
Witry Mages

The ten mages were quietly joking with each other as Karl entered the arena space.

"A warrior? They think that a Royal Rank warrior can take the ten of us? We might as well have made a pair's challenge." One of the boys joked.

"He sure is confident for a little herbivore of a man." The girl beside him added.

[Make that one a smashing post.] Thor insisted, offended by the insult to his food choices.

"Are we ready?" The Mage team leader asked. 

Karl had initially thought his name was Witry, but that was also the name of a country north of the Hill Giant Nation, next to the Drake Riders' island. So, it was most likely addressing him by origin nation, not name.

Karl slung the maul over his shoulder and nodded. 

The mages began casting their spells as he brought up [Eternal Lightning] [Flaming Body] and [Circle of Protection] all at once, then cast [Blizzard] at Royal Rank, while Remi started a [Thunderstorm].
