
Let’s Explore a Dungeon (2)

After sending Lee back to my Palbox we continued to make our way deeper into the dungeon.

But in the room we were in split in 4 directions if we exclude the path we came from, "Hmm, how about we turn off one of the torches near the entrances after we fully explore them?" I say which get a nod from the two of them which Neeko went to the path we came from and used her wing to blow out one of the torches.

"Let's go check them out in a clockwise like fashion, this way." I ushered them as we headed to the next tunnel as we headed down it.

But this was a dead end right from the start but it had an unopened chest sitting in the center, now normally in any other game with dungeons in them I'd be suspicious of a chest just sitting here like this.

But from what I remembered, their is no Mimic Pal(As of writing this) in Palworld so we just went up to it normally.

"Huh, it's not locked." I mutter as I just see a simple turn lock holding the latch in place, so I quickly turned it and opened it up.


The chest soon disappeared as a bag full of gold hit the floor, three wrapped loaves of bread and two Mega Spheres as well.

"Huh, this is pretty good, here you girls can have these." I say handing Daisy and Neeko the bread loaves, the kind that look like baguettes, which they seemed to enjoy, especially Neeko as I ate mine as well before putting the spheres and around 270 gold coins away leaving me with 570 gold coins now.

"These will be useful." I say looking at these new Mega Spheres as they are needed for pals between lvls 10 through 20 which I need to start making myself if I want to catch stronger ones after all.

The normal blue ones will still be useful around base but that's it, I have also found pal spheres scattered around here and there, most likely they were dropped while trying to catch a pal or maybe running away or something though mostly blue but if I go deeper into the island I believe spheres of this quality or higher will appear.

So we headed back to the area we were in before as Neeko put out the torch for this path before we went on over to the next path, though not far in we had to stop.

"Hmmm, guess we will have to climb down if we want to go any further, or maybe we should ask Nellie for help." I say before pulling Neeko back into her sphere and calling out Nelly instead.

"Okay girl, help us get down from here." I say as I grab onto her harness as I hop onto her back.

"Krrrrriiii!!!" She screeches out before lifting us off the ground before gently gliding us down towards the bottom.

"Thanks Nellie." I say petting her head as I get off her back as Daisy floats down to me as we look at the area ahead of us.

"Getting a bit of a repeat from earlier." I say as it's just another room with a chest in it as we go on over.

"Oh? This one has a brown lock on it though…. Hmmm, maybe a copper key unlocks this brown lock?" I say getting one of the keys we had gotten earlier, after Lee gave them back to me of course, before I used it to open it up.

"It worked!…. But damn seems the lock broke it when unlocking it." I say as only half the key come out from the lock before it breaks along with the lock before I pushed the lid open.


It faded and it was a bit different than before, besides the gold and even more Mega Spheres a sheet of paper fell on out as I went and picked it up.

"Oh! It's a blueprint for a crossbow! Man this skips the whole need for me to learn it myself!…. Although it's a bit more expensive to make this improved crossbow." I say looking it over and seeing the various required materials to build it up.

"But this is good for now, c'mon Nellie! Let's head back on up!" I say before jumping onto her back before she took off back to the entrance as Daisy followed behind us.

When we got back to the room I kicked over one of the torches before we went to the next tunnel.

"Hmmm…. It forks with one way full of water…. Let's go through this one later." I mutter before we headed back without breaking the torches.

"…. That's just nasty…." I mutter as I see a new group of Cawgnito's appeared who were now eating the dead bodies of the syndicate members, so I didn't think about that as I went to the last area we had to go to.

"Oh well this is a bit different." It was another open room but their was no other exits besides the tunnel we came from.

"Oooo! That's a lot of Paldium!" I say seeing large ore deposits sitting down here, larger than the small ones you can only find on the surface that I see around near my base.

Daisy and Neeko laughed in their own special way as they saw me acting all excited for just some large rocks, but soon I pulled out my pickaxe and got to mining Paldium Fragments.

After all you need loads of these if you want to make any of the better palspheres, so this was the equivalent of a gold mine for me.

"Fud Fud!" I heard the cry out before a new group of three fuddlers popped up in front of me.

"Fud Fud!"



They were shouting out while shaking their long clawed hands at me as they blocked my way to the other Paldium deposits.

"Oh? You saying these are yours so keep your grubby paws off?" I say as I can guess what they were at least trying to say.

"FudFud!" They all say together while nodding, but that seemed to make Daisy and Neeko mad.






With that said an all out fight broke out as the Fuddlers fought back, I don't know what they said but it felt like they were making fun of us and possibly saying all sorts of profanities our way, so I pulled out my new spiked baseball bat as I joined Daisy and Neeko in teaching these three a lesson.



"Fuuuuuuudddd…." It didn't take that long really, it was more my baseball bat putting in the work and leaving them nearly dead.

"I'm going to enjoy putting you little assholes to work at my future mine base." I mutter before throwing out three palspheres before sucess fully capturing them all.

"Just a little bit more until I level up it looks like, c'mon, let's gather all the Paldium fragments before going on back.

I knocked over the torch saying we finished going through there as I looked around and noticed none of the bodies were there anymore and that the Cawgnitos were all sleeping off to the side of the cave.

I look at them before looking at Neeko as I petted her head, "Please don't go eating people like your brethren okay?"

"Caw!" She said with a nod as she enjoyed me petting her head before I stopped and did the same for Daisy who looked a bit grumpy I didn't do it for her either.

"Alright girls, let's finish exploring this dungeon, the boss ahead awaits!" I said as I got a cheer out of them before we entered the final tunnel to the end of the dungeon.
