
Help You? Are You Worthy?

"What can you do to me other than to incite the management to fire me? Or at most send someone to kill me. I'm prepared to face whatever you may do to me as long as it is for upholding justice."

"And which dog has the guts to harm you in this city?" A mocking voice retorted from the doorway.

Both Trent and Dr Mitchell turned to see Jace strolling in with the air of a conqueror. 

This was the only thing Trent hated most about Jace. Though they were cousins with similar features and height, he could never compare with Jace in terms of superiority. 

He was a year older than Jace but it was like Jace was the older one. He could only shine outside Jace's space and limelight.

Initially he thought it was because of Jace's wealth and that he commanded the respect he did, but even after emersing so much wealth for himself, he couldn't still compare with this man. 

This in addition to the dark past between then had fueled his hatred over the years.
