
Contingencies I

[Date: August 2023]

Mallory felt bored indifference as she watched the analyst go over the video of Homelander turning the forest floor into play dough.

"…up and down the ten mile length four times in under forty five minutes…"

She fought the urge to slouch and yawn only out of sheer professionalism as everyone present, every agent, special agent, lieutenant, analyst, special analyst and all other fancy useless titles were sitting straight as rods absorbing or pretending to absorb every single word.

"….if we consider the additional trenches on the sides to contain the fire then it becomes much…."

Mallory also felt old as she looked around the conference table at the faces that made up this little task force. Oh, the higher ups were around her age sure but everyone else was twenty years younger at least. Not a bad thing necessarily, new blood was always good, hopefully new ideas and new perspectives.

"….the sheer destruction capabilities in such a short amount of time means we have to updated our…"

She was supposed to be retired but it seemed there was always something that pulled her back in.

The government had always kept a close eye on Homelander, well at least when the extent his capabilities started to sink in to the brains of the national security types.

She knew there were contingencies in place, plans to secure VIPs, the president, cabinet, important senators and other types in case 'Big Blue' finally snapped.

She didn't know what they were specifically but she knew there was nothing like a politician trying to save their ass.

"Yes, yes enough about updating the dam matrix response level." Special Director Bart Brown interrupted the presentation.

'Special Director' because the only thing he was directing was this task force which officially didn't exist and technically no one on it was his direct employee, technically.

Practically he could make or break most of these people's careers. One word from him and off to Antarctica you go for bird watching.

"What I want to know is how come we didn't know about this? I thought we knew all his capabilities?" He asked the room at large.

"Well sir" the analyst…or was it special analyst or was it senior analyst, she couldn't remember and frankly didn't care. "Technically he's not using any new powers he's just applying his current powers differently. It's just an application of his flight powers and incredible durability, though we suspect his super and laser vision as well."

"And how come he's never done this before? We've had other terrible forest fires we certainly could have used his help?" One of the NSA reps asked.

"We don't know for sure." The analyst said shrugging his shoulders. "In the interviews he puts blame on the previous Vought leadership not letting him though we suspect it's more likely tied to the changes he underwent in the past year."

"Which brings us to the other part of this little meeting." Brown said. "The psychological and behavioral changes we've observed, Johnson?"

Mallory almost snorted.

"Thank you Sir." Another middle aged man buzz cut man said standing while the previous analyst took a seat.

There were at least four Johnsons in this room alone. Why the agencies attracted people with that name was beyond her.

"In the past year we've observed an increased focus of obsessive behavior focused on work priorities both in the 'hero' and 'corporate' sides…"

Where they all just trying to prove something to make up for something lacking? Or did they feel that because of their names they could fuck the common folk by being spooks.

"…surprising competence in running Vought operations coupled with…"

Metaphorically of course.

Not that the CIA hadn't fucked America before. Christ, the things she did for this agency… all in the name of 'National Security'. What a load of crap. Sins she would never wash out.

"…while showing restraint and exhibiting less narcissistic traits…"

She was practically responsible for the crack epidemic in black communities. Well not only her alone. The agency at large but she had a deadly hand in it. They didn't even let them traffic cocaine but crack instead.

All to make more money, to fight the commies. What a joke she thought. They sold their souls for something as pitiful as money. The soviets who were paper bears to begin with.

"…while more stable and less likely to have an episode we believe that this change in personality coupled with new application of his powers…"

And that was only the crap she was directly involved, the other black-ops nonsense she had at least indirectly touched would fill a whole graveyard of skeletons let alone a closet.

"….which is why we continue to recommend a hands off approach of only observation and clean-up for both Homelander and-"

This time Mallory actually snorted out loud.

"- his son." The analyst finished looking at her. The whole room was looking at her.

"Mallory got something to add?" Brown asked with a scowl on his mouth.

"Oh, nothing…"she started with derision. She was old and she wasn't even supposed to be here anymore, there was nothing Brown could do to her outside of killing her. "…Just that we had the perfect opportunity to take out Homelander over a year ago…"she said looking around the room. "…but in true government fashion the operation was botched from the beginning."

She immediately saw some of the gathered men puff up in indignation.

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