

Chapter twenty five: A little misunderstanding...


'What's so funny?' – thoughts.

"Nothing." – Yamato/Rebellion.

"Do you really need a reason to laugh?" – demonic.


Earlier on "Everyone has darkness…

"Go get Tsunade and the others. Together with her you might have a chance."

"Okay." He said. "But I will come back with help!" And with that the last Uchiha jumped away.

"I won't hold my breath." Trish stated, pointing her gun at Naruto.


"I hope you've got a lot of condoms…" Ex-jinchuriki replied. "Because I'm so going to fuck you up!"

The girl smiled at that. "Such arrogance… has someone told you not to underestimate your enemy?"

Naruto snorted at that. "Why are you telling me that? Isn't it better to be underestimated?"

"Nope…" She took out second gun and pointed it at Naruto as well. "If I want to have at least some fun!"

The demon chuckled. "Hmhmhm… talking about underestimating." He said and ran a hand through his hair. "So, are you going to just stand there, or we'll finally start?"


"Ouch!" Naruto exclaimed, examining a new hole in his chest. "That's not what I meant…" He added. 'Still, this weapon is something! I can't wait to get my hands on it!'

"Careful, she's strong…" Yamato commented.

'Eh? You know her?' Demon asked.

"Yes…" The demon blade paused. "She is Dante's sidekick."

Naruto raised an eyebrow at this. 'You mean… that Dante?'

"Yeah, the one you disposed off at the Fire temple."

Suddenly a memory ran through Naruto's mind.

"I'm Trish, and I have a bone to pick up with that guy right there."

"Hmhmhm…" Naruto chuckled. "So that's why you're here!"

Trish looked at him in confusion. "Excuse me?"

"You want to revenge your partner, right?" He asked with confident smirk… which quickly faded when she laughed.

"Hahaha! Who told you that?" The demoness replied with an evil grin. "No, I'm not here for that. Dante and I stopped working together a loooooong time ago."

Naruto scratched his head. "Not that I really interested, but why?"

Trish shrugged. "Simple, he was weak." She stated confidently.

The demon raised both eyebrows at that. "Excuse me?!"

"No, don't get me wrong." She corrected. "He was a powerful warrior… but he was all too human for my taste."


"His 'always protect innocent people' lifestyle got me pissed off."

"So you don't care about innocent people?" Naruto asked.

"Not in the slightest." She answered. "Unlike Dante, I'm a pure blooded demoness."

Naruto grinned evilly. "Niiiiiice!"

"So…" She was still pointing her guns at him. "Wanna start already or there is anything else you want to know? I'm not in a hurry."

The demon shrugged. "Just one thing… what in the blue hell do you really want from me?"

"Oh, that one is simple as well…" She answered. "I need that sword you are holding in your left hand."

"Huh?" Yamato exclaimed surprisingly.

"You want my sword?" Naruto asked, raising an eyebrow.


"But why? Do you know what it is?"

She smirked confidently. "I know exactly what it is! And what it can do."

Naruto smirked back. "Then I guess you should also know that Yamato recognized me as his master."

Trish's smile only widened. "Big deal! Then I'll just have to kill you and take it afterwards."

Smile disappeared from Naruto's face. "What do you want with it?"

Her smile faded as well. "I need to open the gate to the Netherworld… and defeat Mundus…"

Naruto's eyes widened. "You want to defeat Mundus?"


Suddenly he started to shake…

"What?" Trish asked.


BANG! She shoots him again.

"What's so funny?!" The demoness asked in anger.

"You are!" Naruto stated.

"Oh yeah?!"


"I'll show you funny!" Trish shouted, crossing her guns.

"Just bring it, bitch!" Naruto responded, drawing his sword.

With Konoha team…

"Sasuke!" Temari shouted in relief. "You're alive!"

"Yeah…" Uchiha grunted. "Just barely though…"

"Alright, let me take care of you…" Tsunade stood up, but Sasuke interrupted her by raising his hand.

"Wait, there's no time!" He exclaimed suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Kakashi asked.

"That! I…" Sasuke took a long breath. "Naruto was just about to finish me off…"

"Oh god…" Temari covered her mouth with her hands.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Tsunade screamed at him.

"Damn women, let him finish!" Orochimaru scolded.

"Thanks." Sasuke replied. "As I said, he was just about to finish me, when this blond girl appeared…"

"What blond girl?" Gaara asked.

"She…" Uchiha hesitated. "She's a demon."

Everyone's eyes widened.

"A demon?" Orochimaru asked.

"Like Naruto?" Temari added.

"Yes." Sasuke stated. "And right now she's fighting him! We have to help her!"

"Now wait a damn minute now!" The Hokage interrupted. "We are going nowhere!" She exclaimed.

"I promised that I will return with help!" Uchiha persisted.

"You cannot even stand straight!" Tsunade shouted. "Everything you'll do is get yourself killed!"

"She's right, Sasuke…" Orochimaru replied.

"Damn!" Uchiha gritted his teeth.

"…But we also cannot let an opportunity like this pass by." The snake sannin finished his sentence.

"What?!" Tsunade asked in anger.

"Take care of his wounds… then we're going back there."

"You can't mean that, Orochimaru!"

"Don't worry, Tsunade-sama." Gaara said. "We all will accompany you."

