

Chapter seventeen: "You can't stop me!"

"Fuck Kishimoto!" – talks.

'Agree!' – thoughts.

"Fucking gut him alive" – Yamato.

"And eat the contents!" – demonic.

"No! Don't kill Kishimoto!" – Massasi Kishimoto.


In previous chapter…

Naruto stood covered in blood… about a dozen of dead Konoha ANBU lay around him.

"You didn't really think I would go down that easily?!" Ex-jinchuriki asked with a smirk.

Tsunade sighed. "You know, for some tiny moment… yeah, I did…"


"SHIN-NE, NARUTO!" Neji screamed, jumping at Naruto with a juuken strike.

"You're too stressed, Neji…" Naruto replied, delivering a hard roundhouse kick to enraged Hyuga's midsection, which sent him flying through some building. "Take a chill pill, haha!"

No one noticed how Kabuto released the breath he was holding… But everyone noticed how people started to run away in fear.

"ROOT!" Danzou yelled.

"No, Danzou!" Tsunade commanded. "Don't waste your men! They'll just lose their life. Better help evacuate civilians."

Danzou nodded. "Very well."

Someone refused to wait…

"I will avenge Asuma now!" Shikamaru screamed, trenching knives in hands.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?!" He asked. "You know, I actually regret killing him that time…"

Shikamaru's eyes narrowed. "If you think your excuses…"

"I wasn't apologizing!" The demon interrupted. "I killed him only because I had no time. I wish he was alive right now… so I could've killed him much more slowly and painfully! HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Naruto! You bastard!" Shikamaru shouted, already lunging at his sworn enemy… when…

"Everyone stand down!"

Everyone turned to the source of the voice, which happened to be… Hinata, with clenched fists and angry look on her face.

"H-Hinata…" Kiba stuttered. In all his life he never saw his teammate so angry.

"Naruto…" The demon raised an eyebrow at the lack of 'kun'. "I… I loved you, admired you, looked up to you." The Hyuga clan head muttered. "You were like a ray of light in my dark life…"

Naruto snorted. 'Me?! The master of darkness as ray of light?!'

"This girl is hopeless…"

Meanwhile Hinata continued. "But what you're doing now is wrong!" Tears appeared in her eyes. "You're going to destroy everything just for your revenge, and I Hyuga Hinata can't allow you to do that!" She yelled, hesitantly shifting in a juuken battle stance.

Naruto furrowed his eyebrows. 'If right now she'll say, that she brings justice in the name of Moon, then I'm gonna make mincemeat out of her!'

Hinata opened her mouth again…

'Just do it!' The demon clicked his sword open.

"You're not the man you once were!"

'Oh… what a turn off…' Naruto sighed. "Hahaha… stupid useless bitch! I'm not the man I once was?! That man never even existed!"

Hinata closed her eyes. "Then I will have no regrets." She said quietly and then her eyelids shot open. "Amatsu juuken!" The Hyuga clan head shouted as a beam of white light flew out of her palm and hit Naruto straight in the chest.

The demon looked down and raised an eyebrow. "Was that an attack?!"

Hinata's eyes widened. "Why didn't it work?!" She shot some more beams, but all ended with the same result.

"Oh, the answer is simple." Naruto said calmly. "Yes, that's an advanced juuken, but juuken still. And juuken attacks a chakra circularity system… which I don't have anymore. See, simple. Now try some of mine's. Hadou #33 Soukatsui!"

A wave of blue flames flew out of Naruto's hand and was about to hit Hinata, when it was suddenly stopped by a wall of sand.

"What the… Gaara? You're here as well?!" Naruto asked.

"Indeed I am." Another ex-jinchuriki stated emotionlessly and turned to Hinata. "Your technique won't work on him. Leave this to me."

Hinata nodded reluctantly and Naruto smirked. "Pretty confident. Let's see how you do…"

"Before that…" Gaara said. "Tell me, Uzumaki Naruto, what you told me back then… was it a lie as well?"

The demon smirked and ran a hand through his hair. "Of course it was! Had you any doubts?!" He chuckled. "Oh, you were sooooo easy! A few words, and WHAM, you turned from a killing psychopath to a peace loving family guy!" Naruto exclaimed. "If only you had any brains, you could've guessed it. Never wondered why I let you die?!"

Gaara's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about?"

Naruto's smile widened. "I could've stopped Akatsuki from extracting biju from you. You know why I didn't?! Because of this very moment!" He shouted. "I knew you would turn on me one day, and without your demon you're a little less than nothing."

