gang wakes up Magnus and reveals that they are six scientists who died in the experiment.

They explain that their gas forms are unsustainable and will soon dissipate. They want him to make bodies for them using his metallurgy skills, and insists that he owes them because they died trying to fulfill his dream. They're interrupted when they detect the Javelin approaching.

The Javelin lands near the volcano, the Outlaws and Metal Men carefully approach. However, the Gas Gang launch an attack. The Metal Men are unable to strike back against the gaseous creatures, but the Gas Gang is able to use their abilities to subdue the heroes. Nitrogen and Hydrogen combine to bring down a cliff side on the heroes.

Later, when the heroes wake up, they discover that they're contained within an energy grid cage inside of the volcano. Magnus arrives with the Gas Gang, each in a suit that matches their gases purpose.

Magnus explains that he was responsible for the accident that transformed them. However, Fury tells him that it was in fact the six scientists who were using Magnus' lab to develop a hybridized gas to set off volcanoes.

They plan to sell it to tyrants and dictators across the globe. The Gas Gang informs Magnus that he will help them one last time and tosses him into the volcano with a canister of the gas, and the heroes can only watch as he falls toward the lava.

A cable jerks him to a stop and the Gas Gang activates the winch to lower him and then leave.

"Anyone have a charge?" Oni asked "Because if we charge Iron-!"

"Then that would create electromagnetism which would wreak havoc with this cage!" Platinum finished as Fury walked up going through hand-signs.

"Denpō Sekka (Denko Sekka)!" She touched Iron having lightning covered him before destroying the cage.

They bring Magnus back up, but the Gas Gang returns, launch an attack stunning the Outlaws, and reactivate the winch.

The Metal Men clash with the Gas Gang and the Metal Men are soon overwhelmed.

"Suit up!" They looked back to see Fury standing up before flying to her and formed a suit of armor and a cape. They attacked the Gases and started to overwhelm them and destroyed the suits before the Gas Gang formed and hit Fury with all their might, destroying the suit, and sent Fury into the wall.

"Yo! Gas-clowns!" The Gas gang looked to see Red Hood holding a Zippo lighter. "Do what gases do best! Burn!" He threw the lit lighter at the gases and had them explode.


The Gas Gang are blasted apart and knocked into the volcano, but they merge with the heat and become a single lethal cloud that transforms anything they touch into gas. Fury, in the Javelin flies off in pursuit while the shattered Metal Men inform Tin that he has to save them. Working together, they manage to put Tin's head on the decapitated Gold's body.

He gets to the winch as the gas canister activates and pulls Magnus up just in time.

As the volcano erupts, the Metal Men get their creator to safety.

Fury activates the self-destruct of the Javelin's sub-atomic drive and enters the Gas Gang cloud. As the villains flow through the cockpit window, Fury triggers the self-destruct and flies to safety.

Gotham; Magnus' Laboratories May 21, 05:48 EDT.

Later, Magnus restores the Metal Men's bodies and praises them for their heroism. Tin has a newly found sense of confidence.

"You alright, Fearless Leader? You're not suffering any after effects?" Red Hood asks.

"Just one." She said in a high pitched voice before her communicator went off.

"Fury?" Naruto asked over the line.

"Yeah, Dad."

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! I'm sorry I'm trying to reach my daughter. Not the Lollipop Guild!"

"It's not funny, Dad!"

"Hey! You know that your voice lowers when you get angry. So go up an octave!"

Fury just gave a high pitched huff as she crossed her arms.

To Be Continued.