"Tch, fine…" The Hokage finally gave in. "But this girl of yours is better be worth the trouble!"

Back with Naruto…

"FUCK!" Trish and Naruto screamed simultaneously. Trish had a nasty long gash on her chest, and Naruto has four new bullet holes in his.



They lunged at each other again. Trish leaped high into the air and Naruto readied his sword.

"Judgement Cut!"

Slashing sphere appeared around Trish, but she blurred out of view before it could do any harm.

"Stay still, dammit!" Naruto screamed. "Super Judgement Cut!" With that he himself disappeared out of view and a countless amount of slashing spheres started to appear.

'Let's see how you dodge that, bitch!' He thought.

But to his great surprise, she did. She just ran so quickly that spheres weren't able to keep up with her.

"Grr…" The demon growled, reappearing again. "I will get you, bitch!"

"In your dreams, asshole!" Trish responded, firing at him again.

"Not this time, you slut!" Naruto shouted and started to spin Yamato in front of himself, blocking every bullet efficiently. "You take that back!" With that he swung his sword and bullets actually flew backwards.

"Shit!" Trish cursed, narrowly evading Naruto's counter.

"I'm not done!" The demon yelled jumping high into the air. "Dimension Slash!"

"Double shit!" Trish cursed again, running away from deadly black beam of energy.

"I said stay fucking still!" Naruto exclaimed still in midair.

"Fuck you!" She screamed, firing at him again.

"Not enough bitch!" He said from behind her, appearing in a flash of black.

Trish's eyes widened as she tried to block this time. She managed to stop sword's slash in time, but lost one of her guns in the process.

'Dammit…' The girl thought. 'He's stronger than I thought… I have to use this!'

"It's over!" Naruto stated, raising his blade once again.

"Yeah… it is." She responded and fired at him again… only this time yellow lightning surrounded the bullet.

"Ah!" Naruto yelled in pain and he fell to his knees. "W-What the…? I can't fucking move!"

"Sorry, but that's one of my powers…" She pointed her now only gun at his head. "Too bad for you."

"No!" He only managed to shout before another lightning-covered bullet got him straight in the eye.

"Sigh…" Trish released her breath, watching Naruto's body fall limply on the ground. "For a moment I thought he's gonna get me… Too bad, such a cutie…" She said picking Yamato from his hand. "Come to mama…"

The demoness waited for a few seconds, but nothing happened.

"Why isn't this working?!" She asked in frustration. "I did it, I killed…"


"Those were five hundred ryo sunglasses, bitch!"

Her eyes widened in shock and she managed to turn around sharply just in time to receive…

"Chidori!" Naruto yelled, slamming his lightning covered fist into demoness'es abdomen… and through it. 'I have to thank Sasuke for using this stupid jutsu on me often enough for me to remember it and adapt for my yoki…'

"I thought you were a goner for sure…" Yamato commented.

'Well, what can I say, thanks for the confidence!'

"Ah!" Trish screamed, falling to her knees as well.

"Like that, bitch?!" Naruto asked mockingly… only for her to raise his gun again and fire in his abdomen. "Fuck!" He cursed, releasing control on his technique.

"Dammit…" Trish cursed as well, loosing a hold on her gun.

Now they were both on their knees, completely covered in their own blood and sweat, and panted heavily.





"Ugly wench!"


Naruto's eyes widened at that.

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you too!"


"Fine by me…"

"Yeah, me too."

With that they instantly wrapped their arms around each other's and joined their lips in a mix of saliva and blood.

With Konoha team…

"Come one, hurry up!" Sasuke shouted, getting ahead of everyone else.

"Calm down, Sasuke." Kakashi said. "Or you won't have any energy left for a battle."

"I know…" Uchiha gritted his teeth. "But still…"

"Answer this for now…" Orochimaru started. "Is she really that strong?"

Sasuke hesitated. "I… I don't know… But how she handled Naruto, you should've seen this."

"Hmm… Sounds like an interesting character." Gaara commented.

Tsunade sighed. "Let's hope our help will be enough…"

Uchgiha shrugged. "Well, she did say that she doesn't need our help. Maybe she took care of him already…"

Back with Naruto…

"Holy shit!" Naruto shouted in surprise when the girl on top of him tore her own jacket away.

Sasuke just didn't know how right he was…

"Shut up!" Trish commanded, covering his lips with her own again.

'What the fuck?!' Naruto thought with wide black eyes. 'I… I'm being dominated!'

"HAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!" Yamato laughed. "Never thought I would see the day! Now I can die in peace!"

'Shut the fuck u-uuuuuuuup!' He thought as she threw his black leather pants away.

"Hey, that was my favorite pants!" He screamed in protest… only to receive a slap to the face.

"I thought I said shut up!"

Naruto massaged his chin and growled.

"You're soooo gonna pay for that!" He exclaimed and pushed her off himself. "Well, well… looks like we both love black leather." He stated, tearing her pants apart.

"You talk too much!" Trish said, grabbing his exposed member and making him groan. "Just shut your trap and nail me with this thing!"

"You don't fucking need to tell me twice!" He said and tore into her with one quick thrust.

"Mmm…" She moaned, smiling and biting her lower lip. "Nice one."

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

"Start moving dammit!"

"Sure thing!" Naruto answered and entered her hard once again.


