
Regrets, Anger, Frustration.

The sun was barely cresting the edges of the Forbidden City as Consort Xian drifted back to Chengqian Palace, her steps heavy and eyes glazed with disbelief.

Her face was pale, her eyes clouded with betrayal that ran deeper than any punishment. Ru Lingyi followed a step behind her mistress, torn between offering comfort and maintaining a respectful distance. She wanted to say something—anything—to lessen the weight of the humiliation Xian had suffered. But Lingyi knew better than to break the silence just yet; Consort Xian was a woman of pride, and words of pity would only deepen the wound.

As they reached the palace gate, Xian's thoughts were so thick that she almost didn't notice the uneven stone beneath her foot. She stumbled, her balance faltering as her head spun with a rush of dizziness. Lingyi surged forward, catching her mistress just in time, her firm hands supporting Xian's slender frame. Consort Xian regained her footing, her expression remaining blank as if nothing had happened. With an exhausted nod, she accepted Lingyi's help up the last few steps.

The silence continued to thicken between them as they reached her chambers, yet there was an unspoken understanding that was more powerful than any words. Lingyi followed her mistress inside, her face etched with concern, ready to be there should Consort Xian need her. But as they stepped into the familiar warmth of the chambers, Xian paused.. lifting a hand, signaling Lingyi to leave her in solitude. Lingyi hesitated, her gaze flickering with worry, but at Xian's weary nod, she quietly left, stealing one last look over her shoulder before the door clicked shut.

Consort Xian, alone at last, sank into her seat. Her mind whirred with a vicious mix of anger, sorrow, and a bitterness that stung her heart. The memory of Wanying's screams still echoed in her ears, the desperate voice claiming she was only following orders, the frantic glances she had thrown in Shu's direction. Then, the final piece of the puzzle slid into place, and Xian's lips curved into a mirthless smile.

"Shu fei…" she murmured, the name heavy on her tongue. "So this is your doing?" Her voice was low, more an accusation whispered to herself than a declaration. "I underestimated your impatience." She leaned back, closing her eyes as her fists clenched. "Well played… but don't think for a moment that you've won. You nearly succeeded, Shu. Just Nearly."

Meanwhile, at Luyang Palace, the atmosphere was tense, the air thick with the seething frustration of Consort Shu. She paced the length of her chamber, her usually calm demeanor cracked with irritation as she processed the missteps that had soured her carefully laid plans.

Cai brought a delicate tray with a fresh pot of tea, setting it down with a tentative smile meant to soothe her mistress. Shu gave the tea a cursory glance, then, in one swift motion, waved it away with a flick of her fan. The tea cup and tray shattering on the floor with it's content spilling all over.

"Do you think tea will solve this problem?" Shu snapped, her voice sharp enough to make Cai flinch. "This is far beyond tea, Cai." Her hand was trembling slightly, a subtle betrayal of her usual poise.

Cai, ever patient, bowed her head. "Forgive me, Mistress. I only thought—"

"That Wanying couldn't handle a simple task without bungling it?" Shu interrupted, her words dripping with venom. "Caution, I told her. Caution. But she couldn't resist, could she?" She clenched her hands, pressing her fingers hard enough to leave nail marks in her palms. "All she had to do was play her role, let things simmer. But no. That rat jumped at the first opportunity and ruined everything."

She stalked to the window, staring out at the distant rooftops with narrowed eyes. Her mind raced over every detail, every careful move she had set in motion only for Wanying's recklessness and Lingyi's interference to throw her plans into disarray. Shu's jaw clenched as she thought of Lingyi, the one servant who dared to step up when things were going as Shu had anticipated. Her presence in that room, her brazen demand for further examination—it had been a catalyst, stirring doubt when certainty should have reigned.

"She thinks she can protect her mistress?..what a wanton" Shu muttered to herself, the words tinged with mockery. "Lingyi, that lowly dog… too clever for her own good."

Cai ventured cautiously, trying to calm her mistress. "Perhaps, Mistress, it is not entirely lost. The Emperor is not likely to forget Consort Xian's supposed crimes so quickly. She may still face punishment…"

Consort Shu whirled around, her eyes flashing with barely restrained anger. "Punishment you say? If it weren't for Lingyi's meddling, Xian would already be rotting in the Cold Palace!" She exhaled sharply, pressing her fingers to her temples in frustration. "No, Cai. This isn't over. If Lingyi thinks she can shield her mistress indefinitely, she'll find herself sorely mistaken."

Back at Chengqian Palace, in her quiet quarters, Lingyi sat alone, replaying the events in her mind. The memory of Wanying's betrayal burned deeply, but it was her own suspicion that gnawed at her—the nagging question of why. What reason did Wanying have to betray Consort Xian, to fabricate such lies and condemn her mistress so completely?

Her mind spiraled through possibilities, each darker than the last. She felt certain that Wanying hadn't acted alone; someone had to be manipulating her from the shadows. She closed her eyes, pressing her palms together as if in silent prayer. Indeed Forbidden City was a labyrinth of intrigue, each path lined with lies, deceit, and hidden alliances. But one thing was clear to her: whoever had orchestrated this scheme intended to bring ruin upon Consort Xian, and Wanying had been the weapon of choice.

Back at Luyang Palace, Shu finally allowed herself to relax slightly, sinking into her chair as she weighed her options. Wanying was out of the picture, dragged off for punishment, and Consort Shu's name had not been implicated directly. But the taste of near-exposure lingered, sour and unsettling. She would have to tread carefully from here, plan each move with triple the caution she'd initially intended.

"Patience," she whispered, almost as if reminding herself. "I have waited before, and I will wait again. The pieces will fall into place soon enough." A twisted smile crept onto her face as she imagined Consort Xian's suffering, the humiliation that would eventually strip her of all dignity. This was only a minor setback, she told herself, merely a delay in her inevitable triumph.

As Cai cleared away the remainders of the shattered tea, she ventured one last glance at her mistress, who now sat with an unsettling calm. Consort Shu's fingers tapped rhythmically on the armrest, a silent beat that only she could hear. The wheels of her mind were turning, and her satisfaction at having escaped this close call only fueled her resolve.

Lingyi, seated quietly , still in her own quarters, stared out into the night, lost in thought. Whatever her mistress faced in the coming days, she would be by her side, ready to shield her against the venomous plots that lurked within these walls. She thought again of Wanying's betrayal, and though she could not make sense of it entirely, one certainty echoed in her mind: the Forbidden City was a battlefield, and whatever Wanying faced prior to this would only be the order of lingyi days from now on. Lingyi thought of what reason that brought Wanying to such strong resolve. She needed answers and the only way to get them was to ask Wanying directly.

The game was far from over, and every player within these palace walls knew it. In this dance of power, betrayal, and survival, no one's position was secure..at least of all those who believed themselves untouchable.
