
Wild Life Sanctuary (1)

I will tell you guys one of the downsides of that App and that is even if your subscrbed to the app with a subscription you can only upload 5 images for everyone to see a day and I've got many different things that I can upload there but I'm constrained by the app to only 5 a day and not to mention only after waiting 6 hours for it to be approved, 12 if I wasn't a premium member though.

So while I'll upload pics their more of the NSFW pics will be here since that app has certain policies that won't let them even be visible on my profile so both here and their will have my pics just as a heads up.


About a day later after Aria had laid her egg and Mel laying a surprising four eggs I returned to my first base to prepare for the journey across the waters to the next island.

"Hmmm? That shack wasn't there before…." I mutter as I head out of my base to see a newly built shack not to far away.

As I approached I heard the sound of wood being cut before seeing some familiar faces as I smiled, "So you did take my suggestion huh?" I say looking at both Zoe, who was lounging on a lounge chair, and Grizzbolt who was cutting up some logs with his long claws.

Zoe pulls away her sunglasses and squints, "Only because those assholes won't come here in the first place, and besides the random wild pal attack that Grizz can take care of I'm completely fine on my own thank you ver-"


"…. Soooo you wanna come to my place for some real food?" I say with a grin as I look at her blushing face.

"Grizzzzz…." Even Grizzbolt mutters as he rubs his belly feeling hungry as they have only been living off berries as Grizzbolt has scared away all the small pals with his presence so they can't hunt any for food.

"…. yes…" I hear from her quietly before I motion them to follow me back to my base before I get them some real food to eat.



"What? Your planning to raid the nearby Wild Life Sanctuary? Are you nuts?" She said as she looked at me skeptically after we had finished our meal together while Grizzbolt was getting along with the rest of my pals here.

"I'm not nuts okay? Besides from what I heard it's the least fortified out of all three as most of the pals their aren't even endangered and are just there because of other pals taking their territories and having no where to go so they were taken there." I say as I toss an apple up and down.

"But they'll see you coming from a mile away." (Zoe)

"Yeah if I was riding a boat, but what if I'm riding a pal large enough that I can hide behind?" I say back with a smirk before biting into the apple with a crunch.

But I just shrugged and stood up, "Anyway their ain't anyway your changing my mind about doing this, and besides just catching one or two of each pal their isn't that big a deal right?" I say before calling Nellie out as I hop on her back.

"Well it's funeral, don't say I didn't warn you." She just shrugged back as it's not her problem what happens to me.

"Love you too Zoe, see you when I get back, let's go Nellie!" I say with a grin before Nellie took off out and away from my base.



"So that's the Sanctuary huh?" I say now on the back of Aria as she swam across the water as we approached my destination.

Unlike how in the game all the sanctuary's look nothing more than desolate wastelands with dead trees and rocks here this sanctuary appeared to be a majestic looking forest filled with flowers and extremely tall trees and if one was to see it from the top down one would notice it has a small pond that has a stream that leads right out to the sea.

Problem was that at the edge of the island their were 4 sentry towers scattered about with snipers in them but from what I could tell that was it.

"Let's hope this works." I mutter before pulling a blue colored cloth over my body before Aria continued onwards.


Meanwhile up in one of the towers near the islands stream.

"God this job is so fucking boring." One PIDF Officer said as he was leaning back on his chair as he turned to look over at the stream only to see pals milling about here and there.

"But hey? At least the pays good? Besides those Alliance fuckers are paying us the big bucks to keep these pals safe so quit being a bitch, Call." Another PIDF officer said as he tossed out his chips as the four of them we're currently playing a game of poker.

"Fold." (PIDF 3)

"Call, oh look, an Alpha Azurobe." (PIDF 4)

"Huh, your right, anyway I fold, these cards are shit." (PIDF 1)

They continued to play their game of poker, not being any the wiser some one just broke into the Wild Life Sanctuary.


"Master we made in through." Aria tells me as I peak out from under my cloth covering as I realized we had reached the end of the stream and now we were in a rather large looking Pond area.

Soon Aria stopped at the beach where I got off her back as I looked around the place, "It's beautiful here, it at least lives up to its name of being a sanctuary."

"Master are you thinking about getting more of my kind? I saw several of my brethren around the place." She says to me but I get the feeling she doesn't want me too.

"Now why would I do that when I got the perfect woman to give birth to more Azurobes for me." I say as I gently rub the side of her face as I see her visibly blush a bit at me saying that.

"Mmmmm master your making me feel like I'm about to go into heat again if you say things like that…." She says before bringing her lips against my as our tongues began to play with one another before she pulled back with a trail of saliva between our lips.

"If their weren't prying eyes around I would bend you over here and now, but since I don't want to make it so you can't get me out of here when our work is done here I think it's for the best we wait until we get home." I say before patting her cheek, "Now come back, I got some hunting to do." I say before putting her back into her sphere as I head deeper into the sanctuary.

*Sniff Sniff* "Huh, I wonder what's that sweet smell?"


Back at the watch tower.

"These cards are shit!!!" (PIDF 1)

"Your just a sore loser who just lost his last paycheck, but hey at least we get paid tomorrow." (PIDF 3)

"Oh right it's that time of the month isn't it? It's also when we all leave the island because of what the pals are going to get up to soon huh?" (PIDF 2)

"It's weird that we all head back to the main land and leave the place we are being paid to protect like you know…. Unprotected." (PIDF 4)

"Well you'll get used to it Newbie, it's to keep our asses safe while those pals go to town on eachother for the next few days due to those flowers scattered all around the place that the Alliance had planted for that reason specifically." (PIDF 1)


*All Personel begin evac procedures, the flowers bloomed a day earlier than expected so head to your designated docks and depart from the Sanctuary ASAP* (PIDF Command)


"Welp looks like we're getting an early pay day boys! Let's head on home!" (PIDF 1)

"WOOOOOO!!!!" (x4)



"…. Why do I feel like I'm in danger?"