"Oh yeah! I like when they scream!" The demon stated, thrusting faster and faster, but…

"Not fast enough!" Trish shouted and pushed his chest hard enough for the two of them to find themselves in midair. "Hah!" She twisted their bodies, so when they landed the demoness was on top of him.

"Holy shit!" Naruto exclaimed with wide eyes. "How did you do that?!"

"Practice!" The girl answered, moving her hips back and forth with all her might.

Ex-jinchuriki's eyes widened even more, when she started to pick up her speed. 'Fucking Hell! What is she?'

"I told you, she's Dante's ex-comrade." Yamato responded.

Naruto gritted his teeth in pleasure. 'T-That's not what I meant…' He thought in response. 'Anyway, I'm not going to lose!'

"Ah!" Trish moaned again when he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer. "Yes! Harder!"

Naruto grinned evilly. "You want harder, bitch?! Well, in that case…" With that he picked her up and slammed into a large tree. "I'm gonna give you the fucking hardest I got!"

"Oh, fuck!" The girl screamed, having her first orgasm.

Naruto's hidden base…

"Where the hell is he?!" The Mizukage asked in frustration.

"Dunno." Kirabi shrugged. "He was supposed to return a long time ago."

"I wonder what took him…" The Raikage muttered.

"It couldn't be that Uchiha kid, right?" His brother asked.

"Of course not!" Mei replied. "You were able to beat him. Naruto-kun should be able to squash him by snapping his fingers!"

"Hmm… maybe someone interfered in their fight?" The Raikage suggested.


"Well, that is a possibility…" The Mizukage said. "Still, that has to be someone really powerful to hold Naruto-kun off for so long…"

Konoha. Hokage tower…

"Danzou." Utatane Koharu said as she and her colleague entered Hokage's office.

"Yes, what can I do for you two?" The old war hawk replied, raising his eyes at them from some document.

"We wanted to ask you…" Mitokado Homura started. "Are you still planning your coup?"

Danzou held a pause. "No, I cancelled everything." He stated.

Both elders' eyes widened.

"But why?" Koharu asked. "You prepared it for so long… only to just discard in the end?"

The old war hawk sighed. "I planned my takeover simply because I believed Tsunade is not the kind of leader Konoha should have in order to survive… However she proved me wrong. I think with her in charge Hidden Leaf will be able to stand tall… or at least do everything in order to achieve that goal…"

"I see…" Homura said. "Sorry for interruption."

"Don't mention it."

With Konoha team…

"Come on, we're almost there!" Sasuke shouted.

"Everyone get ready!" Tsunade commanded.

"How does this girl of yours look?" Orochimaru asked, making the young Uchiha to blush a little.

"She's not my girl!" He exclaimed defensively.

"Sure, sure…" Kakashi replied with his usual eye smile.

"But still…" Gaara started. "She was alone with him for a long time… she might very well be dead already."

Sasuke grunted in response. "Yeah, but at the same time, Naruto might very well be losing right now!"

Back with Naruto…

Right now we find our favorite demon leaning on the same large tree with both his hands. The sky was beautiful and forest never looked lovelier… However our hero absolutely didn't care about any of that, because right now he had a naked blonde girl kneeling in front of him…

"Ooooooh fuck!" Naruto moaned.

Trish smiled, looking at his face… quickly stroking his dick with her soft hand at the same time. "You're losing it!" She stated and licked the bottom of his 'head' with the tip of her tongue.

Demon's upper head arched backwards when she did that. "SHIT!" He screamed, unable to hold back any longer.

"Mmmmm…" The demoness moaned in satisfaction and closed her eyes, receiving first drops of his cum.

"Guh!" Naruto gasped, because she hasn't stopped to stroke him off… if anything, she only started doing it faster… and even massaged his balls with her other hand. "Crap!" He groaned, shooting one thick rope of semen after another in her mouth and on her face.

"Hmhmhm…" Trish giggled, releasing his cock, wiping the globs of cum off her face with her fingers and sucking them clean. "That's four/one you motherfucker!"

Naruto's face twisted in anger. "And you're still losing, bitch!" With that the demon picked the girl up and turned her around, placing her in the same position he was just in… only he himself was not on his knees, but behind her.

"I'll show you how it's done!" Naruto shouted, inserting his pointing and middle fingers inside her pussy.

"Ah!" The demoness screamed with wide eyes. "W-Wait, stop! You're too… AH!" She bit on her lip to suppress the pleasure at least to some extent… but not for long.

"No way in hell, bitch!" Naruto stated. "You're gonna get it for ruining my favorite jacket!" And with that being said he moved his fingers with the speed of sound… and soon enough…

"Stop it, you idiot!" Trish screamed as her back arched. "No! Oh, fuck… I'M GONNA CUUUUAAAAAHHH!"

"HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! Excellent!" Naruto exclaimed, licking his now soaked fingers. "But still not enough!" With that he picked blonde girl up, turned her again, slamming her back against the tree once more, and really got on his knees this time. "I want more of this taste!" The demon stated with clearly insane look on his face, and second later placed said face right between girl's legs.

"What are you…?" Trish asked still dazed from recent orgasm… but then it dawned on her. "No, wait!" She tried to struggle. "I just came, I… AHH!" The demoness screamed again when Naruto attacked her most sensitive spot with his mouth and tongue.

Suddenly he stopped.

"W-What…?" Trish asked, already missing the feeling.

