
Little Draculla?

"How long do the effects of those injections last?" Blake finally asked in a murmur against her hair. "When will you be able to move freely again?"

"Since I haven't received any doses for a day or so now, the paralysis should wear off relatively soon," Rose replied, sounding more at ease than she had since he'd returned. "I can already feel hints of mobility and sensation beginning to return."

Blake pulled back just enough to grace her with a warm, relieved smile. "That's wonderful news. Which means..." he trailed off, a teasing lilt entering his tone. "We really need to get down to the matter of naming our daughter, don't you think?"

Rose's eyes danced with affectionate amusement at his playful rejoinder amidst such heavy topics. "Is that so? Well, I've waited this long for you – I wouldn't dream of making any unilateral decisions now." She arched one shapely brow in faux-challenge. "I believe that task falls to you, good sir."
