
The Giants' Search

The search proved fruitless both for Hawk and the Hill Giants, as they returned every day for the next week, stopping before they could get in range of the artillery, and searching different sections of the line every day.

One day, while sitting on the line, watching the empty horizon, Tessa looked down at Karl from her spot on Thor's back. 

"Do you think that it's actually possible to interrogate a Hill Giant? I really want to know what in the world they've been looking for this past week. 

There has hardly even been an attack, they're so busy looking for whatever they're looking for." She asked.

The teacher closest to them burst into laughter. "Well, they are capable of speaking human common, but the odds of getting them to talk are pretty low. Hill Giants don't feel pain the same way a human does, so you can't really torture them for information, even if you have a way to restrain them."