"Oh, I just wanted to say…" Naruto started. "THAT I WILL MAKE YOU CUM UNTIL YOU FUCKING FAINT!" He yelled and slammed his face between her legs once again.

Trish's eyes widened in shock. 'W-What the hell is he?!' She asked herself. 'I had sex with demons before, but nothing like this! I… I can't fucking resist him! He's making me cum as if I'm a virgin! I just can't stop myself… I… I need his cum… I need it inside!'

"Mmm…" Naruto moaned when he felt girl's legs wrapping around his neck. 'Looks like she finally gave in.'

"Excuse me for a second, Naruto…" Yamato interrupted. "But I just have to say this…"

'Say what?'

The demon blade paused. "YOU'RE A FUCKING GOD! I'm so glad I accepted you as my master, you are my hero!"

'Well, thanks… I guess… Alright, enough.' The demon thought and put one finger into Trish's ass.

Girl's eyes widened immediately and the trembling sensation returned.

"I can't fucking take this anymore!" Naruto exclaimed and picked himself up. "Take this!" He added and pushed his cock inside her.

"AH!" Trish screamed once again, wrapping her arms around his neck.

The demon raised an eyebrow at this. "What, came already again?" He then pushed deeper. "Well too fucking bad! I haven't had enough yet!"

"Stop rhyming! It gives me the creeps!"


"Motherfucker!" Trish yelled. "Are you trying to break me?"

Naruto smirked. "Break you? I don't know about you, but I call this extremely hard fucking! Oh, and speaking about hard…" He said and pushed in harder and harder, and…

"What the hell are you doing?!" The demoness screamed as her back was hardly slammed into a tree again and again. "Stop, you'll break…"

The tree started to crack…

"What the…?"

"I always wanted to try this!" Naruto exclaimed. "But I never got the chance! Any human girl would be dead by now!"

Trish realized he wasn't joking. The pressure was hard enough even for her.

"Go for it, Naruto!" Yamato cheered. "Hold nothing back!"

"Rrrrgah!" Naruto roared, thrusting as strong as he could and mighty tree finally cracked completely, falling on the ground with two naked demons atop.

"Yes!" Trish yelled, wrapping her arms and legs around Naruto's body. "Fuck me! Pound my pussy and cum inside!"

"You got it!" Naruto shouted back… but what both of them failed to realize in the heat of the moment, is that right about now…

With Konoha team…


"They are still fighting!" Sasuke pointed in just fallen tree's direction.

"Okay, everyone prepare for battle." Orochimaru commanded. "If she really is that strong then we might have a chance…" He paused. "But what we certainly don't have is the right to make a mistake."

Everyone nodded and prepared for battle… when they approached however…

Back with Naruto and Trish…

"Oh shit!" Naruto exclaimed. "I'm gonna…!"

"YES!" Trish pulled him closer, if it was even possible, with her arms and legs.

"FUCK!" The demon groaned, shooting twice as much cum as before.

"KYAAAA!" The girl screamed in total bliss, reaching her next orgasm when Naruto's pulsing cock filled her insides.

It took him quite a while to empty himself completely, but when he finally did, the demon just fell face first right between Trish's breasts.

"Huff… huff…" The demoness panted heavily. "Asshole…"

"Bitch…" He muttered into her chest.

They just stayed that way until…

"Umm… sorry to interrupt…" Yamato… interrupted. "But I just have to say this…"

That got the blond demon annoyed. 'Yeah, I know. I'm a fucking god and your hero. Now piss of!'

"Uh… Well yeah, that too…" The demon blade continued. "But what I really have to say is… how do you say it…? Oh yeah! I think it sounded like… I've got two words for you."

Naw Naruto was actually interested. 'Really? What words?'

"Look up…"

Naruto wanted to say 'fuck off', but then…

'What the hell…' He shrugged mentally and raised his head from its very comfortable place.

"What's so interesting the… re…" He muttered as his eyes widened at the size of dinner plates.

Sasuke was the one who landed first.

"There they a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a…" Uchiha froze in place still pointing his finger at… well; guess what he pointed at…

"Oh… my… god…" Tsunade muttered to herself in shock, observing… yeah, that.

Kakashi and Temari simply blushed. Kakashi was of course a pervert and the biggest Icha Icha fan, and Temari… she was in that position before…

The only ones who looked indifferent were Orochimaru and Gaara.

"Well fuck me sideways…" Trish exclaimed, matching Naruto's look. "I thought shit like this could only happen in shitty movies…"

The snake sannin rolled his eyes. "Well done, Sasuke!" He said in anger. "She sure needs help in handling Uzumaki's dick!"

"What the hell?!" The young Uchiha shouted. "You were supposed to fight him!"

Trish bit her lover lip. "Well I did… and I'm still doing that in a way…"

"Hah! And you're losing terribly!" Naruto stated.

"Fuck you!" She replied. "I'm still going to win in the end!"

"Oh yeah?!"



"Lightning Strike!"

With that they both slammed their deadly techniques into each other's chest, sprawling blood everywhere… especially from Naruto's Rasengan. What surprised both demons however; is that a second after they disappeared from the area.

"W-What the hell was that about…?" Temari asked in confusion.

"Fuck me if I know…" Kakashi responded.

Sasuke gritted his teeth. "Shit… SHIT!"