"We'll see about that." Sand started to swirl around Kazekage, when…


Gaara turned his head. "Tsunade-sama?"

"Do not attack him head on. You'll just end up like Neji…"

"B-But Tsunade-sama…"

"Look at his face, Gaara. What do you see?"

"Oh wait!" Naruto exclaimed. "I'll give you one better!" He took his sunglasses off and threw them away. "Look in my eyes, what do you see?" The demon opened his black eyes and fire appeared in them.

"The cult of personaaaaaaaaaality!"

'Shut up!'

Gaara took a pause. "Confidence… extreme confidence. He thinks we're not a threat."

"That's why you shouldn't attack like this." The Hokage said.

"You shouldn't attack me at all." Naruto suddenly said.

"What?!" Jiraiya asked.

"Just give me the ring and Uchiha's head, and I'll be on my way…"

Tsunade smirked. "Do you take me for a fool, Naruto?!"

The demon tilted his head to the left. "You want the honest answer?"

The smirk faded. "We have four thousand ninjas at our command. You can't escape!"

Naruto chuckled. "Escape?! You don't understand; I don't need to escape! I have two goals right now, and both of them are right here!"

"If you think you can take my head, you're terribly wrong!" Sasuke screamed, making a chidori… but then suddenly released it. "Damn…"

"What?" Sakura asked. "Why's Sasuke releasing his jutsu?!"

"It can't be used without Sharingan…" Kakashi answered. "And Sharingan is useless against him."

"Naruto, you motherfucker!" Sasuke went for his sword. "I'll kill you and finally obtain Mangekyo!"

"HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Naruto laughed hard. "You?! Obtain Mangekyo?! Do you know the conditions?!"

Sasuke's eyes narrowed. "To kill your best friend."

"Exactly! You really think my death will make you regret?! And the truth is; I was never your friend! You think Itachi used you?! You think Orochimaru used you?! You think Konoha used you?! ALL WRONG! You were my pawn from the very beginning!"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, you already know about setting Itachi up, but that's not all!" He chuckled. "You have the same looks… but that's it. He was his mother's son, and you are the exact copy of your father…"

Sasuke tensed. "You sound like you know them."

Naruto snorted. "Of course I do! But do you?!"

The Uchiha straightened. "My father was the Uchiha clan head, a great shinobi and…"

"Wrong!" Naruto interrupted. "Your father was a useless imbecile! He never completed a single mission without screwing something up. That's why he retired from being a shinobi still being a genin." The demon said, making Sasuke's eyes widen. "Your mother on the other hand… She was indeed a great shinobi. ANBU captain at sixteen, great ninjutsu and kenjutsu specialist. As a matter of fact, she married your father only because he was a clan head and it was an arranged marriage… she was also the one who trained your brother…"

"How do you know that?!"

An evil smile crossed Naruto's face. "Why, she told me herself of course! You see, unlike her imbecile of a son, she didn't have your father's genes in her, meaning she was really smart… joining me and all…"

"No! You're lying! Mother would've never…"

"Oh yes she would! And not only that, but she believed the Uchiha clan needed a purge as well…"

"What?!" Sasuke shouted.

Naruto shrugged. "Well, you see…"


Naruto and Mikoto were sitting on the roof of some building of Uchiha district.

"Tell me, Mikoto…" Naruto suddenly said.


"Why? I already said that I won't hurt you. Why destroy your own clan?!"

Mikoto looked down at the busy street…

"Look at them…" Naruto looked down as well. "Pathetic! One of the greatest shinobi clans… degraded to this. Back in the old days, there was not a single Uchiha, who even thought about leading a civilian life! And look at them right now! Useless pieces of trash!"

Naruto grinned. "Hmhmhm… I see. And what about your family?!"

Mikoto gritted her teeth. "What about them?! Fugaku is the most useless of them all, and Sasuke is his exact copy… even the name was his idea…"

"And Itachi?"

She frowned at the name. "Well, he's my only pride… but he's also too loyal to this village. We have no choice…"

Naruto nodded. "I see… by the way, you wanted to ask something. What is it?"

Mikoto closed her eyes. "Allow me to kill my family by myself."

The blond jinchuriki raised an eyebrow. "Oh? I thought you'll ask me to kill them."

"Nonsense!" She said. "I hate Fugaku with passion, and Sasuke is his spitting image. It's time for him to disappear, and for someone more… dignified to take his place." She said, glancing at Naruto with a smirk.

"Hmhmhm… I see." He chuckled. "And Itachi?"

