
Follow me, then

Nero sighed in lament.

"You're really bad at acting," he said as he walked up to her. Anyone who saw her in her current state would immediately realise that she was trying to keep a secret or up to something suspicious.

"I'm… I'm sorry," she murmured.

"No need to apologise. Nobody is perfect, but your performance so far has been exemplary," he said, locking eyes with her. "Now, where is the secret compartment you discovered?"

"Right here," she said, as she placed her hand on a drawer in one of the tables in the study.

"The compartment is cleverly hidden. I actually found it by accident. The carpentry and engineering must be remarkable," she said, the stutter in her voice fading as she began to talk about the table, her eyes beginning to sparkle.

"If you pull the drawer out, it pulls out like normal," she said, demonstrating for Nero. The drawer pulled open, revealing that it was empty besides some velvet padding.