"Calm down, Sasuke." Orochimaru said, patting his subordinate on the shoulder. "There's nothing we can do about it… and maybe it's for the best."

"Y-Yeah, you're right…" Uchiha replied, turning to leave… What he would never admit to anyone though, is that he got really aroused right now.

For Tsunade's part… What she would never admit even to herself, is that she was as well…

Some cave…

"What the…?" Naruto said, reappearing in an unknown place. "Where the fuck are we?!" He demanded, unsheathing his sword… and ignoring the fact that they were both still naked.

"I have no fucking idea!" Trish stated, pointing her gun against his blade. "It wasn't me!"

"Yeah, right…" The demon replied sarcastically.

"That does not however mean a single thing!" Trish continued. "I'm still going to kill you and get that sword!"

Naruto's smile disappeared. "Alright, enough." With that he teleported in front of her in a flash of black.

She tried to shot him in the head, but ex-jinchuriki blocked it with black metallic gauntlet, which suddenly appeared around his left forearm.

"Hn." Naruto slashed with his sword, but she managed to duck just in time… to find her throat gripped tightly by the same metallic gauntlet.

"Weak." Naruto stated, slamming her into the stone wall, and she had to admit the last time was much more pleasant. "No, not weak… but not strong enough to defeat Mundus, that's for sure. Even with Yamato by your side, you're nothing to him." With that he released her throat and demoness fell on the ground coughing. "Who are you… really?"

Trish stood up and sighed. "Nothing more than you already know." She replied.

The demon rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know. You're Dante's ex-sidekick… but what do you have against Mundus?"

The girl closed her eyes. "He… He created me."

Naruto raised an eyebrow at that. "Talking about ungrateful…"

"No, you don't understand." She stated. "Mundus can create servants like me on a whim… and he can also destroy them on a whim as well…"

"I see…" He nodded in understatement.

"How would you like if someone gave you life without asking your opinion, and then demands to take that life back from you?" Trish continued, frowning a little. "I… I failed him once, just once! And he said that I'm incompetent! He said that he'll do a better one next time!" She paused at this point. "What would you do in my place?"

Naruto shrugged. "Probably the same…"

"You had the same problem?" The demoness asked.

"Not quite…" Naruto replied. "They sealed a demon in my body without asking for my opinion… But in the end, it's going to be their downfall!" He stated, making Trish's eyes widen. "When fate spits in your face, don't spit back. Instead take off your right shoe, take off your left shoe… turn them sideways and stick 'em straight up fate's candy ass!"

"Hahaha…" The girl laughed sadly. "Well, what can I say, maybe I should be grateful. Because he cast me out, I was able to experience many things… things I would've never able to learn being Mundus's loyal lapdog."

Naruto smiled. "See, what did I tell you?! And if you want to see Mundus in pieces, then just bring some cola and cheer for me from the sidelines!"

Her eyes widened at that. "Y-You're going after Mundus as well?!" She asked in anger.

"W-Well yeah…" Naruto answered hesitantly… and was correct again. She punched him in the gut.

"You asshole!" Trish screamed.

"What? What did I do now?!"

"Why didn't you say so from the beginning?!" She yelled, making him raise an eyebrow. "We wasted so much time we could spend on sex!"


Konohagakure no sato. ANBU headquaters…

"Huh? What are you doing here, little girl?" The receptionist girl asked.

"I am here to enter ANBU program.

"Don't be ridiculous, no one that young…"

"There you are, Hanabi!" One Neji Hyuga exclaimed.

"Neji-sama!" The receptionist girl greeted with a bow.

"Sit." Neji ordered and the girl sat down… along with Hanabi. "Not you, Hanabi! Come." He said and turned around.

ANBU training grounds…

"So, do you know why you're here?" The older Hyuga asked.

She shook her head no.

"You are here because Naruto said so."

That got a strange reaction… she laughed.

"What's so funny?" Neji asked in slight anger.

"Hmhmhm…" Hanabi giggled. "Nothing much… but you really shouldn't steal his catchphrases. He's not taking it very well…"

Neji chuckled at this as well. "Yeah, I know… Anyway, you're here because Naruto said… that you have no team."


"Well, you're not going to learn anything that way." ANBU commander stated. "So starting from today you will train with me every day you're free from missions." He added. 'Still… why would Naruto order something like that? Is she really that important? Or maybe he has some plans for her… Well, not my business….'

"Understood!" Hanabi quickly took 'attention' stance.

"Oh?" Neji said in surprise. "Very well, now… show me your best skill."

Hanabi nodded and made a few handseals, causing Neji's eyes to widen.

"Raiton: Byakurai!" She shouted and a bolt of lightning pierced a training post the girl was aiming at.

'HOLY SHIT!' Neji wanted to scream, but caught himself just in time. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

Hanabi looked at him in confusion. "B-But you told me to show my best skill…"

The commander looked around, making sure that no one saw that. "Who the hell taught you that?!"

"Duh… Naruto-sama did…"

Neji slapped his face. "I should've known…" He muttered to himself. "Okay, listen here, Hanabi. This technique is one of Naruto's favorites. During his attack on Konoha he sent at least two dozens of ninjas to the afterlife with that move! I've seen the newest bingo book, they already created his profile, and this technique is present in it! So you are never… and I mean…" He slapped his face just in time.

