
Jealousy and Jests

Soon it was time for the other schools to arrive at Hogwarts, Harry sat at the Slytherin table with Daphne and Rose on his right. First came the Beauxbatons students from France, Harry couldn't help notice the glazing eyes of the boys and the irritated scowls of the girls.

He placed an arm around Daphne's waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek to let her know exactly where his attention was, she seemed happy with his actions as she responded by pecking him on the lips. The French students all chose to sit at the Ravenclaw table, then the Drumstrang students entered.

Ron Weasley and many girls in the room were excited to see the international quidditch star Victor Krum, the Drumstrang students made their way over to the Slytherin table. Malfoy puffed his chest out, trying to look important.

Victor Krum made his way over and stopped right by Harry, with all the Drumstrang boys behind him. Harry let out a small breath, he stood up and looked Krum straight in the eye. The entire hall seemed captivated by the staring contest that was going on between the famous quidditch star and Harry.

Krum took a step back before moving forwards and striking Harry across the face with a right hook, the entire hall gasped. Harry slowly turned his head back to face Krum.

"I guess I deserved that didn't I?" Harry smiled

"Yes" Krum said in a heavy accent as he smiled back "you did"

"After all these years, you still hit like a girl" Harry grinned. The two laughed and pulled each other into a hug, people around them were a bit confused as to why they were suddenly patting each other on the back. "Take a seat dumbass" Harry let go and sat down with Victor sitting next to him "oh, Victor, this is Daphne Greengrass, my girlfriend"

"Pleasure to meet you" Daphne said

"You too" Victor replied "are you a quidditch fan?"

"Only when Harry's playing" Daphne answered honestly

"Oh, Victor, you remember Rose?" Harry pointed to Rose

"Ah, hello Rose" Victor greeted her

"Hello" Rose whispered

"Harry" Victor turned to him "are you still vorking?"

"Nah" Harry shook his head "I don't work anymore, why?"

"I'm…" Victor paused to try and remember the right word "curious. Mother wished for you to stop, she will be glad. So, which position are you playing in quidditch?"

"Seeker, obviously"

"Ah, of course" Victor laughed "what else vould my former teacher play as?"

"Wait, teacher?" One Slytherin asked

"Ya" Victor nodded "Harry taught me a little bit about quidditch when I was younger" The entire hall began whispering

"Potter?" Malfoy asked with disbelief "When did you meet Potter?"

"Vhen I vas about nine years old" Victor answered "ve met once a year before Harry started Hogwarts"

"So Victor, how is your mum doing?" Harry asked

"She's good" Victor replied

"She still make those chocolate chip cookies?" Harry asked hopefully

"Of course" Victor grinned and pulled out a small bag of cookies

"Brilliant" Harry snatched it from his hands

"Hey, those were mine" Victor objected

"She's your mother, you can get cookies from her whenever you want" Harry pointed out

"Not the point" Victor snatched the bag out and out a different bag and gave it to Harry "this one is yours"

"Why is this one lighter?" Harry glared at Victor

"No idea" Victor shrugged but smiled at Harry

"Victor you cocky little…"

"Harry" Daphne interrupted

"Yeah?" Harry asked, Daphne gestured to the entire hall which had stopped to listen to the two

"Oh, my apologies everyone" Harry said

"Right…let's move on" Dumbledore said and continued his speech

"How in the bloody hell does your brother know Victor Krum?!" Ron hissed to Adrian, under his breath

"No idea, he never mentioned it" Adrian whispered

At the end of Dumbledore's speech, Adrian and Ron noticed one of the French girls stand up. Ron's eyes glazed over, his mouth opened and he began drooling. Adrian definitely felt an attraction but wasn't like Ron, though he guessed that he probably would've been if not for the blocks that Harry had removed.

They watched her take a few steps and suddenly Ron's expression turned into rage when he saw the girl hugging Harry who had walked up to her with Daphne and Rose behind her.

"Alright Fleur?" Harry asked as he let the girl go

"I'm fine Harry" She smiled at him "it has been so long since you last visited. We haven't seen you since you started Hogwarts, ah hello Rose"

"Hi Fleur" Rose whispered

"How's your family doing?" Harry asked

"Mother and father are doing fine, they and Gabrielle should be coming soon after the first task. Harry, would you like to introduce me to your other friend?"

"Ah yes" Harry held Daphne's hand "Fleur, this is Daphne Greengrass. Smartest and best looking girl in school, also my girlfriend and fiancée"

"Fiancée?" Fleur raised an eyebrow and looked at Daphne "Pleasure to meet you, if you don't mind me asking, how exactly did you manage to tame Harry?"

"Tame him?" Daphne scoffed "Please, he's a wild animal"

"I'm your wild animal" Harry kissed her on the forehead

"Still a charmer I see" Fleur commented "Gabrielle will be very upset that you're taken"

"Who's Gabrielle?" Daphne asked

"My little sister" Fleur answered "she has always had a crush on Harry, but I wouldn't worry yourself, she is only eight at the moment"

"Or do worry yourself, I'd find your jealousy to be flattering" Harry said

"You're still a prat" Daphne replied

"You're prat" Harry grinned


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