
Now They Listen

Once Karl made his threat, a new Spellblade came through the portal. He was Monarch Ranked, and wearing the same black robes and shining red armour as the others, but with a gold embroidered cloak hung over his shoulders and clasped with a gold chain studded with rubies.

"Who do you think that you are to threaten my people?" He demanded.

"Prince Karl of the Golden Dragon Nation. And from what I can tell, I personally command more Monarch Rank combat power than your Clan does, so I am asking you politely to take them and go home. 

If you want a piece of the action here after this pathetic attempt at poaching, you need to ask the Archbishop, or one of his people."

The mage paused, considering his response before this situation got even more out of hand. Spellblades trained to fight above their rank, and were considered an Elite force all over the continent. 