"Hahaha!" Hanabi laughed. "Yeah, I got it. Never to use it near Konoha forces."

ANBU smiled. "Good girl. Now there's a technique I want to show you. I created it myself, it's called Hakke Kushou!"

Back with Naruto…

"Oh God! I'm cumming again!" Trish screamed, receiving another shot of sperm in her womb. "Ah…" Unable to hold any longer, she fell on top of him in a mess of blood, sweat and now semen.

"Damn that felt good!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Good?!" She asked in frustration. "What the hell are you made of?!"

Naruto snorted. "What do you think?"

"Sperm and muscle." She answered.

The demon chuckled. "Almost. Its Cola sperm and muscle! Hahaha!" He stated. "By the way, it's 3/16 now." 'Hmm… 3/16… sounds nice.'

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

Naruto smiled evilly. "Simple! Naruto 3/16 says I just whopped your ass!"

Trish raised an eyebrow. "Naruto 3/16?"

"I don't know… I just felt like saying it."

"Whatever." The girl muttered, placing her head on his chest once again.

"By the way…" Naruto started. "What happened between you and Dante? If you don't mind me asking of course…"

"Nah." She replied. "He… He was actually the reason of my failure. I couldn't bring myself to kill him. He spared me as well and fought Mundus instead. But as you know he had no chance in hell to win. With my help Dante was only able to send him back to hell… It is then when it started…"


Trish sighed. "Yes… He insisted on simply protecting the innocent people…" Naruto snorted at that. "I however wanted to take offensive and bring the battle to our enemies. And that was our team's downfall."

"How so?"

"You see, unlike us demons, hanyos have no hunger for power… simply because they can't become stronger by winning a fight."

Naruto's eyebrows rose at that. "Hell, I didn't know that!"

"Yes, half demons are born with their power, and after unlocking it, they won't become any more powerful."

"Ho! Now that's an interesting piece of information." The demon stated. "Let me guess. You could. And wanted to increase your power in order to defeat Mundus."

Trish nodded. "Bingo. Total jackpot. But aside from that, I also do not possess the power to open the Hell Gate… so, here I am."

"Well…" Naruto started. "I guess we should go. I can really use a shower right now…"

"Yeah, me too…"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Maybe, but…" She hesitated. "Naruto, I witnessed Mundus's power firsthand. He's unnaturally strong. I don't think you will be able…"

Already seeing where this was going, the demon interrupted her by raising his hand.

"Don't worry about that." He reassured. "I have… let's just say… ace in a hole."

Naruto's hidden base…

"Geez, what took you?" The Mizukage asked when Naruto finally arrived.

He waved her off. "Some more back up plans, nothing you should be concerned about."

"What now then?" The Raikage made his presence known.

"Right now…" Naruto started, inspecting single ring on his finger. "I have a date with destiny, my friends!"

"Forgive me for asking, but why are you so fascinated with those rings, Naruto-sama?" The Raikage asked again. "You said they were important, but you never explained why."

The blond chuckled darkly. "Hmhmhm… You want a history lesson? Very well. Answer this: What do you think bijus are?"

"Um… Demons?" The Mizukage said.

"Yep, and?"

"Uh… tailed beasts…" The Raikage responded.

Naruto sighed. "Fine, I'll start from the beginning." He stated. "You see, in the beginning there was a Greater Demon Juubi. And he made a deal with Mundus. I don't know what Mundus received as payment, but Juubi wanted a passage to the Human World… and it was granted to him."

"Why did he want that?" Kirabi asked.

Naruto shook his head. "The reason is unknown to me. But what happened next is."


"Juubi stumbled upon Rikudo Sennin… The thing he didn't know is that Rikudo Sennin was actually a hanyo."

"A what?" The Mizukage interrupted.

"Half demon."


"Yeah. I don't know why, but they battled…"


"So? Who won?"

"…In reality they both lost."

"Huh?" Three people exclaimed.

Naruto sighed. "There was no way… AND NARUTO MEANS NO WAY a simple half demon, no matter how strong he was, could defeat a greater demon… I even have a theory that someone must've helped him… perhaps even Mundus himself."


Another sigh. "Would you ask a madman why he's insane?"

"I guess not…"

"Exactly. So what happened is Rikudo Sennin somehow managed to seal Juubi inside of himself… becoming in fact the first jinchuriki."

"Now that is an interesting piece of information." The Raikage stated.

"Indeed." Naruto responded. "But the thing is, with Rikudo Sennin's death Juubi would've been released again. So when he was on his deathbed… I don't know how… and don't think I even want to know, but he somehow managed to divide Juubi's power into ten pieces…"

"The bijus!" Killer Bee said. "Wait… did you just say ten?"

"Yes, ten pieces." Naruto nodded.

"But there are only nine bijuus!" Mei replied.

"Yep… that's because ninth devoured tenth." The demon said, making everyone's eyes widen. "Surprised?"

"Kind of…" The Raikage responded.

"Strange, every smart person would've been deep in thoughts about it right now…"

"About what?"

Naruto chuckled. "If the ten tailed demon's power was divided into a ten pieces, why does each of them have different amount of tails and power?"

"And why?"

"Hmhmhm… they didn't."

"What?" Kirabi asked in confusion. "But they do…!"

"No!" Naruto shook his head. "They do now. When they were first separated, each ten of them had one tail… until one of them devoured the other. Guess who that was?"


