
Know thy enemy

The attacks continued for one long week, all around the country, making no sense at all. If they were after Alix wasn't it logical to attack close to where she lived? Why spread the attacks out all over the country.

It became even further confusing when the attacks happened in other countries, different hosts with animal morphing systems, attacking and escaping or being captured.

Alix, Caishen. Abby Chung, The captain and Yi Sao met for that very issue in the hidden city. They had been in the secure surveillance room behind closed doors for two hours, studying footage from every attack, frame by frame and studying all the details.

The captain paused the last video and punched a table.

"It's senseless." Yi Sao spoke up.

Alix was bound to agree with her even though she didn't necessarily like the woman yet. Both of them were still studying each other like two opponents in a ring.