Her smirk widened. "Have you ever heard about Mangekyo Sharingan?"

End flashback…

"No… It can't be true… YOU'RE LYING!" Sasuke screamed.

"Sasuke…" Sakura muttered.

"Oh, but it is!" Naruto replied. "And you were also right by calling me motherfucker, for you see… well… she was also my first sexual experience."

That was too much. The last Uchiha drew his sword and ran at his ex-teammate… only to be caught by Jiraiya.

"Don't! That's what he's trying to do!"

"Let me go!" Sasuke screamed. "I'll kill him!"

Suddenly Naruto spoke again. "That's the second thing I will never forgive your brother for…"

"W-What?" Sasuke said in slight shock.

"For killing your mother." His smile disappeared immediately. "She already disposed of your trash of a father when he came. In reality, he never stood a chance against her, but… unpredictable happened… Your brother somehow obtained Mangekyo Sharingan…"

"Not somehow! The same way everyone did!" The Uchiha shouted.

Naruto glared at him with his black eyes. "That's the thing, he couldn't…"

Sasuke's eyes widened. "W-Why?"

"Simple, because it was I who killed his best friend Shisui!"

"But that's impossible!" Orochimaru yelled. "You have to kill your best friend and…"

"Wrong! You have to think you killed your best friend. You have to feel regret… that's what happened to Itachi." He took a pause. "You see, when I killed Shisui, I left a note, which was written with Shisui's own blood on the wall. It said: You shouldn't have done this." The demon shook his head. "I never wanted for Itachi to find the body. Of course he thought that the message was addressed to him, for betraying me. But the truth is the message was for Shisui himself… because he was the one, who slit Misako's throat that night!" He shouted and turned to Shikamaru. "By the way, the one who slit mine was none other than your beloved Asuma!"

Chuunin's eyes widened. "I-Impossible…"

"Impossible my ass!" Naruto replied. "Oh, it took me a while to learn about every member of their little group! Do you understand now?! She not only died that night…" He remembered his friend's dying face… and her Mangekyo eyes. "She thought I died because of her! And that piece of trash Itachi managed to acquire those eyes by a fucking mistake!" The demon gritted his teeth. "A mistake which cost me another friend…" His look changed to a darker one. "I was not even able to say goodbye… oh no, I had to play a useless idiot and get attention away from myself… You have no idea how hard it was, to be called a loser, a deadlast, a failure and in the same time be unable to do anything about it!" Then he sighed. "But there were also advantages. Uke-chan could've jump out of his skin to gain power, or to prove himself superior… Of course he was not all that great, so I had to use genjutsu on teachers to raise his marks a little…"

"That cannot be!" Ino yelled. "Sasuke-kun did everything by himself!"

Naruto chuckled. "Sure he did. And…"

"How could you…?" Said someone from the crowd.

"Eh?" Naruto said.

"How could you do this, Naruto?!" Iruka stepped out. "I thought you were…"

"There you are!" Naruto suddenly interrupted him. "Byakurai!" He said, and a beam of light pierced Iruka's forehead. "Ahh, that's better." A smile returned to his face. "I've been waiting too long for this."

Chuunin's body twitched few times and fell on the ground lifelessly. Everyone immediately took a battle stance.

"What have you done, Naruto?!" Sakura screamed. "Iruka-sensei viewed you as his brother! He…"

"Shut your mouth!" Naruto snapped at her. "This piece of trash is responsible for ruining one of my most cleverly constructed plans!"

Kakashi narrowed his eyes. "The forbidden scroll…"

"Oh, you guessed it?!" The demon asked with raised eyebrow.

"I knew something doesn't mix." The masked jounin said. "Mizuki was power hungry, yes. But he never had the guts to betray Konoha. We actually thought…"

"That it was my plan?" Orochimaru interrupted.

Kakashi nodded. "Yes. The only one suspecting Naruto was Ibiki, because his men, who guarded the scroll, stated that they were attacked by a genjutsu. And according to Konoha's archives, neither Naruto, nor Mizuki knew genjutsu enough to knock out three ANBU members…"

"But between the two of them, Naruto was the one to steal the scroll." Jiraiya said.


