
Making out like teenagers.

Later on, while he was waiting for his wife patiently so that they could go and watch that movie as she had arranged, Caishen received a message from Jacob that both problems had been taken care of. 

That was wonderful and he was glad but he recalled Alix talking about the possibility of punching a few individuals in that variety show she was filming. 

It was better to be safe than sorry so he sent a text to the lawyer.

Him: [Keep the package on stand by.] 

Jacob: [??????] 

Him: [My wife has a habit of letting her fists fly before her words.]

Jacob: [Noted, but please try to prevent it from your end not everyone can be bought off. Also, you might become broke paying off her misdeeds.]

Caishen chuckled at that possibility. How many people would Alix have to punch brutally for him to become broke? They would have to be in the hundreds of millions. 
