
Chapter 11: Teasing


Akira enjoys his time dinner with Mikasa, Erin, Shira, and Carla. He tells them that the scout army is finding him. He also said to them that some of the troops know he is Ultraman. 

The real questions come out.

Shira asks Akira if he can transform into Ultraman way before she found him years ago, and Akira says no, he found this power when the wall broke down. However, Akira told them again the same 60-meter monster would come again sooner or later.

That shocked the females in that room.

"Is that why you join the army?" Carla ask.

Akira nodded and said. "Yes and no; if even I want to work solo, it might not be a good result for them and me if I didn't join the army."

"You can cause a war for yourself with the army," Mikasa said, and Akira nodded.

"To avoid any more battle, I Agree to help; with this power, I'll try to save everyone... That is my promise." Akira said as he looked at his hand with glove one.

"I was so glad you were alive, Akira... you give us a surprise like a storm when you have power and change to that Titan of light," Shira said to Akira.

"Titan of light?" Akira asks, and four of the females nod.

"That is the name everyone calls you," Mikasa answered.


"We not sure, but you did appear in Light," Erin said as she crossed her arms.

"I see..."

"Akira, why do you say you only can train some of the cadets and not the whole recruit?" Mikasa asks.

"As I said before in the training field, Mikasa, people aren't angeled, and the world is no sunshine and rainbow. Not all recruits are trustworthy... so that's why I pick only some of you." Akira said in a cold tone.

"So that blondie girl is trustworthy?!" Mikasa asks with a slight hiss in her voice.

"Huh? Which one?" Akira asks, dumbfounded.

"W.H.I.C.H one You said!...." Mikasa said with a tight fist; she knew Akira mentioned Crista and Annie and continued with her words. "Well, both of them! Are they trustworthy!?"

"I don't know why you are upset, but yeah, they are 'trustworthy,'" Akira said as he sighed at Mikasa.

Akira can't tell Mikasa or the others that he saw a future... well, another dimension future is the right way to say that because, in his dimension, Erin is a girl while the other is a boy.

Akira decides to train only his future comrades because he knows his future comrades will stop this Titan madness; Akira glances at Erin as she also looks at him with a smile.

'I can't believe Erin is the key to stopping these Titan wars, but I can't kill her, not now and never. She reminds me so much of Asuka... maybe with Ultraman power, somehow I can banish the Titan power inside Erin... but I didn't know how...' Akira's deep thoughts stopped as Erin called him.

"Akira, are you okay?" Erin asks as Akira can see the worry on her face.

"Yeah, I'm," Akira replied to her with a warm smile as she blushed.

Shira and Carla smile on their faces; the mothers are so happy that Akira is alive and has grown handsome. Carla stands up, carries her chair to Akira's side, and sits beside him.

"Look at you... you sure have grown up to be fine, man." Carla said as she looked at Akira's body and hugged his left arm, pressing her to his arm. She saw his muscle line under his clothes as she teased Akira by lightly touching the red mark on his face. Akira blushed; he was about to say a word but was stopped by his stutter. Shira giggled at this as she also did the same thing as Carla did.

"You're right about that, Carla. Just look at him," Shira said as she put her finger to Akira's scar on his jaw down to his neck. Akira blushed more as his face was red and pale with embarrassment.

Mikasa and Erin look at their mothers with shock and 'The Fuck?' on their faces as they run to Akira's side, and Erin pulls Akira away from her mother's said.

"Mothers, what are you doing!? " Mikasa nodded. Shira and Carla giggle at this.

Akira didn't have any luck because Erin held him tight to her breast, which made him can't get any air and was red as a tomato.

"Erin, you're choking him," Mikasa said as three of the females looked at Akira. He passes out on Erin's breast with smoke out from his head and faces a red light.

"Oh," Erin said as she let go of Akira from her choking hug. The mother giggled when the Ultraman passed out. from teasing 


Three years later. Akira has reached 19, and his future has become more muscular and sharp.

Akira finally teaches some of the cadets of Ki training, Ki manipulation, and Ki sense. He also demonstrates they can use Ki manipulation to fly. Still, Akira can't easily fly with his own will with his Ki. Akira told them Ki is an endless technique to learn and create. 

Akira is also surprised when he knows so many female cadets have a crush on him, primarily from the female cadet team he teaches surprising Erin, Mikasa, and both of their mothers on the lists.

Back to Ki training... well, almost all of them that he trains can only use Ki enchantment slightly on their physical, but Mikasa is the one who has the most advantage of them all. She can use Ki Sense and Ki Enchantment but is not as powerful as Akira. Annie came in second place because she could use Ki Sense. Akira knows Annie is the Titan Shifter, but he also knows Annie gonna be a big part of the future.

Reiner came on the 3rd at Ki training. He is slightly better than the rest in Ki Enchantment. Bertholdt on the 4th, Erin on the 5th, Jean on the 6th, Christa on the 7th, Sasha on the 8th, Connie on the 9th, Marco is the 10th, and surprisingly, Armin can't use Ki properly, but he has an excellent mind, the mind of the leader. 

Mina, Tomas, and Daz are on par with Armin, and yes, those are cadets Akira trains in the 104th Southern Division.


Now, at night time, Akira is on the training ground meditating with a small rook floating around him. His body starts to glow with bright light as it takes the form of his Ultraman form. But then he senses a few people watching him, and his body slowly dwindles down from the light as all the light starts to collect on top of his left hand and make a cyan mark on it.

The mark has a cyan diamond that looks like the shape of a Dragon.

"Come out; I know you there," Akira said in a calm tone as two girls came out from their hiding and showed Mikasa and Erin.

"Hey Mikasa, Erin," Akira said with a smile as he stood up from his meditating form. Both of the girls blushed as they saw half-naked Akira's very well-muscular body.

"Hey, Akira-sensei..." Erin's words stopped as Akira raised his arm and said. "Erin, I am not your sensei anymore; we are comrades from now on," Akira said with a chuckle as he remembered how strict he was when he was their sensei.

"Well, congratulations on being in the top 10, Mikasa, Erin." He said with a warm smile.

"But Mikasa is the top 1. Maybe you should consider congrats on her more, maybe with a reward, Hehe," Erin said with a sly grin and looked at Mikasa as she blushed even more and made Akira chuckle at them; Akira knew how Erin loved to tease Mikasa. Then he decides to join, but this time, he gonna tease Erin too.

Akira walks to Mikasa, and Erin both look at him with blush because he is still shirtless. "I will consider that; besides, I don't think Mikasa is the only one who wants the reward." He said with a sly smile as he closed Erin's ears and whispered to her. 'You also want it to, don't you~" Erin's face straight away, red bright as a red tomato, but his last words make her faint. 'If you want, just ask~" Erin fainted right away, with smoke coming out from her head. 

Mikasa can't help but chuckle at Erin as Akira picks the fainted girl to his arm and carries her in bridal style; Mikasa feels a little jealous, but she knows she will get more Akira after this.


(Okay, that is a wrap for Chapter 11)

(And the next chapter is the Event we are all waiting for!)

(Sorry the romance scene is short because I have plans to make more romance scenes in future chapters)

(I am just playing Attack on Titan 2 Final Battle games, and, god damn, that game is expensive!)

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(See ya and stay safe😁)