"Oh, bravo!" Naruto clapped. "All praise Ibiki… or his remains anyway…"

Tsunade scowled at that. 'So he killed them after all…'

"Yes, that was me." The demon continued. "You think I pretended to be a useless fool just for fun?!" He waged his finger. "Oh no! There were two purposes. First one being that plan with the forbidden scroll. It was perfect! I failed exams, placed genjutsu on Mizuki, stole the scroll, there was only three parts left! I just had to copy the fucking scroll, then kill arrived Mizuki and blame everything on him…" Then he made a low growl. "But that piece of garbage had to find me…"

"I don't understand…" Sasuke said. "Why not just kill him as well?"

Sakura turned to him in shock as he said that.

Naruto nodded. "Yeah, good one, Uke-chan! That's what I thought as well, kill them both and say that they killed each other. It was actually even better!" He sighed. "But then I felt it…"


"Apparently, the old fool was monitoring Iruka with his crystal ball. There was no way I could turn that in my favor anymore, so I created the story you all know…"

"Wait!" Gaara suddenly said. "You said there were two purposes for you to pretend to be weak. What was the second one?" He asked with his usual stoic attitude.

"Oh yeah, well, that's simple! I did that to be placed in the same team as the rookie of the year…" The demon glanced at Uchiha, grinning like the devil he actually became.


Naruto rolled his eyes. "How many questions… According to Naruto's Rolex we should already fight for twenty minutes!" He sighed. "Okay, I'll tell you. I needed you…" The demon pointed at Sasuke. "Out of the village."

Uchiha's eyebrows furrowed. "Why did you want that?!"

"Oh, why don't you ask that busty blond woman over there?!" Naruto pointed at Tsunade.

"What?" Sasuke turned to the Hokage, who was glaring madly at Naruto.

"How do you know that?!" She hissed. "Only I and Jiraiya knew."

The demon chuckled. "I have my sources."

"What are you talking about?!" Sasuke shouted.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "You want me to fuck your mind up even more?! Okay. She…" He pointed at Tsunade again. "Just like the old fool before her, gave your fucking brother weekly updates on your well-being."

"But why?"

Naruto slapped his forehead. "You still don't get it?! Itachi didn't slaughter your clan, it was me! Itachi never scarred you for life, it was also me! In fact, Itachi saved your useless life twice!"

Sasuke's eyes widened. "What?"

"Oh yes, the day of massacre… and at Valley of the End…"

"Valley of the end?!" The Uchiha shouted. "You're delusional! I beat you there!"

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Naruto laughed hard. "You still think you could beat me?!" He shook his head. "Useless fool! The battle itself was planned by me!" The demon took a pause. "Actually, at one point, things went out of hand…"

"When I released my cursed seal?" Sasuke asked with a smirk.

"No, no…" Naruto looked down. "When you said, that I don't know what it is to lose…"

Sasuke's eyes widened…

"Yes, actually I needed you also for a backup option to drain Kyuubi's power… and was right in the end…" He paused again. "But when you said that…" A scowl appeared on his face. "I thought, to hell with it! I decided to break your useless existence then and there!" The demon looked down at his palm…


"Let's finish this, Naruto!" Sasuke screamed in his transformed state. "Chidori!"

'As you wish, useless imbecile!' Thought Naruto, creating Rasengan in his right hand… what Sasuke didn't see, is that second chakra tail appeared behind the blond jinchuriki.

'Hmhmhmhmhm… I charged Rasengan enough to blow the entire fucking mountain! Haha, can't wait to see Sakura crawling all over the valley, trying to recover your remains!'

They both jumped at each other.

'SHIN-NE, UCHIHA!' Naruto screamed in his mind with insane smile on his face… but then he suddenly noticed two small red dots behind the place Sasuke was just occupying.

'What the…' Two dots shifted. 'SHIIIIIT!' Immediately the world turned black and red, and Naruto was tied to a large cross.

"You won't harm him." Itachi said, appearing in front of the blond jinchuriki out of nowhere… and with a katana in his right hand. "You won't harm him ever!" The Uchiha exclaimed, piercing Naruto through the stomach.

"Guah!" Naruto spat.

"You will not win…" Another Itachi appeared and did the same.


"For the next 72 hours I will stab you with a sword…"



Enormous amount of Itachi's images appeared around pained Konoha genin.

"Your evil will be stopped…"

First Itachi went for another stab… when Naruto's hand suddenly grabbed the sword by the blade.

Immediately, all Itachis's images disappeared, except the one who held the sword.

"Hmhmhm… my evil will be stopped you say?!" Naruto raised his grinning head, while the Uchiha tried to recover the sword, but to no avail.

"Remember this, you piece of trash! Evil cannot be stopped, because everyone has darkness!" With that, he kicked the katana, sending it high in the air. Taken by surprise, Itachi stumbled backwards, giving Naruto an opening, which he used by delivering a swift RKO to his nemesis.

