
Is young master Zhang stupid?

Caishen's words were like a bucket of ice cold water being poured over the heads of the three people who had come for dinner with a plan.

They successfully infuriated all three of them and made them react differently.

Billi glared at Caishen in anger, Jing Hee looked at him with surprise while Qianfan slammed his fist on the table.

The forks, spoons and chopsticks rattled against the plates.

The closest servers who were standing nearby looked over at their table.

"You will do no such thing." Lin Qianfan said in a raised and stern voice.

"Oh." Caishen said in a soft voice. 

His expression was calm but his eyes were cold and fierce. The way he was looking at Lin Qianfan was if he was looking at the most insignificant person in the world who should not dare to have a say in how Caishen decided to live his life.

Lin Qianfan folded like a fan and he smiled awkwardly. 
