
please please please

Blaze's pov



        Kim handed his phone to me and I glanced over the texts littering his phone. It was a handful and they were all threats.


Chris: If you stall your death, I'm gonna make it hurt more for you.

Chris; if you want me to give you a quick and easy death, then you must come over tonight.

Chris: I'll make it quick and easy for you since I'd get to fuck your incompetent ass tonight.

Chris: that's all you were good for anyway. A great lay and nothing more.

Chris: be at the address unfailingly by tonight. You know you can't run from this, there's no one to protect you, your family hates you and that's convenient for me. Even if you try hiding, I'll dig you out before the end of tomorrow and that's definitely gonna hurt by then.



I grimaced as I glanced away from the phone. He had a flat expression on when our eyes locked and I handed his phone over to him.