"And if you're not dawn with that…" The blond quickly got to his feet and caught descending sword. "Then I've got two words for ya!" He shouted stabbing the sword through Itachi's back.

Immediately, the world returned to normal…

'Oh, shit!' Naruto thought. 'My control's slipping. Fuck!' With the last ditch effort, Naruto transferred all his remaining power into already disappearing Rasengan…

'I will not lose!'

End flashback…

"Well, you know the rest…" The demon shrugged.

"Itachi… saved me…" Sasuke muttered.

"Yep…" Naruto said. "He protected you almost his entire life, from the moment I approached him with my offer…" Insane smile appeared on his face. "Until the moment I disintegrated his body!"

Uchiha's face showed pure malice. He started conducting chidori through his already drawn sword.

"Die, Naruto!"

"Wait!" Tsunade shouted. "Don't; he's trying to provoke you!"

"Oh? You think you can withstand my provocation?!" The demon addressed the Hokage.

Tsunade just glared at him.

"Fiesty… okay, what if I tell you this? You were also a part of my plan…"


"Oh yes!" He said with a grin. "I planned old fool's death for a long time… By the way, I have to salute you, Orochimaru! What I planned could never compare to what he actually received!" The demon said, clapping a few times. "Anyway, I knew this jabroni…" He pointed at Jiraiya. "Will definitely refuse. That leaves only two choices… You, or our favorite Danzou-chan."

"How did you know that?!" Danzou shouted. "You hadn't supposed to know about my existence!"

"HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! How could I not know you?! Of all good Konoha people, you played into my hands far too many times…"

"That's impossible!" The old war hawk yelled. "I've never…"

"Oh yes you are!" Naruto interrupted him. "And stop denying it. You know it, I know it, and everyone here knows it. You thought your little 'Saving Konoha' operations will go unnoticed by anyone?! Please…"

"Then why didn't you stop it?!"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "A stupid question. I have one much better. Why should I?! You're the second worst thing that happened to your beloved village!"

"What's the first one?"

"Why, me of course, hehe…" Naruto said, sighing afterwards. "Still, I couldn't allow you to become Hokage. You would start a war far too early for my plans…"

"What does it have to do with me?!" Tsunade asked.

"I'm getting to it… Where was I? Oh yes! I knew Jiraiya will search for you himself, so I had to gain his trust in order to go with him…"

Jiraiya glared at him.

"Oh, don't give me that look, you piece of shit! Yes, I just used you, you happy?!" The demon said, mocking innocent look. "I needed this mission to succeed, so I sneaked into the archive and took a pick in your file…" He then chuckled. "Okay, I lied to you, I knew motherfuckers."

Tsunade's fists clenched. "Don't you dare…!"

"Oh, I do dare! Two useless imbeciles who wanted to be a Hokage! Haha! I laughed for hours! Your brother was the exact copy of my cover! You know, when I created it, I tried the image that definitely could NOT exist… how wrong I was! And a boyfriend, who was as useful as Sakura… and with the same dream. 'Oh, I want to be a Hokage to protect everyone!' Haha, yeah… You know what they also had in common?!" The demon grinned at her. "They died like a true Hokage, hahahaha!"

"Tsunade, don't!" Jiraiya screamed, but it was already too late. In her blind rage, she jumped high into the air and went for her signature heel drop.

Naruto chuckled. "Talking about patience…" He said, grabbing Yamato's hilt. "Abayo!" With that, the demon unsheathed his blade, and a wide silver shockwave flew straight at descending Hokage.

Tsunade's eyes widened. 'Shit, can't dodge! Nawaki… Dan!'

Suddenly, unexpected happened. She was suddenly pushed away by none other than Orochimaru, who wasn't so lucky and got both his legs severed in the process.

"Foolishness, Orochimaru, you…" Naruto's words died in his throat, when another Orochimaru crawled out of the first one's mouth… and he had legs…

"Bweaaahh…" Naruto stuck his tongue out, showing his disgust. "Yuck! Every time I see that, my erection is gone for a whole day! You'll pay for that!"

Tsunade looked at her ex-teammate in awe. "Orochi, you…"


"This is your end, Uzumaki Naruto!" This was Hinata, who has found a katana somewhere and now tried to stab Naruto with it.

"Finally!" The blond demon exclaimed. "I thought we will never start!" With that he kicked the approaching Hyuga clan head in the stomach and grabbed Yamato's hilt again. "Was happy to know you." He said, unleashing another shockwave.

