
Joining a force!!!

One year six months later, One month before Tang San's Awakening Ceremony.

In Nuoding Academy, Ye Xiu looked at the three balls floating in front of him with a smile on his face, and beside him, two spirit rings, one yellow, and one purplish yellow.

Just a month ago, he had reached level 20, and as for his spirit ring, it was from an injured 900-year-old spirit wolf. This time, instead of asking Dean, he hunted the ring on his own, and he finally understood the terror of the Truth-Seeking ball.

When he had found the beast, in just a single attack, the best was killed with the spear passing through the body. Even though the wolf was an attack-type monster, he had reached 900 years, and his defense was no joke.

Many 30-level spirit masters can't do anything to a nearly 1000-year-old spirit beast, but the truth-seeking ball passed through the body like it was nothing.

While absorbing the spirit ring, he faced some difficulty, and in the end, he absorbed the spirit ring and gained another Truth-Seeking Ball.

After he was done absorbing, his spirit power increased to level 23 instead of level 22, and his body had also gotten stronger.

Now he could absorb 1000-year-old spirit rings, and he was tempted to absorb a single 1000-old spirit ring for the blue silver grass, but he remained calm and didn't do it.

For the rings of Blue Silver Grass, he had an idea in his mind, but he was conflicted if he should do it or not.

His idea was to take away the Blue Silver Empress Ah Yin and cultivate it on his own. When it would reach 10,000 years old, he would kill Ah Yin, and then again use the seed to cultivate to 10,000 and again hunt her.

This way, all of his skills would be from the Blue Silver Empress, and in the process, it might be possible to evolve his Blue Silver Grass as it would then contain the origin of the Blue Silver Empress.

For his plan, he could take away Ah Yin, and the bone with the help of Truth-Seeking Ball, but the problem was about looking for a place to cultivate and being able to hunt 10,000-year-old Blue Silver Empress.

After all, from what he could remember, even a 1000-year-old Blue Silver Grass had some consciousness and let's not talk about 10,000 years old which could use Domain.

"Well, all of it is for the future. For now, let's not think much about it." Ye Xiu muttered, and the three balls disappeared from the place.

"I planned on leaving later, but I think there is no point in wasting time here." Ye Xiu said as he sensed his Spirit Power which was level 23 and with him being eight years old, he would be considered a genius.

Remembering that Tang San and Xiao Wu had 29 at the age of 12, Ye Xiu was confident that by the time he was 10 or maybe 11, he would have level 30 or 32 if Ring was added.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiu grinned, and he decided to leave Nuoding City. Unlike before when he planned on preventing Tang San from meeting Yu Xiaogang, he understood that even if he prevented, Tang Hao would have Tang San learn from Yu Xiaogang, as in this place, it wouldn't be wrong to say that Yu Xiaogang was best in everyone's opinion.

So, he didn't really care about that matter, and a few months later when Tang Hao left the place, he would come back to get the bone and Blue Silver Empress Ah Yin, if possible.

Deciding this matter, Ye Xiu looked in the direction of the Dean's offices, and he went there.

Reaching the place, he knocked on the door, and when he heard Dean's words, he entered the room.

"Xiao Xiu? Do you need something?" Dean Xie said as he looked at Ye Xiu entering the room. Taking a deep breath, Ye Xiu nodded and said, "Dean, I am here to apply for graduation."

"Huh?" Dean said as he heard the words, and Ye Xiu repeated his words. The place became silent and then a minute later, Dean gave a nod and said, "Okay, I will sign the certificate. What are your plans now?"

Ye Xiu looked at Dean and said, "I plan on going to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, and if I can't join, I will join Spirit Hall."

Dean frowned as he heard this and said, "With your talent, it would be better to directly join Spirit Hall as Heaven Dou Imperial Academy only allows Nobles to join."

Ye Xiu became silent as he heard this, and he said, "I will try. If I can't join, then I will join Spirit Hall."

Dean nodded at his words, and he gave a certificate of graduation to Ye Xiu. Taking the certificate, Ye Xiu said goodbye to Dean, and he left the academy. The students in the Academy already knew about him leaving, so he didn't plan on meeting them.

Leaving the Academy, Ye Xiu looked in the direction of Spirit Hall Branch and he decided to pay a visit and give the answer that he had been stalling.

In just a few minutes, he reached the place, and after talking to the guard, he entered inside.

"Brother Su," Ye Xiu called as he looked at Su Yuntao, and hearing him, Su Yuntao turned back. Seeing that it was Ye Xiu, Su Yuntao raised his brows and asked, "What happened? Do you need anything?"

"I am here to give an answer to what you said before." Ye Xiu said, and Su Yuntao froze for a second and then he said, "Come inside."

Walking with him, he entered inside and there he saw Matthew Nuo and Su Yuntao said, "So, what have you decided?"

"I am going to Heaven Dou City, and there, I will try to join Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. If I can join, then when I am done with the Continental Tournament, I will join the Spirit Hall as the winner, and if I can't join the Academy, I will directly go to Spirit City and join Spirit Hall Academy."

Ye Xiu said, and Su Yuntao looked at him for a moment and then at Matthew.

Hearing the words, Matthew laughed and said, "Little brother, you really are confident. Welcome to Spirit Hall them."

"Huh?" Ye Xiu said as he heard the words and Matthew explained.

"It's impossible for you to join the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. No matter how talented you are, you can't join it as a student. Even if you join it, you will be suppressed because of nobles, and in the end, you will have to join a family of Nobles no matter what."

"If you won't join any noble, then your only choice is the Royal Family, and with your talent, the Royal Family will surely pay attention to you."

"So, in the end, you will join the Royal Family, and if you don't, then you will be in danger from all sides. I will openly tell you that you have scary talent and if they can't have you, they will destroy you." Matthew said with a serious look on his face, and Ye Xiu understood his words.

"Even Spirit Hall?" 


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