
In Jerusalem

Many may now understand the things happening in the world; the rich took refuge in their bunkers, while the poor didn't even know if they would survive until tomorrow.

Anton had changed a lot after taking his father's position. The amount of information he could access was so vast that now nothing was hidden from his eyes.

Nothing was beyond him; there was no information he couldn't access with a simple order.

The power in his hands was so great that he could even command armies to join the battle if needed; his word was simply power.

"How much time do we have?"

Rafael looked at the computer and said, "We have updated communications and ensured the networks are not available so the information cannot leak to the rest of the world. We have notified neighboring countries and prepared an army to be near the location."

"Do we know exactly what we are facing?"

"Only demons incarnate in human bodies."

Anton nodded. This was no different from a full incarnation that occurs after a demon possesses a human body, but it seemed that this was much more different than he had thought.

The presence of angels and demons in the Bible is undeniable, both in the Old and New Testaments. In this column, we refer to the presence of the demon, which, under various names, is mentioned in the Bible.

In the first book of the Bible, we hear about the demon acting as the serpent that induces disobedience to God.

The book of Job narrates the story of the trials he faced due to Satan's treachery, where the devil is also referred to as "Leviathan," the enemy of light.

Similarly, some psalms mention God crushing the head of Leviathan.

I wondered what everyone was doing; that demon was the one being generated in Jerusalem. Experts supposed they were the demons of the Bible, the famous fallen angels.

Demons are fallen angels, as indicated in Revelation 12:9: "The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels were with him."

Satan's fall from heaven is described symbolically in Isaiah 14:12–15 and Ezekiel 28:12–15. When he fell, Satan took some of the angels with him—a third of them, according to Revelation 12:4.Jude 6 also mentions the angels who sinned. Biblically, demons are fallen angels who, along with Satan, chose to rebel against God.

Demons, as spiritual beings, have the ability to possess a physical body. Demonic possession occurs when a person's body is completely controlled by a demon. This cannot happen to a child of God, since the Holy Spirit resides in the heart of the believer in Jesus Christ, according to the Bible.

But there is important data that anyone could possess; the whole world can be controlled by a demon. The stronger the demons, the more powerful their possessions will be.

Demons or fallen angels are enemies of God, but they are defeated enemies.

If the gate is in Jerusalem and all those banished demons come out from that point, then they would be facing the greatest catastrophe of all time.

"Father of Light, we have arrived."

Anton opened his eyes suddenly, his gaze not showing surprise, and he simply nodded. "Notify everyone that we are here."

"They know."