Hinata could only widen her eyes as death approached her… until something… or rather someone blocked her view.

"I told you to escape." Gaara stated, as he protected himself and Hinata with his sand shield. 'Still, this attack is astonishing. I was barley able to stop it…'

Naruto rolled his eyes. "You know, this get-in-Naruto's-way thing is somewhat annoying. Enough already, I have cola to drink and girls to fuck…" He was about to attack the Kazekage, when…

"Everyone, stand down!" Naruto turned his head in Tsunade's direction. Her two ex-teammates stood beside her. "He's too dangerous. The three of us will fight him."

"No." Sasuke said stoically.

"That's an order!" The Hokage commanded.

"I have to agree with him, Tsunade-sama." Gaara added. "If he's as strong as you say, then you will need help."

"I won't run either!" Shikamaru stated, drawing two trench knives. "He will pay for Asuma's death!"

"Tsunade-sama! I as well…" Shizune stepped forward.

"You still don't get it?!" Naruto interrupted her. "You do not fight me." Then in a quick burst of speed, he appeared right in front of Hokage's first apprentice and stabbed Yamato right into her chest. "I fight you."

"Shizune!" The Hokage screamed.

"T-Tsunade-s-sama…" Shizune muttered as her knees started to weaken.

"Useless." Naruto said, withdrawing his sword and sheathing it in one swift move. Without any form of support, the girl fell down on the ground, as blood flowed out of her like a river.

"Aaaaaaah!" Tsunade rushed straight at Naruto with her right arm outstretched. "I'll kill you!"

"Hmm…" Naruto smirked, evading Hokage's right hook by sidestepping.

"I'm not finished!" She screamed, throwing another punch… and another, and another.

"How someone as slow as you could become a legendary ninja?!" Naruto wondered aloud, sidestepping her every strike.

"I'm not that slow." The demon heard from behind him.

"Wha…?" Naruto looked over his shoulder, to see his old teammate Sasuke… already slashing at him with his Kusanagi sword.

"Tch." Naruto spat, blocking the slash with Yamato.

Sasuke's eyes widened. "H-How?! My Chidori sword?!"

Naruto grinned and already opened his mouth for another smart mouth comment, when…

"Don't look around!" The demon turned his head again, only to come face to face with Tsunade's fist.

"Hm." Not trying to evade this time, he just grabbed Tsunade's fist with his palm, creating a splash of chakra on the impact.

"I-Impossible…" Tsunade said with wide eyes.

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Oh, please! I don't remember if I told you or not, but you're pathetic! As a shinobi you might be a worthy adversary, but without chakra you don't even worth the efforts that needed to strike you down!" Suddenly as he said that, a black clawed gauntlet appeared on his left arm, from fingertips, right down to the elbow.

Tsunade furrowed her eyebrows. "What is… AHH!" She screamed and fell to her knees, trying to free her right fist from Naruto's claws.

Naruto chuckled. "Hmhmhm… you're just…"

"You let your guard down!" Naruto looked over his shoulder again. This time to see Orochimaru running at him with his Kusanagi.

Naruto turned left and right. "Well, it couldn't be helped." He said, looking down, and watched how Orochimaru's blade pierced his chest.

"You have lost, Uzumaki." The snake charmer stated with a smile.

Naruto turned his head towards him again. "Oh really?!" With that he released Tsunade's fist and grabbed the blade that stuck out of his chest. "But you forgot something! I'm not a human, and can't die by human means…" Just as he said that, sand started to swirl around him.

"Tch." The demon spat, somersaulting out of danger. "Fighting so many of you is annoying…"

"There's more than you think!" Kakashi's voice sounded from behind.

"You can't escape, Naruto!" Sakura appeared next to her first sensei.

"You will pay, for trying to kill Hinata-chan!" Kiba arrived on the scene.

"You will die for killing Asuma!" Shikamaru shouted.

"I will put an end to your unyouthfulness!" Lee took a gouken stance.

"As my youthful student said…" Gai started.

"Don't." Naruto suddenly interrupted.

"Excuse me?" Gai asked.

"I said don't do this. Don't attack me. I don't want to kill you…"

Jounin's eyes narrowed. "Why is that?!"

Naruto turned fully to him. "Because out of this useless bunch, you're the only one who have my respect."

"Huh?!" Tsunade said. "What did you do?!"

The demon raised an eyebrow. "You mean… you didn't tell them?!" He asked Gai.

