

As it turned out, it was a good thing that Nero did not leave the hospital as soon as he woke up. That was because he only learnt later that he had been sleeping for over a day. The headline for the previous day's newspaper was not about Nero, but about the massive vine invasion that rocked the city.

The death toll was extremely high - higher than it had ever been in Nero's life. No one knew where the vine creatures officially originated from, as there was no such flora near the city itself.

The number of people assuming that it was another terrorist attack was not small, and most looked towards Dolziya, Kolar's neighbour on the east. But there was no proof, which is why there had been no official response yet.

All of that aside, the reason the attack of the vines had been so successful was because of a few traits that they had. The vines grew out of tiny seeds which would embed themselves in skin, clothes or fur.
