
The end.

While everyone else went off to have fun, Yura approached Zhang Xian and barely grasped onto the thick green jacket he was wearing to keep the cold away. 

He turned around and faced her, uncertainty written in his eyes. 

"Can we talk for a minute?" she asked.

He nodded. 

She led the way onto the bus and he followed after her. This was not to be missed by NaNa of course, as she was keeping an eye on him. The minute he got onto the bus, she slowed her feet down with a plan to abandon her side by grandma Zhang and hurry off to the bus. 

Caishen and Bo also noticed what had just happened. It was hard for both brothers to concentrate on having fun and smiling when they were more interested in what was happening between their parents. 

Was there going to be a reconciliation or was it a separation?

Caishen turned his wheelchair around. He wanted to go back and stay close just in case their mother needed him. 