"What is he talking about?!"

Naruto sighed. "I'm talking about your subordinate, who managed to open all eight Celestial gates and remained alive…"

Everyone's eyes widened.

"Is that true, Gai?!" Kakashi asked.

Gai closed his eyes. "Yes, it is… and it looks like I will have to do this again after all…"

The blond demon shook his head. "Don't." He said. "Then again… why use it against me?! Screw these fools! Join me!"

Now Gai shook his head. "No… your path is evil… You are evil. Which means you must be stopped…"

"I don't wanna stop!" Naruto snapped. "And I also see you're a too much of a good Konoha citizen." He drew Yamato again. "Which means…"

"Everyone please stand back!" Gai commanded.

"What?!" Jiraiya asked. "Gai, you can't…"

"No." Gai stated fearlessly. "This is the exact situation, when sacrifices should be made… Allow me to sacrifice my life to save many others…"


"No, Kakashi, I have to do this. It's for the sake of Konoha." Naruto rolled his eyes at this. "By the way the count is a draw if I remember… What a great end for a rivalry…"

Kakashi frowned. "Yes… yes indeed…"

"Are you done with your useless bullshit?!" Naruto snapped. "I don't have all day, you know…"

Gai's eyes shot open. "I'm ready. Please clear the area." Everyone jumped away.

Except Lee…

"No, Gai-sensei! I won't leave you!"

Teacher turned to his student. "Please, Lee, continue to spread the flames of youth. Now you're the only one…" He then turned back to Naruto. "Hachimontonkou! Kaimon… Kai!"

A massive surge of energy erupted from jounin's body…

"Kyuumon… Kai!"

'What power!' Orochimaru thought. 'And it's only a second gate!'

"Seimon… Kai!"


"Lee! Run!" Tsunade shouted.

"But I…"

"That's an order, Lee!"

The chuunin gritted his teeth, but jumped away still.


"Tomon… Kai!"

Naruto had the urge to slap his forehead. 'Hey, Yamato?'


'Am I a bad guy?'


The blond demon smiled.

"Kyomuon… Kai!" Gai shouted. "This is the end of you, Naruto! Shimon…"

"If only I received a coin every time I heard that…"

Gai's eyes widened immediately. Not because of the sound of Naruto's voice, but because it came from behind.

"A pity… Hadou #90..."

Gai turned around just in time to see demon's evil smirk.

"Kurohitsugi!" Naruto said and Gai instantly disappeared inside the cube of darkness.

"You should've at least waited until he unleashes his power…"

'I'm a bad guy.'

"No arguments here…"

Suddenly, darkness around the jounin disappeared, but unlike last time, it didn't have many cuts on it… it just fell into many small pieces, unleashing blood everywhere.

"Is this its full power?"

'I think so…'

"GAI-SENSEI" Lee ran to his fallen sensei's body and fell on his knees in front of it. "No! It can't be ha…" Words died in his throat… when a deep wound appeared on his chest, making him fall back.

"Looks like flames of youth have met their end…" Naruto stated, cleaning Lee's blood from his sword. "An elite shinobi, my ass! To kneel in front of his enemy… Do you think it's some kind of stupid commix, wrote by some imbecile?!" The demon slowly turned his head to camera.

"You're cruel…"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. 'You don't like it?!'

"Hell yeah, I do!" Yamato said and Naruto chuckled… and somersaulted backwards in order to evade another one of Hokage's heel drops.

"Sakura! Help Lee!" Tsunade exclaimed. "Damn… We can't fight him like this…"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Finally you got it! And what are you gonna do?!"

"There is something…" Sasuke suddenly said.

"Wait!" Orochimaru's eyes widened. "You don't mean…"

"Do we have another choice?"

Orochimaru lowered his head. "I guess not…"

"What are you two talking about?!" Jiraiya asked.

"Well, there's a technique in Sasuke's arsenal… It's unavoidable, but it will damage Konoha greatly…"

"Well, everyone except for us ran into the shelter…" Kakashi said.

"Yes." Tsunade agreed. "Buildings can be rebuilt… But if we don't stop him, there will be no one to actually do that!"

"Very well…" Sasuke said. "Don't be surprised at what you'll see right now…" With that he activated his cursed seal.

"Oh ho! It's Uke-chan's turn!" Naruto exclaimed cheerfully.