"Yes. Kyuubi ate tenth and became two tailed instantly. But there was a drawback for that." Naruto explained. "You see, each demon have something that has no name, but I decided to brand it as progress limit."


"Sigh… Do you know why demons are always looking for a fight?"

No answer.

"Because they grow stronger with every victory. But after many years and countless battles, demons are actually starting to calm down. They seek power no longer. In biju case, everyone reached that limit… except two. Wanna guess?"



No answer.



Naruto shrugged. "Well, unlike everyone else, Ichibi got caught very quickly, so he never actually got the chance to evolve."

"And Kyuubi?"

"Well, in Kyuubi's case it's a little more different. You see, when he devoured another part of Juubi's power, not only his power, but his progress limit was doubled as well. That's why he was so aggressive even with all that power."

"That's interesting and all…" Mei interrupted. "But I don't actually see where those rings come in."

Naruto smiled. "They come right here!" He exclaimed. "There's that statue called Gedo Mazo… where the real Juubi's power is sealed."

"Ah ha!" Kirabi exclaimed. "And in order to obtain it, all biju must be sealed in it, right?"

"Yep, but there are only nine now. So normal way is impossible to achieve… for me however." Demon's smile widened. "Akatsuki were destined to fail, I just need two things: overall amount of sealed tails to be equal to ten, or more… and all ten rings. And since our dear Akatsuki friends actually managed to extract all bijuus except Hachibi, Niibi and Kyuubi, I have more than enough now!"

Konohagakure no sato. Main Gate…

"Tsunade-sama! You're safe!" One of the gatekeepers said happily.

"Please, come quickly!" Another one replied and uneasy feeling entered Hokage's stomach.

"Something bad happened?" She asked cautiously.

"No!" The First gatekeeper responded. "If anything it should be labeled as something good. Shikamaru-san has returned, and he has some very important news!"

Tsunade released her breath in relief. "Alright, to Hokage tower!"

Dark cave…

"Ah, Juubi darling! We meet at last!" Naruto exclaimed happily, standing in front of the large statue.

"Kyuubi… Release me…" Echoed in Naruto's head.

The blond tilted his head to the side. "Hmm… let me think. Umm… nope!"

"Wait… you're not Kyuubi, are you?" Juubi asked.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!"

"Who are you then?"

"Oh no… Here we go again…"

"You want to know who I am? My friend, I am the jabroni beating, LALALALALAAAAW, pie eating, trail blazing, eyebrow raising, girls gazing, simply amazing Uzumaki Naruto!"


"You're Uzumaki Naruto?" The deemon asked.

"The one and only!"

"Hmhm… hmhmhm… HAHAHAHAHA! At last! I've been waiting for you forever!"

Naruto's eyes widened. "W-What?"

"Surprised?" Juubi asked. "Yes, I've been waiting for you!"

Blond demon's eyes widened even more. For the first time since he drained Kyuubi's chakra he felt it… fear. Not for his life, oh no. He felt fear for his plans. In all his calculations he forgot to count one thing… that his plans might be a part of someone else's plan.

"But your deal with Mundus and…!"

"My deal with Mundus?! What do you know about it except that it happened?"

Naruto stood in silence.

"I thought so. The deal was to break one of the seals holding him to get a one way safe passage into this World."

"But why would you do that?" Naruto asked in confusion. "What is it for you here?!"

"You are."

Naruto's heart skipped a beat.

"What?" He asked quietly.

"Hmhmhm… you expect some great secret, some prophecy, are you?" Juubi mocked. "There are none! I'm only here so you would drain my power."

Naruto's world broke into glass.

'How… How is that possible?! Someone predicted my actions up to this moment!' He thought. 'How could this happen?! All plans I created until now, all goals… were they really needed?'

"I see desperation on your face." Juubi stated. "You have everything you need, why stop now?"

But Naruto never heard the question. Right now he was in battle against his mind.

'Not important… never mattered. I still ended right here… Was all I did until now irrelevant?' Suddenly a memory flashed in his head. Tsunade kissed his forehead…

"Become a great person!"

The demon shook his head. 'What about this stupid memory?! It was a fake… Wait, that's it! That's right!' His eyebrow shot up. 'This, only this moment was predicted! Not before, not after! I could be here a Konoha's lap dog! Or something like that anyway! It's personality that matters!'

"So, are you ready yet?"

"Hmhmhm… Sure I am!" Naruto responded with a smile. "SOUL DRAIN!"


"HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Naruto screamed absorbing the enormous amount of demonic power.

Few minutes later it was over…

"Holy cow… So much power…"

"Well, it looks like congratulations are in order…" Yamato commented.

"I guess…" Naruto replied. "Not what I expected, but power is power."

"Yeah, well it's all good, but aren't you forgetting something?"



"Oh, fuck!" And with that his world became black…


Omake. Uzumaki Naruto vs. Yoh Asakura…

Naruto (Appearing in a burst of flames): "Oi, Darthemius! You there?"

Darthemius (In anger): "Yes, and I still haven't found motherfucker who switched my cola!"

Naruto (Playfully): "Oh come on, man! It's not like you will find him…" (Turning to camera and raising eyebrows two times) 'Hint! Hint!'

Darthemius: "But what was that if not cola?"

