
Finally outdid yourself

"Sir he appears to be catching up with you"

"I can see that Jarvis, increase thrust output"

"Sir if I may recommend an emp like discharge by overloading the arc reactor to put out his suit and yours until rebooted"

"Do it"

Once Obadiah got closer a sudden discharge of power was released from Tony which powered down both Obi and Tony's suit as they fell from the sky.

In four seconds Tony was up and on into the sky again but Obi was still falling until about six feet till ground did Obi fire up his suit with much power than before thrusting into the sky like never and right behind Tony in seconds.

Meanwhile Tony was dazed by his suit battery charge on screen which depleted again.

Reaching the stratosphere of the earth Obi caught Tony again

"You had a great idea Tony but my suit is more advanced in every way" Obadiah said

"Really? How did you solve the icing issue?"

"What icing issue?"

"Thought so"

And in a matter of seconds Obi started falling down even after being frozen to a Popsicle the heat emanating from the suit was breaking away the ice little by little but not fast enough until Obi fell to the earth added with the suits weight and Earth's gravity, the fall had no mercy.

Though Obi didn't suffer any physical injuries the force of blunt trauma received put him in an unbelievable state creating a Crater where he landed which happened to coincidentally be in the Stark factory environment away from civilians, it seemed Tony purposely intended this.

Landing beside where Obi did he saw obi struggling to get up with the suit on but that was all he probably broke a few bones.

Tony walked up to him and took out the arc reactor along with the solar gem in it while Obi finally opened up his suit which was already steaming inside.

"You finally outdid yourself Obi"

"Trying to rid the world of weapons you gave it it's best one ever"

"I gave no one anything"

"What makes you think if I came for you others wouldn't, even if it's not because of the weapon it'll be because of the the threats you pose being neutral, it's how business is Tony, you'll have no one to protect you anymore"

And those were the last words Obi said before taking his last breath on Earth, as if reacting to his death the Horton cells applied to Obadiah gave out and the solar gem started flickering.

"What's going on Jarvis"

"analysing… It seems the solar gem was an incomplete/corrupted version of the one Phineas Horton made and it was connected directly to the Horton cells on Mr Obadiah's body, thereby preserving his lifeforce even in extreme conditions but now its been exposed to the atmosphere without any hinge it's malfunctioning and will probably lead to an explosion… time until explosion is one minute four seconds"

"Jarvis keep analysing"

Tony said as he flew higher into the sky as fast as he could until reaching space where he left the arc reactor and the solar gem to float before he flew back to the horizon of earth and an explosion large enough to decimate a small town occured.

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Tonye43creators' thoughts