
Remnants of the Past (3)



Baek Yisoo was jolted awake by the cold water on his face. His eyes opened, but he could not see clearly, only feel the sharp touch of the cold water. Each drop of water on his skin stung like a thousand needles.


He gasped, his heart raced, a wave of adrenaline flooded his entire body.


For a moment he forgot where he was, even who he was. There was only the pain that covered his whole body and the cold that penetrated him. After licking the wounds on his chest, the water filled his nose and made him whimper.


"We begin the fourth round."


Poison Shadow put down the bucket in his hand and touched Baek Yisoo's peeled skin. Baek Yisoo screamed again. But this time he didn't try to break free. It had been almost ten hours, four times in ten hours he had fainted from the pain.


His body continued to shake with the intensity of the pain.


From the top of his groin down to his neck, there was not a trace of skin left, it had all peeled off like an orange peel. 


"You're about to collapse mentally and physically," Poison Shadow said, shaking his head and taking off his bloody gloves and placing them next to the bloody tools on the trolley. Then he looked into Baek Yisoo's eyes, which had lost their light. "Most of the masters who live in the Murim Union are not resistant to pain. Do you know why? Because they were all raised in the big sects. They didn't have much hardship... They didn't suffer."


Baek Yisoo's body trembled. Every contraction and pain penetrated deep into his soul. A heaviness in his chest made it difficult for him to breathe, as if he were burdened with tons of weight. This was the worst torture for him. Tears streamed from his eyes, leaving traces on his cheeks but not relieving the pain.


"I admire you, I can even say I respect you. Because this endurance is something that people at our level should not have. It's the first time I've seen someone as resistant to pain as I am." Poison Shadow shrugged in exasperation.


"That thing you're holding, the blackmail file. Is it really that important? What about the secret you're keeping? Because if I don't get the answer from you," he turn head. "I'll have to ask your girlfriend."


Baek Yisoo gritted his teeth. If he had asked for it at another time, he would definitely have given him the Vision Stone, but it was in his inventory right now. As soon as he took it out, he would have revealed the fact that he possessed the Seduction System.


'I can feel my inner energy...'


Minji shouldn't have been harmed. If something happened to her, everyone would blame him. It was also a very bad possibility that she might wake up. If she saw him in this state and survived, the truth that he blackmailed Baek Iseul could come to light.



In that case, Baek Yisoo would be hunted by the Baek Clan as soon as he got out of here.


"What do you think? Should I ask the sex toy? It's time for the medicine."


"Sigh..." sighed Baek Yisoo, his pained expression suddenly changed and turned cold. "I'll tell you everything."


"Oh?" Poison Shadow turned his body, showing his surprise. "What made you change your mind? Although you did get yourself stabbed to get this woman, didn't you?"


"As I thought, you know everything."


Poison Shadow shrugged.


"I wonder if I got it right," Baek Yisoo broke in. His voice sounded incredibly hoarse and weak, but he was determined to keep talking.


"Go on."


"Iseul assigned you as soon as she left the city, and gave you a month to obtain the Image Stone I have. So you started watching me. You studied my routines and habits, learned about Minji and searched for my weaknesses. When we met, what we did together and for what purpose I approached her... Is that right?"


Poison Shadow said nothing.


"I overestimated myself. It was really hard for me to reach level three. I trained sixteen hours a day, thinking that the power I had made me superior to others. I was sure that no matter how much I trained, I would be rewarded at the end of the day. When each morning came, I kept going despite everything."


"Yes. Strangely, no matter how tired you were, you managed to keep going. I wonder why that is. How?" interrupted Poison Shadow.



Indeed, Baek Yisoo had never collapsed despite his deadly training program, he had always managed to keep training. This was not something that could happen through willpower. Willpower was important, yes, but it could not prevent the body from collapsing.


Baek Yisoo had found the energy to go to Minji after training. He had enough energy to make love. He also had enough focus to spend half an hour learning to read and write.


Every human being has limits. Even the strongest masters of Murim were within human limits and could not train for days without rest. Moreover, Baek Yisoo was at the bottom of the pyramid. He could not handle a training program of this intensity.


"The number of great and talented people in the world rival the number of grains of sand. With one of them standing right in front of me, I hope you will consider my behavior reasonable..." Poison Shadow approached Baek Yisoo and spoke in a soft tone. "How can you change your appearance, how can someone as weak and poor as you accumulate nine gold nyang in such a short time? Where did you get those clothes? Tell me these things and your suffering will end."




Baek Yisoo's eyes started to bleed. When he couldn't form words, suddenly his nose started bleeding.



Poison Shadow put his inner energy into Baek Yisoo's body and saw that his organs had become miserable. He clicked his tongue and tried to use his inner energy to fix his body, but he failed. The moment he tried to interfere with Baek Yisoo's body, his inner energy was thrown out as if he had hit a wall.


"What kind of energy is this?!"




Baek Yisoo focused on the space in front of him, laughing madly. Blood was pouring out of his mouth, nose, and eyes. He had been upside down for too long and his body was starting to collapse.


"He finally gave the mission!"


Seeing Baek Yisoo going crazy, Poison Shadow panicked and cut the chains attached to his feet. Baek Yisoo fell onto the blood-red blanket and began to convulse. The wounds on his chest were bleeding again.


"Stay still!" shouted Poison Shadow angrily, and with the internal energy gathered in his fingers, he struck Baek Yisoo's acupuncture points. Yisoo stopped convulsing, and the bleeding stopped as well.


Poison Shadow checked his pulse.




By the time she regained consciousness and jumped backwards, it was too late.


 Baek Yisoo's spear had already pierced his shoulder.




Poison Shadow stood up, stunned, and looked at the blood pouring from his shoulder. He couldn't believe his eyes, the spear had shattered the muscles in his shoulder in one move.


"How can you stand up, this is ridiculous!"


How could he get up with enough paralysis poison in his body to put an elephant to sleep? And where had he gotten that spear from? Poison Shadow realized that things had suddenly turned completely upside down. His guard was down.


Gritting his teeth, Baek Yisoo stood up and took out the small bottle he had bought at the market. Inside was a pale blue liquid.


[Advanced Antidote]

Duration of Effect: 5 Minutes

Description: This rare antidote is derived from a mysterious plant that grows in the deep forests of Shaanxi. When used, it neutralizes all poisons of rare level and below and has a short-term immune-boosting effect.


-Poison Cleansing: Instantly removes all poisons from the body.

-Immune Boost: Temporarily strengthens the immune system.

-Revitalization: Increases the user's energy level and reduces fatigue.

Level Rare

Warning: After the antidote has worn off, the user may become more sensitive to poisons for a short time. It is recommended to use it wisely.

 Price: 80 Seduction Points





 Baek Yisoo drank the antidote in the bottle without hesitation. After getting rid of the last bit of poison that restricted his inner energy and numbed his body, he glared at the Poison Shadow.




He spun the Storm Ruler in his hand and charged forward. He used Flow Like Water, Stream, and Long Fist Style at the same time to close the distance.




Poison Shadow was retreating back to take Minji prisoner when Baek Yisoo's spear aimed for his neck. If he hadn't changed the trajectory of the spear by raising his dagger at the last moment, he would be lying on the ground now, headless.


"Son of a bitch!"