Naruto: "Umm… did you drink it?"

Darthemius: "Well yeah…"

Naruto: "Then you really, really don't want to know…"

Darthemius: "Anyway, why the fuck are you here, man?"

Naruto (Sweatdropping): "Duh, have you forgotten? We've got another fight today!"

Darthemius (Rubbing his temples): "Oh fuck…"

Naruto: "What's the matter?"

Darthemius: "Hangover…"

Naruto: "Oh… Well, who will be our opponents for today?"

Darthemius: "Fuck, let's see…" (Taking some paper) "Today it's some… Yo-Yo…"

Naruto (Raising an eyebrow): "Why in the blue hell would I fight a yo-yo?! It's not even alive!"

Darthemius (Shaking his head… then clutching it in pain): "Oww fuck! No, wait. It's some Yo-Yo… Sa-Sak-kura…"

Naruto (Raising second eyebrow): "Sakura's yo-yo?! Well, I don't really give a damn whose yo-yo it is, but if you give me an opportunity to give that pink haired bitch an RKO, I will be more than grateful!"

Darthemius (Slapping his face): "No, wait! It's… fuck, I can't read this shit!"

Naruto: "Give me that!" (Grabbing piece of paper) "Yoh Asakura?

Darthemius: "Stupid name…"

Naruto: "What a shame, no RKO for Sakura today…"

Darthemius: "Oww…"

Naruto: "Damn man, you look like shit!" (Pulling out a cola can) "Here, it'll make you feel better!"

Darthemius (taking the can): "Is it real?"

Naruto: "Sure!"

Darthemius (Drinking the can down): "A-Ah! HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Naruto: "Now that's what I'm talking about!" (Giving Darthemius a high five)

Sudden female voice: "I heard voices over there!"

Sudden male voice: "Let's check it out!"

Darthemius: "What the fuck was that?"

Naruto: "Fuck me if I know…"

Darthemius (In shock): "What, are you nuts?! No way I'm doing that!"

Boy and girl appear…

Boy: "Are you the guys we're supposed to fight?"

Darthemius: "Who of you is Yo-Yoh As-sak-kura?"

Boy: "Umm… She is." (Pointing)


Boy: "Sorry, Anna…"

Anna: "Enough fooling around. Show those guys the results of your hard training."

Yoh: "Yes, Anna…"

Naruto (Raising an eyebrow): "Anna? Are you a girl?"

Anna (Narrowing her eyes): "Yes, something's wrong?"

Naruto: "Oh, nothing's wrong! It's just you're the most flat-chested girl I have ever seen!"

Darthemius: "That was mean, man…"


Naruto: "Ouch! How the hell did you move so fast?!"

Anna: "How can you call yourself a warrior when you're so relaxed?"

Naruto: "How can you call yourself a girl when you're so serious?"

Darthemius: "Yeah, I think you need to loosen yourself a little bit…"


Yoh: "You'd better stop guys. She never will…"

Naruto: "Damn! And you hang out with her? I fell sorry for you already… or maybe you're just a masochist?"

Yoh: "No, I'm not…"

Anna: "Too bad! Get them, Yoh!"

Yoh (sighing in defeat): "Yes, Anna… Amidamaru!"

Amidamaru: "Hai, Yoh-dono!"

Yoh: "Oversoul! Amidamaru in Harusame! In Futsu no Mitama no Tsurugi!"

Giant sword appears…

Naruto: "Well I'll be fucked…"

Anna: "You will be soon enough!"

Yoh: "Daigo Koujin!"

Naruto (Narrowly dodging the attack): "Wow! This guy isn't joking! Alright, my turn! Darthemius!"

Darthemius: "What the fuck do you want?!"

Naruto: "Oversoul!"

Darthemius: "Wha…?"

Naruto: "In your pants! Special attack! Hold this son of a bitch down from behind!"

Darthemius (Grabbing Yoh in full Nelson): "What the fuck am I doing?!"

Yoh (Struggling): "Let me go!"

Anna: "Hey! That's not fair! This guy is no spirit!"

Naruto (Smiling from ear to ear): "Spirit or not, here comes the…!" (Jumping up)

Crowd: "RKO!"

Naruto (Standing over Yoh's unconscious body): "He's no Sakura, but he'll do for today."

Darthemius: "What the fuck was that?!"

Naruto (Scratching his head): "Umm, sorry man, but where do you think I could find a spirit?!"

Darthemius (In anger): "I don't give a fuck! You owe me!"

Naruto: "I owe you what?"

Darthemius: "Hmm… how about some girls?"

Naruto: "Okay, I'll look…"

Anna: "Wake up, Yoh! You can't lose; you're going to be a Shaman King!"

Naruto: "You know… why look somewhere else? We have one right here!"

Darthemius (Smirking): "Now that you mention it…"

Anna: "What do you think you're doing?!"

Darthemius (Undoing his belt): "What do you think?"

Naruto: "Besides, you said I will be fucked soon enough…"

Anna (Backing down in fear): "Umm… you know I was kidding… right? Guys?!"


Winner: Uzumaki Naruto!

Naruto and Darthemius (Nearing on Anna): "DATTEBAYO!"

Anna: "No, stop!"

Naruto and Darthemius's pants fall…

Anna (With wide eyes): "Oh my fucking GOD!"


Anna: "Do you have contraceptive?"

