
Terror and Knowledge

The other four Acolytes came in, then stopped when they saw that Rae was soaked in blood, which was rapidly being absorbed into her skin.

"Did we come at a bad time? The lady at the door said that the doctors were on their way down." Joan, the dark-haired Red Dragon Cleric in the making, asked.

"No, you have impeccable timing. They were just on their way out when Lady Rae decided to show off her advancement to Monarch Rank and startled them." Karl explained.

Skittles was laughing so hard that he had tears in his eyes, but no noise was escaping from him, and his posture was both unnaturally straight and formal until he could get his amusement under control.

"Congratulations, Queen Rae. I am certain that we will see each other again soon." The hippie doctor announced, doing his best to avoid giving the new arrivals a poor impression of his professionalism.
