
Chapter 3 : Unyielding Potential

Inko and Izuku arrive at the office. The building moderately large with a quirk consultant sign on the front door of the first floor. There was also a quirk gym nearby. They walked into the office and spoke to the receptionist. 

"Good afternoon, are you here for the appointment Mrs.?" 


"Alright just follow her " 

A woman beckons them over with a wave and leads them to the the consultant's office. In the office was two couches facing each other with a coffee table in between with blocks and a doctor's toy sat upon it. A desk is place to the right of them with a computer and a few document sorters on it's corner. Behind the desk on the wall were cabinets presumably full of files. 

"ah Mrs. Midoriya, Please have a seat. 

The Midoriyas take a seat in the couches with the consultant sitting across from them. With a polite smile he introduced himself. 

"My name is Okabe Tsutomu and my quirk is quirk mirror. I can copy a quirk by touching someone with my palm."

"I assume that your the lucky Midoriya. What have you discovered since you found out about your quirk yesterday?" 

"There's a letter icon in the corner of my vision and when I focus on it a list of adaptations pop out. Adaptation are added when I touch someone."

"So you can copy quirks of those you touch?" 

"No, just the adaptations people have which support the quirk."

They continue to discuss the details of the quirk. The consultant ponders for a moment and holds out his hand. 

"I want to try something. Can I use you quirk please? My quirk only activates if the person I'm touching consents to their quirk being used. Just say yes if you agree." 


Izuku holds the outstretched hand. Okabe sees the icon he was talking about with a red dot in the corner. He focuses on it. 


-Heightened Mental Acuity 

-Cell Longevity

-Spacial Awareness 

-Kinetic Shock Resistance 

-Heightened Ear Drum Durability

-Heat Resistance

-Heightened Reflexes

-Heightened Stamina Efficiency 

-Heightened Bone Density 

-Heightened Muscle Density 

-Heightened Mental Processing

-Mental Strain Resistance 

-Heightened Muscle Growth Rate

-Quirk Strain Immunity

"I just got one from you sir it's calle-" 

"Quirk strain immunity..."

Okabe looks lost as he processes this. It made sense, he has never experienced quirk strain while using someone else's quirk let alone his own. He starts to explain what effects that these adaptations could have on Izuku. The most shocking was cell longevity with the potential to make him biologically immortal and with the adaptive side of the quirk maybe full immortality. 

"Midoriya can you sit by my side and miss Midoriya pick up one of the blocks and throw it at me." 

Izuku stand and sits at Okabe's side. Okabe closes their eyes and nods to signal that he his ready. Inko lightly tosses the block to the left of Okabe at the empty spot on the couch. As the block was getting closer to the couch Okabe quickly catches it with his left hand and opens his eyes. 

"So that's how that feels. One more test throw it one more time." 

He lets go of Izuku hand and Inko repeats the action. He holds his hand up in the trajectory of the block. The block hits his hand and losses all momentum falling straight down onto the table bouncing into the other blocks. In shock he whispers. 

"Is it permanent?" 

He collects himself. 

"Midoriya can you tell me who you got these adaptations from?" 

Izuku began telling him where he got his adaptations his mom, Dr. Tsubasa, fog person, Kacchan, unknown people in a crowd, an All Might impersonator, and finally the consultant himself. 

"Okay I think I can summerize his quirk. It is a quirk which allows his body to adapt so that it is no longer affected by a harmful stimuli and has the ability to copy adaptations of other quirk users by touch."

"Okay I'll remember that." 

"Oh you have yet to record your quirk into the system. I have a suggestion if you wouldn't mind."

"What is it?" 

"Don't put the full description of the quirk into the system."


"I've had people I've consulted go missing after coming here. I don't know if this is the work of quirk supremacists or the Hero Public Safety Commission but I do know they have access to the full undoctored quirk registry." 

"I suggest you put only part of it in mainly the adapting from harm along with minor regeneration. Name the quirk reactive mutation as to not cause suspicion. This might not keep all surveillance off you but you'll be lower on their list."

Inko has a worried look on her face as Izuku has a confused face looking for Inko to make a decision. 

"I'll keep that in mind Tsutomu-san" 

Inko and Izuku get up to leave. 

"By the way I'm sure you've noticed the quirk gym nearby you should sign him up, he might be able to gain more adaptations safety there."

"Oh alright, thank you for your time Tsutomu-san" 

"Bye Mr." 

'He'll be a hero one day with potential that high he'll surpass All Might sooner than later.'

Inko and Izuku left the office. Izuku suggest that Kacchan join him to go to a quirk gym but Inko informs him that Katsuki doesn't like going because it was boring. They got into their car went to the government office to register his quirk as the consultant suggested. They got a few weird looks as Izuku tried to get closer to some of the adults in line. 

[Potency increased : Heightened Mental Processing] 

They then went to a quirk gym nearby their home to get Izuku a gym membership. After that they went home. Life continues as normal for a few months, school was fine though other student seems to be avoiding him except for Bakugou who has been getting aggressive, launching larger and larger explosions at Izuku though it only makes his skin slightly red and dirty. 

Izuku has been going to the gym during this time. He has been breaking record after record of physical abilities for his age. There was also many different quirks there he hadn't seen before. 

[Reduced Muscle decay rate adapted] 

[Heightened Flexibility adapted] 

[Heightened Stamina Regeneration adapted] 

[Potency Increase : Heightened Stamina Efficiency] 

[Potency Increase : Heightened Bone Density] 

[Potency Increase : ^ Rapid Muscle Growth] 

[Potency Increase : Heightened Muscle Density] 

[Potency Increase : Heightened Reflexes] 

'The name changed? Is it better now.'

There were a few times Bakugou had been hurting someone with Izuku jumping into the blasts to protect them and coming out unscathed though which his clothes trashed. Inko was not happy about that. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Why did you save me I'm quirkless" 

Izuku was surprised by this he hadn't met a quirkless person before. 

"Why? Because that's what heroes do. It doesn't what you are, a hero will always be willing to save you." 

Izuku helps the boy up. 

[Physical adaptation limiter removed] 



Next time

Chapter 4 : Receding Tides
