
Questioning (3)

"That was quite vague. Give us a proper timeline," Elijah demanded.

Ian had to pick between pleasing the men around him or upsetting Scarlet. He was more concerned about the way Scarlet might try to kill him if he went against what he promised her. He was yet to give away that they were already engaged so he was safe when it came to Scarlet.

"In the future," Ian answered. He was thankful to be holding a gun to protect himself.

Leonard sighed while Tyrion shook his head.

"A day. Tell us when we can expect good news and if you say the future again, I will bury you where you stand," Elijah threatened Ian. "It is quite obvious that you two share the same room. I will not have you get my granddaughter pregnant without marrying her first. Respect her to do it the right way. I won't have it happen again."
