
My Revenge

There will always be a struggle between a father and son, while one aims at power, the other wants independence.

Pablo told Flashy that they were witnessing a son killing his own father and Flashy shivered at the reveal.

"How can this be? Why? How can he kill his own father?"

Flashy became restless. He held his hairs, he clenched his fists, he bit his lips. He didn't know how he should react.

Pablo looked at him closely. 'He loves his father too much. He would even kill me if his father told him to do it. I better be careful.'

"Calm down, Flashy." Pablo put his hand on Flashy's shoulder. "Not everyone is like you. It's probably about inheritance. And look, a soldier is going towards the scene."

Flashy looked and indeed a soldier was walking towards the murder scene.

"Look at how slowly the fucker is walking. He is waiting for the son to finish killing his father. Everyone is corrupt." Flashy cursed the soldier. He was walking leisurely towards the men as if making sure the son finished his deed.

Pablo roamed his head and he saw only one soldier was going towards the men. The other soldiers ignored the murder altogether.

"The young man must have made some kind of deal with that particular soldier. Well, he finally reached the scene at least." Pablo said as the soldier finally arrived at the crime scene.

Pablo paid close attention as he wanted to know what happens when someone kills in the presence of people.

"What is going on here? Don't sit here idle. Go away." The soldier yelled and the young man stood up.

He stopped stabbing his dead father and threw a bracelet at the soldier.

The soldier caught it and gave a light nod.

The young man then walked away.

The soldier raised his hand towards the dead body of the old man and a fireball came out of his palm.

It touched the old man's body and it erupted in flames and then turned into ashes.

After that, the soldier didn't spare another glance at the man and continued his patrolling. He didn't forget to check the contents of the bracelet though.

"He destroyed the evidence now. And I am sure no one here will spread any word of what happened today. Money sure works." Pablo commented and started walking again.

He walked a few more steps until he realized Flashy wasn't following him.

He turned around and saw Flashy was still standing on the same spot, staring at the spot where the old man was burned away.

'I hope this guy isn't an emotional fool.' Pablo thought.

"Flashy," He called. "Let's go. He is already dead. We can't do anything about it."

"Boss." Flashy replied, still looking at the same spot.

"Do you know why I want to kill my siblings?"

'So it's story time now. Fine.' Pablo would listen to Flashy. He could do that at least.

"I don't know. Maybe you hate your siblings as they are better than you?" Pablo guessed.

"I don't care if they are better than me or not. I hate them because, the thing that happened with that old man today, those bastards…"

Flashy jerked his head at Pablo and Pablo's brows shot up.

Flashy's eyes were filled with rage and Pablo had never imagined Flashy could make such a face.

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeths and in the same rage, he told Pablo that the reason he hates his siblings was…

"They do the same thing with my mom everyday."


Cupid gasped at the reveal. Her face turned that of pity for Flashy.

Pablo, however, remained calm as ever.

"What do you mean by the same thing? Do your siblings kill your mother everyday?" Pablo asked for details.

"And talk while walking. We don't have all day. I want my Ego as fast as possible." He added and forced Flashy to continue walking.

Now he and Flashy walked side by side as Cupid remained floating on Pablo's right side.

"I have five siblings. Two sisters and three brothers. My dad has two wives and I am his only child from his second wife. In simple words, all my siblings are my step siblings and his first born."

'It's always five people with me. Five soldiers, five Gods, five rapists, and now five siblings. Did I angered some odd numbers' Gods?' Pablo jested. Flashy was sad and he was joking. Typical of him.

Still, Pablo acted serious on the outside.

"Go on." He said and Flashy continued.

"My step mother and her children hate me and my mom. They tortured me. I was being humiliated and bullied since I was a child. They threw daggers at me as target practice and as they grew up, they started experimenting their Egoes on me. They started cutting my body parts. They gave me pain everyday. They h-"

"Wait. They cut your body parts? Which one? Your hands and legs are safe so did they cut…" Pablo's eyes went down below Flashy's waist.

"No, Boss. My thing is still there. They didn't cut that. And why are you making this a comedy scene? I am telling you my story here." Flashy retorted.

"Not my fault. You said they cut your body parts but you have all your parts with you. So it's only natural I will think that. But fine, continue. I am listening."

Flashy sighed and continued his tale. "One of my step brothers has an Ego that can heal anyone and any injury as long as the person isn't close to death. His power can regenerate lost organs as well. So my siblings cut my body daily, let me bleed and when I was close to death, they healed me. This happened to me on a daily basis."

"Yeah? That's tough." Pablo said, just nodding along.

"You don't really care, do you?" Cupid asked. She wanted to know this all along.

'What's there to care for? I am sure he has a harsh past but such stories don't surprise me. I have seen worse. And unlike him…' Pablo looked at Cupid.

'I wasn't healed.'

Cupid went silent at this and Pablo just scoffed. He paid attention to Flashy's story though.

"The torture continued for years until one day my mom saw it. She saw me dyed red in blood and after seeing that, she snapped. My mom had a strong Ego and she could have helped me, but.."

"But?" Pablo asked.

"But my elder brother has a stronger Ego than my mom. Before she could complain to my dad or before she could punish my siblings, the elder brother used his Ego on her and after that, she became their next target."

"I see. So your brothers or sisters started torturing your mom instead. And you watched all that happening? And what about your mother? Didn't she fight back and your father, why didn't he stop them?" Pablo asked questions. He could at least do that.

"My elder brother's Ego is strange. I don't know what it is as he keeps it a secret but it allows him to make sure my mom doesn't share anything with my dad and couldn't fight back either. My mom is getting broken everyday."

Flashy clenched his fists.

"After I got my Ego, I thought I would take my revenge but turns out, I am too weak against my siblings. And that's not all, my siblings and their mom want my dad's entire fortune. They will do anything to get it. They will even kill him."

Flashy gritted his teeths, he stopped walking and shot his gaze at Pablo.

"I can't do anything, Boss. Help me. Teach me. My mom needs me. My dad needs me. I will do anything you ask. Just give me my revenge. My. fcuking. revenge!"

'Alright. This guy is nuts.'

"That he is. He agreed to follow you after all." Cupid said.

Pablo ignored her and stopped walking as well.

He returned Flashy's serious gaze.

"Your revenge is yours for the taking. I can teach you things but I can't give you your revenge. It's you who will slice their throats. Not me. Keep that hatred alive and you will surely get a chance to use it. That's all there is."

Pablo patted Flashy's shoulders and finally they both started their walk again.

"I will remember your words, Boss. Thank you." Flashy was full of vigor and determination now.

Pablo just gave him a nod as he didn't really do anything special.

But Cupid didn't like that. "How can you give him such advice? Revenge is not good. It's a meaningless act. The one who seeks revenge keeps his own wounds green. You ar-"

'That's the difference between the so-called moral people and me. They treat revenge as a meaningless, self harming act and forgive. But me…' Pablo stared deep inside Cupid's eyes.

'I would rather feel empty after killing than to feel gracious after forgiving.'

Sorry. I am late. I will write fast. I am very slow. The story will move. Believe me :crying emoji:

KhyaaLcreators' thoughts