"You know…" Sasuke started, activating second level of his seal. "This technique was created to defeat Itachi, but I think you're much more suited for this!" He put a hand to his mouth. "Katon: Gouryuuka no jutsu!" The last Uchiha shouted technique's name and released some monster-shaped fireballs… up into the sky.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Looks like that piece of trash was right… It sure is unavoidable…"

Sasuke smirked. "Don't think this is over!"

Suddenly clouds started to darken…

"Eh?" The demon raised second eyebrow. "What the…" He exclaimed, noticing how he couldn't move.

"I see you noticed that." Gaara stated as Temari and Kankurou appeared by his side. "I knew this will happen, so I ordered my siblings to place demon restriction seals around the village during your trial. Suna used it to subdue Shukaku, so it should work with you. Go Sasuke! You have only one chance at this!"

The Uchiha nodded his head. "Feel the wrath of the Heavens! Kirin!"

Immediately as Sasuke said this, an enormous thunder-made beast appeared in the skies and almost instantly crashed right into Naruto.

'W-What was that?" Tsunade stuttered.

"A technique that strikes with the speed of lightning." Orochimaru answered. "There's no way he could dodge… the only question is…"

"Am I finally dead… right?!" A silhouette started to rise from the cloud of dust and smoke. "I will even go as far as to say that I underestimated your… abilities."

Everyone's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, when the smoke finally cleared. There stood Naruto, almost completely uninjured. The vest was gone. Instead, two black wings stuck out of his back, black gauntlets now covered both hands, two crossed chains were around his beltline and two horns appeared on his head.

"What have you done to yourself?!" Jiraiya yelled.

Naruto chuckled. "Call it Sasuke inspiration, hmhmhm…" Even his voice was now different… more demonic.

"Dammit!" Sasuke spat and fell to one knee.

"Sasuke!" Sakura immediately ran over to him for support.

"Oh, how sweet! Bitch and the beast, haha!" Naruto mocked Sasuke, who was still in cursed seal level two mode.

"Great, what now?!" Orochimaru asked.

"Tsunade-sama!" Despite that only Tsunade's name was called, all three sannins turned around. There stood Shikamaru… without trench knives, but with a calculating look on his face. "He's not a human anymore, so we need inhuman power to stop him. Try to summon."

'Hmm, at least he knows his price… but anyway…' Naruto thought. "You still don't get it?! You can't stop me! I thought the demonstration of my power will activate some of your brain cells… I guess I was wrong."

"Should we?" Jiraiya asked.

"In the center of the village?" Orochimaru asked back.

"You have another idea?" Tsunade questioned as well.

The three of them looked at each other and shrugged.

"Kuchiose no jutsu!" They yelled in unison. A large cloud of smoke appeared, and when it cleared… three boss summons stood in the center of Konoha village.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. 'They came?! What are those fools doing?!'

"Jiraiya!" Gamabunta shouted. "How dare you summon me in a time like this?!"

The blond demon narrowed his eyes at this. 'So they haven't stopped attacking… So why these did jabronis came?!' He then shook his head lightly. 'Nah, it doesn't really matter…'

"Orochimaru! Do you know the penalty for…?" Manda was about to voice Orochimaru's punishment, when…

"Wait!" Katsuyu suddenly interrupted. "Look down!"

Toad and snake did just that…

"Wait that'sssss…" Manda hissed.

"UZUMAKI!" Gamabunta screamed, drawing his dagger.

"Wait, don't rush!" Surprisingly it came from Manda. "You know what will happen if we…"

"Yeah…" Gamabunta said, calming down a little.

"We have only one chance at this." Katsuyu added. "I hope our combined strength will be enough…"

"What?!" Tsunade asked. "The three of you can't defeat him?!"

"Sorry, Tsunade-sama…" The giant slug apologized. "We don't have time to explain. Please aid us in this battle!"


Meanwhile, one red eyed Konoha jounin watched the scene from behind her cover.

'He… he's alone against all of them…'

"Tsk, tsk, tsk… How's your son, Gamabunta?!" Naruto asked, chuckling.

"You dare mention him?! I will…"

"What?! What exactly will you do, you useless shit?!"

"Don't forget you're alone, Uzumaki!" Katsuyu stated.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?" He placed his right hand in front of his face. "Let me prove your wrong then!" With that he quickly threw his hand back to its side.

Immediately, a massive black stone wall appeared behind him…

"In human world?!" Gamabunta asked with wide eyes.

"Yep!" Naruto said and snapped his clawed fingers.

Suddenly a large amount of flames erupted from the wall and took a form of enormous flaming creature with blazing sword in his hand.

Said creature took a deep breath. "A human world… It's been a while…"

